Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø After seeing his wife flatline, Brock hoped against hope that the doctors would be able revive Samantha.  However, when the medical staff appeared wearing their solemn poker faces, Brock simply mustered "No" before the doctors informed him Samantha could not be saved.  Robin, Jay, Dana and Ralph were equally disheartened as they watched the widower attempt to grapple with the cruel reality that his wife was dead, and that there was nothing anything could do.  (~)

ø Samantha's brother, Royce, returned to town a few days after his sister's passing, only to learn from Kendall Reyes that his sister was dead.  Refusing to believe the insidious joke, Royce rushed to Leysdale Hospital, hoping to find his sister slaving away at work.  Unfortunately, what he found was Dr. Erik Kerrigan, who to confirmed what Kendall had told him - his sister was now in the hospital morgue.  Pouring more salts into his wounds, following his emotional good-bye with his sister's corpse, Royce learned that his childhood friend turned nemesis, Earl Pryce, would make a full recovery thanks to the valiant efforts of his sister. (~)

ø The past once again an issue between him and Earl, Royce tried to reconcile why Earl was still alive after Earl's family caused his family so much pain.  Earl, not aware of Royce's recent tragedy, told the broken man to get over himself and realized that he wasn't the only one to suffer the burden of losing two parents.  Following Royce's visit, Evelin and Matthew revealed to Earl that Samantha Keller died shortly after securing an antidote for his virus.  (~)

ø Believing her visions of death at Leysdale Hospital were about Earl Pryce, Crystal Perez was relieved to learn from Matthew that his brother would make a full recovery.  However, her joy was shortlived when Matt revealed that her premonitions of death were indeed accurate -- Samantha Keller was dead. (~)

ø Brock's sister, Dana, continued to blame herself for not seeing the signs that pointed to great tragedy for her family.  Matthew tried to assuage her guilt, but she only ended up pushing him away by devaluing their connection and their so-called special gift.

***"It was so cliche," Royce realized as the limo carrying him and his brother-in-law came to a stop in front of St. Christ Cathedral. Rain-- now drizzle-- and thunder clouds dominating the day just like with his parents, as if he needed anymore of a reminder what a dreary day it was. This was, after all, his third funeral. He cried when his mother passed, he cried when his father passed, and he knew this day, too, would end in tears.

As he looked to his right, he noted the statuesque posture of his silent passenger.  The two men barely said a word the whole drive over.  And what was there to say aside from I'm sorry and I still can't believe she's gone. They were just hollow words on an otherwise depressing close to an even harsher month.  What did matter was they were doing this together, and Royce hoped that would comfort Samantha in her home away from home.

"Ready?" Royce could see his brother-in-law flinch the second he wrapped his hand around one of Brock's tightly formed fists.  Brock's body might appear like a strong fortress from the outside, but inside, he was just fragile bones and tissues, powered by an aching, beating heart.  The two men stepped out from opposite ends of the limo, and glanced at the building that held so many memories for them both, good and bad.  As Royce made his way over to Brock's side, he could see images of himself as an angry, confused teenager walking up this very church days after his mother's suicide.  He still felt some of that anger today, but he did not want to dillute his sister's memory by embroiling himself in the past, not if he could help it. 

For Brock, it was difficult not to be caught up in the memory of one the most cherished moments in his life as Royce pulled open the church door, bringing forth images of the altar where he and Samantha declared their love for one another in front of God and their family.  Of course, there was no altar today.  Just a long, narrowing walkway that led the way to his wife's casket.  Brock tried to stifle the tears that threatened to moisten his washed out appearance as he and Royce walked hand-in-hand down the aisle.  And even as he managed, his legs were like nimble chopsticks the whole way.  Royce, too, had to take a few hollow breaths while remembering the last time he saw his sister-- a naked jane doe the property of scientic study.  He nearly cracked that day, and probably would have if it weren't for Kendall.  He wasn't sure today would be any different, especially with the burial a few short hours afterwards.  But then he saw what Brock saw: a life-size portrait of his sister, beautiful as ever, smiling down on them.  Things would work out, they just had too.

Mysteries of Our Lives Title Card

While Brock lingered next to his wife's open casket, Royce returned to the main entrance to began seeing in friends and family of his late sister.  His in-laws, however, were already one step ahead of him, veering around the corner as soon as he made it to the doors.

Royce acknowledged them with as much enthusiasm as he could possibly on a day like today. Stepping outside himself, he watched as Ralph gave him a quick nod sans any words before his sister-in-law rushed to embrace him with that dreadful look of sympathy in her eyes -- he was his father on the day of his mother's funeral.  That need to be strong and controlled burned through him, even as he looked into the eyes of everyone that undoubtedly felt his loss.  Even as he was callously reminded through every thin apology and carefully dropped compliment about his sister.

Dana:  We're so sorry about Samantha.
Ralph: Yeah.  She was a remarkable woman.
Royce:  Thank you.  I know she thought the world of both of you.

Royce could feel the rehearsed dialogue of the words that escaped his lips.  He just knew the last thing Dana and Ralph needed was for him to fall apart, especially when they were equally worried about their own brother.  Fortunately, his salvation came walking up slowly behind Dana and Ralph, who both turned their heads to the sound of Kendall Reyes' footsteps approaching.  Dana and Ralph mouthed hello before making their way pass Royce into the church.  Kendall moved a few inches closer before greeting him with a light smile, which he returned before sheer silence crept in.  Truth be told, she really wasn't sure what to say without sounding patronizing or idiotic.  She also didn't feel comfortable hugging him like any ordinary person would given what happened the last time they got too close.  Granted a lot of time has passed since the night she broke the news to Royce and watched him unravel before her eyes, but she wanted to make this day as easy for him as possible.

But then that was an oxymoron if there ever was one.  This obviously wasn't going to be an easy day -- not for anyone who cared and loved Samantha.  As her mind continued to cycle through everything she shouldn't do, her brain suddenly jolted on the brakes when Royce casually extended his hand out to hers with a comforting grip.  He even smiled as faint as it was.  "So why pull back?"  She asked herself as she gripped her hand in his.  A few seconds later, he thanked her for coming.

Meanwhile, Brock Lombard silently looked over his wife, remembering happier times.  He was so stupid to have wasted a second of the time they had together misguided by what he thought happened in Paris between her and Ty Chappell.  He and Samantha connected the moment they met; he should have known she wouldn't be callous enough to sleep with one of her peers.  It wasn't in her nature.  Ralph and Dana quietly approached him from behind as Brock recalled how hard he fought to correct the mistake he made with Samantha.  Ralph couldn't help, but remember the conversation he had with his brother just a few days ago; this church had to be conjuring up a lot of old memories for his brother.

"You alright?" he asked as he placed one of his bare palms across his brother's shoulder. To his and Dana's surprise, his brother spoke, deflected as the answer might be.

Brock:  She just looks so peaceful.  Its like I'm just watching her sleep.  (he paused, but neither sibling dared to interrupt) I keep thinking how we met, and how I didn't know then what I knew about Samantha.  (he looked with accusatory eyes into the faces of his brother and sister)  I mean, I broke off our engagement because I thought she had been unfaithful with another man.  And then irony of all ironies, I'm the one that cheated on her.

Ralph knew all too well about Brock's sordid one-night stand with Leigh Gray, the same woman who came to this town, and insinuated herself into Ralph's orbit in order to get closer to his older brother.

Brock:  And I fought so hard to get her back.
Ralph:  And you won.  You even got her brother to finally accept you.
Brock:  No, that was all Sam, and she's gone now. 

His breath was hard and constricted as he forced out words he never thought he would say-- words that ringed like a horrible nightmare.  He could see the look of concern that washed over his brother and sister's face as he turned away from them, focusing solely on the sight of his wife resting in her casket.  "A casket!  His wife was in a casket?"  Triumphant failed horribly to describe what he felt this very moment.


The medium-sized grass plot, a few feet from the church, was quickly filling up with cars as Earl Pryce pulled his navy blue convertible into one of the few remaining spots.  Stepping out of his vehicle onto the freshly wet grass, he swiftly shut his door while waiting for his brother on the passenger side to do the same.  While Matthew eventually got out of the car, his hands remained affixed to the door.  Earl knew what was coming next.

Matthew:  Are you sure you want to do this?
Earl:  Samantha is the reason I'm alive today.  I have to do this.
Matthew:  It's just-- things might be a little tense with her brother being there.

Matthew reasoned as the very pregnant Robin Elkasinogen, and her husband, Jay, made their way pass the brothers toward the church entrance.  He offered a light smile as the couple waved, then returned his focus to Earl, who had made his way around to the passengar side of the vehicle.

Earl:  I'm well aware that Royce and I have our issues, but our families grew up together as much as he'd like to forget.  Samantha was like a sister to me.  I owe it to her to pay my respects.
Matthew:  Alright.  (Matthew knew better than to argue with his brother when he made up his mind.  So he simply shut the passenger door) I just don't want to make this day any harder than it has to be for the Kellers and the Lombards.
Earl:  Neither do I.  (Resenting the implication that he was somehow here to salivate over Royce's loss)  I'm not here to irritate Royce.  I'm here because I care.  Surely your sixth sense can tell you that.
Crystal:  What's that about a sixth sense?
Earl:  Crystal. 

He greeted her with a warm hug.  It had been at least a year since he last saw his former business partner and friend, Crystal Perez.  Looking at her now, adorned in black, and ready to join him and most of Hallandale inside to pay their respects to the late Samantha Keller Lombard, he had to wonder had life really been that busy that he couldn't even spare a few minutes every now and then to pick up a phone, and see how she was doing.

Earl:  It's been a long time.
Crystal:  Yes it has.  I'm glad to see that you're back on your feet again.
Earl:  Yeah, I owe that largely to Samantha.  If it weren't for her-- (he stopped, not sure he wanted to voice aloud how close the individual in the casket came to being him.  Catching the eye of his brother, Earl diverted the topic to Matthew)  You remember Matthew?
Crystal:  Yes.  We're kindred spirits so to speak.
Matthew:  That we are.  (Aside from Dana, Crystal Perez was the only other person in Hallandale that he knew shared his gift of predicting the future)  Is Billy not with you?
Crystal:  He dropped me off before attempting to find a parking space.  He should be here soon.

Crystal glanced over toward the church entrance, where she witnessed the very pregnant Robin Elkasinogen kissing Royce Keller on the cheek.

Crystal:  God, that poor man.  He must be going through hell.
Earl:  Yeah.  It really makes you stop and think.

Royce:  Don't get me wrong, it's lovely to see you, but what are you two doing here?
Robin:  You didn't think I was going to allow a few extra pounds to keep me away, did you? 
Royce:  (he cracked a smile at her analogy) Samantha would understand.
Robin:  Which is why I'm here because she would understand.

Robin went in to kiss his other cheek, her baby belly itching up against his pressed suit as she whispered into his ear, "Besides, someone has to keep an eye on you."  Her soon-to-be infant son seemed to agree, delivering another one of his signature kicks that vibrated off her abdomen and onto his stomach.  "Oh."  Robin cried out with a small giggle, having grown a resistance to her occasional bouts of morning turbulence.  For Royce, however, it was a whole new experience.

Royce:  Was that--
Robin:  Jay Sam Elkasinogen, II. says hello.
Royce:  Sam?
Robin:  Jay and I agreed it seemed appropriate.  Samantha was there when I decided that I wanted to keep this baby, and she was the first one outside of me and Jay to experience his first kick.
Royce:  Well, he couldn't be named after a better person. 

He attempted to mask the frown that creeped into his smile.  It really hit home for him in that moment how much his sister would never have the joy of experiencing.  For someone as nurturning and down to earth as his sister, the fact that she would never experience motherhood made no sense to him.  Of course, nothing about his sister's death made sense to him.  "Why did their precious lord feel it was her time to go?"  He asked himself through gritted teeth as Robin backed away, allowing her husband to slip in her place.  Jay Elkasinogen was a decent enough guy, but like Royce, he was one of those guys that kept things bottled in.  "And who can blame him?  Who would want to relive/rehash driving the vehicle that caused your own fiancee's death, even if it was through the fault of a reckless driver?" Royce reasoned the blame wouldn't go away as Jay extended his heartfelt condolences followed by a brieft, yet supportive hug.  The two then made idle talk about the whether, which was certainly a nice change of pace from anything else having to do with how he was doing.

Robin, meanwhile, approached the very attentive and beautiful Kendall Reyes.  A former supermodel, Kendall quit the modeling world to fight the causes of the common folk with HatcherKeller & Associates Investigations, even though she couldn't initially stand Royce Keller.  Of course, those two became quick as thieves when their friend and colleague, Kavina Shah, went down for the murder of Leonard Stone.  The question resonating in Robin's mind was how close.

Robin:  Hi Kendall.
Kendall:  Hi.
Robin:  I hear you've been really instrumental in helping Royce through this difficult time.
Kendall:  I'm just diong what any good friend would do.
Robin:  Friend?

Robin questioned, the suspicion in her voice evident.  However, before she could get an answer, her husband smiled lightly as he grabbed hold of one of her arms, bringing her attention to the recently arrived Earl Pryce, who was followed apprehensively by Matthew, then Crystal and Billy. Kendall moved forth immediately to Robin's keen observation, wiping their brief encounter from the memoy banks.  Instead, Kendall watched Earl, then Royce, who showed no clear-cut emotion.  Hoping he would exercise restraint, she diverted her attention to the ground momentarily while Jay, on the other hand, decided a quick get-a-way was in order as he casually whisked his wife away into the church.  He didn't want Robin anywhere nearby once the fists started flying.  Feeling everyone's eyes awaiting the next move, Earl finally spoke.

Earl: Look, I'm not here to cause any trouble. There was a time that you and Samantha were like a second family to me.
Royce:  Yes there was.

His words resonated with a sharp, yet somber pitch.  The days of the Pryce and Kellers being one big happy family had come and gone for Royce Keller.  And even as he remained the picture perfect definition of calm in front of Kendall and the others, he couldn't delude himself into thinking that Earl's presence today wasn't a bit hard to stomach.

Royce:  This day is about Samantha, and I suppose she would want you here.
Earl:  Thank you.  I'm sorry for your loss.

Royce gave him a slight nod as words of civility failed him.  Earl took the gesture for what it was worth and made his way pass, his brother following behind.  Kendall was relieved to see that Royce avoided a ride on that potential collision course.  With Earl and Matthew now inside, Royce gladly directed his energy toward a more positive set of guests.

Royce:  Thank you both for coming.  I heard about the tribute you both did for my sister.
Crystal:  Well, we couldn't have done that without Robin's help.  (Billy nodded his head in agreement)
Royce:  Even so, I appreciate it and the card.  It was great to see all the lives that she's touched.

Crystal touched his hand with delicate care, finding it hard not to emphasize with his current loss.  It had been over a decade since her own mother passed, and she still found it hard to deal with sometimes.  It was eerily similar to Samantha, a young woman in the prime of her life, suddenly gone.

Crystal:  I know this can't be easy, but we're here for you if need anything.
Billy:  (he stressed with a raise eyebrow) Anytime.
Royce:  Thanks.

Royce breathed in the moist air, trying to hold back any more potential tears.  He could smell that wet, dampness in the air that often persisted after a harsh rain shower, but there was something else hidden in the mist.  "Do you smell that?"  He asked Crystal, Billy and Kendall.  Billy and Crystal were quick to negate anything significant about the aftermath of a rain shower while Royce fought to determine what seemed so familiar about the smell.  And then it hit him-- raspberries.  He smelled raspberries.

Try as she might, Kendall did not smell raspberries.  She understood, however, why the the smell had lifted him in such a positive way.  Of course, she was the only one.  Crystal and Billy watched in confusion as he simply move pass them, directing his attention to the wet, semi-dark clouds above.  The worst of the rain shower was far from over.  Yet for a brief moment, the sun peered out from beneath the clouds, and Royce felt her presence so clearly.

***After about an hour and half of awkward greetings, the pews of St. Christ Cathedral were filled with many of Samantha Lombard's closest family, friends and colleagues.  On the right sat the Lombard siblings and the Elkasinogens front and center, while the Pryce brothers, Evelin Vasquez, Crystal Perez, Billy Clyde, Dr. Romain Chandler, and Sandy Reynolds sat in the next two rows.  Directly to the left were Royce, Kendall, and Dr. Jessica Chappell in the front. Behind  them were the newly engaged Malina Ramirez and Anton McCloud, and Rochelle Desmores, while Dr. Erik Kerrigan sat lonesome in the third row.

At the altar, Reverend Carter James felt the mixed range of emotions emanating around his church walls today.  He could also see the faces of his guests wet with grief, shock, confliction, concern, bitterness, rage, or a compliment of all six.  He knew he would reach some, and that others would have to find their own way in due time.  But he would try to reach them all.

Reverend James: "In times likes these, where hope is lost and despair is heighten, it's easy to lash out at those around you.  Pain and grief become your substitute way of living, but you're not living..."

The reverend stressed, his eyes landing coincidentally on Dana Lombard, who glanced over at her brother, Brock.  Brock, however, kept his head lowered during most of the reverend's sermon with the occasional peak toward his wife's casket.  Royce Keller found himself turning his head and catching sight of Earl, who was not sure whether to keep a straight face or offer a light smile.  And it didn't seem to matter much after Royce turned away.

Reverend James:  "Grief, remorse, self-hatred for what's happened, or what could have been, or what you could have done differently does not honor the memory of the one you loved.  Not when it obstricizes those left behind, not when it stops you from living the path you were meant to take..."

Dana couldn't help, but reflect on her actions over the month-- denouncing and destroying her tarot cards; blaming herself for what happened to Samantha, and by association, her friend Matthew Pryce.  She knew she had hurt him deeply the last they spoke.  In an attempt to realign herself with her family,s he had tossed everything else to the side, including him, like stray goods.  The fact that the two had not spoke since then probably meant he was finished with her.  Or maybe not, she thought when Matt's face lightly brighten upon catching her eyes in his direction, resonating a spark in her eyes that she found hard to conjure in the last month. 

As Dana returned her attention to her brothers, Matthew glanced over at his brother, only to find Evelin extending her hand out to his.  Earl, in response, wrapped his hand around hers.  Matthew wasn't sure what it all meant, but he was happy to see the two embrace one another.

Reverend James:  "You honor her memory by remembering the good and the bad times, and embracing the strength within each other because you are one unit.  You are all gathered here today through one common thread:  Your life was touched in some way by the late Samantha Keller Lombard."

"To some of you, Samantha was a daughter, a sister..." He looked to Royce in the front right pew, and continued his casual stroll to Samantha's in-laws, Ralph and Dana. 

Reverend James: "a wife..."  He looked to Brock.

Reverend James: "a colleague, and a friend." 

His eyes affixed on the lonesome Erik Kerrigan in the back, then to Romain Chandler and Sandy Reynolds at Erik's left.  Sandy was only there as a show of support for Romain, so it felt weird hearing the reverend go on about how they were all connected when she never even knew this woman.  From there, he shifted his focus upward, looking to Rochelle, Anton and Malina on his left, and Crystal and Billy on his right.

Meanwhile, Jay smiled as he watched his wife wrapping her hands around her baby bump.  Robin could feel her son's tiny little agreeable breaths as the reverend continued. 

Reverend James: "Honor those connections, and come together for death is not the end, but the continuation of your loved one's journey into another stage of her life.  She will follow in line with those that passed before her, and continue to watch over you in spirit.  Make her proud, honor her memory and let her see that you continue to watch over each other.  Amen."

All:  Amen.
Reverend James:  At this time, if there is anyone who would like to come forth and say a few words.

The room was still quiet, many of them waiting for the other to make the first move.  When the seconds turned to minutes, movement erupted from the back as Crystal and Romain both stood.  Romain, ever the gentleman, sat back down after signaling to Crystal that it was okay for her to go first.  Crystal rounded the corner of the pew, and proceeded down the aisle, locking her hand in Royce's before reaching the podium.  Standing tall, she looked at the room of people before her.  So many people who knew and cared for Samantha, many faces that she, herself, recognized.

She hadn't even put two syllables together yet, and her eyes were already beginining to water.  Glancing over at Samantha's portrait, she derived a bit of strength from her friend's smile, a smile that seemed to hit at all angles of the room.

Crystal:  Wow, this is hard.  (She sighed deeply)  I don't think I need to tell anyone what type of person Samantha was.  I think everyone in this room knew just how far she would go for those she cared about, and I was fortunate enough to be one of them.  (Her eyes wandered from Royce and Kendall's to Billy's, who gave her strength just by looking at her)  Samantha and I often laughed about how ironic it was that the love of our lives were two men we never thought we would be with again.  Yet they both came chasing after us, but she got the ring first.  (She laughed aloud, stifling the slight crackle in her voice.  Kendall, Royce, and few others laughed with her)  Oh, she would tease me relentlessly about whether Billy had proposed yet, and I told her one day, she wouldn't be able to hold that over my head.  (Crystal held up her left hand visibly as Matthew glanced over at Billy)  Silly me, it looks like she wins...

Romain:  I worked with Samantha for about two years, and I've never seen someone so dedicated to her profession.  Being a doctor wasn't just a career choice for her, she lived and breathed each case.  If there was something happening beyond on our expertise, she rallied us all together and got the research process started.  (Robin wiped away the tears from her eyes as she listened to Romain continue)  Many of us had given up hope of finding the antidote for blackadder36-- not Samantha.  She traveled long and far to save her patients.  That's the kind of woman she was, and the kind of physican you'd want on your side.  I'm gonna miss her.  (He looked glumly to Sandy, who smiled reassuringly as he made it through his brief speech before stepping down.  Dr. Robin Elkasinogen was the next to rise with help from her husband.  Once she was on her feet, she mananged to find her way before the room of mourners)

Robin:  I not only had the pleasure of working with Samantha, but the pleasure of being her friend and an intimate part of her family.  (She smiled down at Brock and Royce.  Royce offered a light nod in return, while Brock remained stoic, appearing to be listening at any rate)  During a rather troubling period in my life, Samantha was the one I turned to, and I don't regret it.  She had a way of letting you know that you messed up without appearing judgmental or sanctimonious.  I can't imagine finding a connection like that again.  (She reached for her tissues, apologizing to everyone as the tears began pouring out of her.  Crystal and Romain wiped away their own eyes as they watched Robin try to re-compose herself)  I'm sorry.  I keep thinking back to the last time I saw her-- 

Dana and Jay observed the heightened wetness of her eyes as she attempted to catch her breath.  They both knew exactly what she was talking about.  In fact, Jay became so concerned that he rose from the pew and started making his way to his wife's side.

Robin:  In her hospital bed, frail and trying to keep hope alive--  I remember picking up her hand and moving it along my abdomen--  (she went for another kleenex as Jay squeezed her free hand, making his presence known)  I remember the look of amazement in her eyes when she felt my baby kick.  And I thank God for that moment.  I thank God that I could give her that because she has given me so much.

And the speech was over as Robin burst into an uncontrollable sorrow, forcing her husband to seize control as he guided Robin and her box of tissues away from the podium.  Royce, Kendall, Jessica, Dana, and many from the back all looked on with concern as Jay dragged his wrought wife back to their pew, where her cries only dissipated minutes after she had taken a seat.  The good reverend brought over a bottle of water, which Jay took for his wife.  Shortly after, Earl Pryce rosed from the second row of pews, exciting both stunned and surprise glares from the guests, including Evelin and Matthew.  Earl passed awkwardly by Royce, hoping he had not pressed his luck.

Earl:  (clears his throat as all dominant eyes remain on him)  A long time ago, I used to know the very bright and fair haired Samantha Keller.  (clears his throat again)  I remember her constantly following her big brother and I around when we were younger.  Funny thing was her brother always thought it was because she was just doing what nagging little sisters do, but I suspect little Sam was crushing after her brother's best friend.  (A few of the mourners chuckled a bit, and to his surprise, so did Royce)  Even when her brother and I could no longer get along, she never made me feel alienated.  She never treated me like the scum of the earth for what our parents did.  She even saved my life.  I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for Samantha's valiant efforts.  And I'm going to try to right by the second chance she's given me.  Thank you.

He stepped away from the podium, moving first to his right where he shared his condolescences with the Lombards before moving off to his left, where he and Royce shared minimal glances before he walked back to his seat.  Royce broke away from Kendall, and took the plunge before everyone.  Jessica watched as his eyes locked on Kendall for a second.  The level of closeness between the two prior and during the service had been troubling her.  As a psychiatrist, she tended to overanalyze everything, but given the magnitude of loss that Royce has suffered, she didn't like that he was leaning on the shoulders of this virtual stranger.  Before she could question it anymore, the words of Royce's eulogy snatch her mind's focus to him.

Royce:  You know, something changes in you when you learn that someone you love is dead(Eyes drew straight to him as words mixed with fierce intensity and grief cracked through him)  When you realize that their not coming back.  (Dana stirred uncomfortably in her seat while even Brock, himself, who had been subdued through most of the service, was unable to keep his eyes away)  When the heart stops, and all you're left with are memories of days that will never come again.  (Kendall placed a hand over her mouth to block off the emotional disturbance that wanted to pour from within.  Royce took a slient breath, moving in a little more before continuing)  My sister died a heroine, but I'll be honest, I asked "what made her life more important than their's?"  Why did she have to go instead of them?  (Matthew took a guilty breath, and caught Evelin's eye land on him, while his brother looked intently at Royce)  You see, I am not like my sister.  I was not that good-- I'm not that forgiving.  (Sandy Reynolds rubbed her hand over her forehead, while watching this man breakdown unfold)  Because she is-- was my only sister-- and for her to be gone, out of this life-- out of my life-- you might as well be burying me today.

Malina and Anton's heart broke for him in his moment of angst and despair.  As Royce's eyes landed regretfully on his sister's casket, eyes from around the room lingered on him -- from Jessica to Ralph, from Dana to Matthew, from Robin to Romain, from Kendall to Earl...

***Following Royce's emotionally tense eulogy, mourners expected the grieving husband to say a few words, and while his immediate family tried to encourage him to go up and talk about his wife, Brock refused.  He wasn't sure he could.  It would just make it all the more final after listening to Royce go on about death and the life his sister was deprived of too early.  Even a month later, with her body now being lowered into the ground before him, he did not want to accept that this was the end.  Watching all these faces, familiar yet strange at the same time, place flowers upon his wife's casket as they let out light cries in remorse, guilt and duty.  They pale to match his own grief, his own sense of loss-- this was the love of his life!  The woman he flew halfway across the world to be with.  As he watched how closely the other couples around him were -- Billy and Crystal, Malina and Anton, Robin and Jay --  it was like someone from above was mocking him.  The light rain continued to trickle down as the groundsmen began piling the dirt on his wife's grave.  Brock suddenly felt claustrophobic, the sound of the dirt being ushered on to his wife's grave stirring a feeling of nausea unlike any other.  Dana and Royce came to his aid, helping him back upright, forcing him to watch and hear as the dirt continued to pile down on his wife's soon-to-be grave site.

After the burial, most of those in attendance for Samantha's service arrived for the reception at Monte Carlos, which had been closed down and reserved for the evening by Samantha's family.  There was plenty of hors d'oeuvres laid out in a delicate spread across the table, complete with a punch, and an alcohol bowl.  From the look of things though, the alcohol was definitely winning out.  Malina Ramirez just finished her own cup as she and Anton made their way over to the Lombards, who were seated at one of the tables.  Brock wasn't sure what he possessed him to stay for the reception, but he was quickly beginning to regret it.

Malina:  Hi Brock.  (She held her hands down nervously in front of her)  We really didn't get a chance to speak at the service, but we wanted to let you know how sorry we are for your loss.
Anton:  And we're here for you if you need anything. 

"What he needed was his wife back at his side, not the self-pitying hour.  Why couldn't any of them see that?"
Brock:  I can't do this.

He shook his head defiantly, moving from the table and heading straight for the exit.  In fact, the room was still spinning-- at least in Anton and Malina's view --from the mad dash Brock just made.  Dana, ever the concern little sister, rose from her seat, all set to follow after him.

Dana:  I'll go after him.
Ralph:  Don't.  I think he just needs some time alone.
Dana:  He needs to be surrounded by family and friends.
Ralph:  He has been and we're not going anywhere, but the last thing he needs is to feel like we're watching him, waiting for him to crack.

Dana sighed heavily, knowing her brother was right.  What she feared, however, was that if and when Brock finally did crack, they would not be there to save him.  Malina and Anton, meanwhile, continued to feel considerably terrible that it was there decision to try to extend a heartfelt courtesy to Brock that caused him to go screaming from the restaurant.

Evelin Vasquez, who just finished catching up with Rochelle and Billy, spotted Earl Pryce across the room, all by his lonesome.  She remembered things being a little tense between him and Matthew prior to the service, but then, that all seemed to pass once the service started.  Now hours later, Earl appeared deep in thought as she slid in next to him.

Evelin:  You haven't told him yet, have you?
Earl:  There really hasn't been a right time.  Plus, I get the feeling that something's up with him and Dana.
Evelin:  (seeing his overprotective nature threatening to rear it's ugly head again)  I'm sure it's nothing he and Dana won't solve.  You know how close those two are.  (Yet Dana remained glued to her family hips, while Matthew busied himself around the room, avoiding any possible alone time with her)
Earl:  Yes, they are.  And her brother just lost his wife.  Death is a strange thing -- it can bring people closer, or it can tear them apart.

He couldn't help, but think how things quickly changed between him and Royce after Royce's mother committed suicide, especially when Royce was convinced that Earl's mother had set it up to look that way.
Evelin:  I'm sure your brother can handle it.  Remember, you agreed he was man enough to make his own decisions.
Earl:  I know, but just because I'm leaving in a few days doesn't mean I'm going to worry any less.  I'm his older brother.  My parents trusted me to look after him.
Evelin:  Well, it looks like it's something you're going to have to learn to do from a afar, and I'm sure it's something Matthew will learn to accept.

Unbeknownst to Evelin and Earl, Matthew was now standing seconds within earshot.  At the refreshment table, Crystal Perez picked through an assortment of fruit, placing 2-3 of each on her small plate.  After breaking away from Rochelle and Evelin, Billy made his way over to his lovely girlfriend as she popped a seedless grape into her mouth.

Billy:  Is there something you need to tell me?
  What?  (She inquired, digesting the last bit of her grape)
Billy:  I've had at least three people walk up to me in the last half hour to ask when I'm going to finally pop the question.  (Crystal raised her hand over her mouth, not realizing the chuckle that emitted itself from her mouth until it was too late)  Its funny?
Crystal:  No.  (Her reddened cheeks betraying her)  I am perfectly happy with where we are right now.  I don't need a ring to prove how much I love you or vice versa.
Billy:  You didn't mention that during your speech.
Crystal:  I'm sorry.  I only brought up the proposal thing as a way of lightening up everyone's mood.  (She pulled her body in closer to him, drapping her hands around his neck before pressing her lips up against his.  The kiss, however, was a bit too swift for Billy's liking)  Am I forgiven?
Billy: (grinning ear to ear)  Maybe one more time?

The second time was much more passionate, sparking Crystal's psychic brainwaves with a brief, instantaneous vision of Brock Lombard surrounded by water, struggling to keep affloat as he gurgled the words "I love you" before surrendering to the cold depths below.  When the vision faded, Crystal pulled away from Billy almost immediately, a shiver escaping down her spine.

Billy:  You stopped?!  (Crystal stood in silence, trying to process the vision that just came to her)  What's wrong?
Crystal:  I-- I need to find Dana.

Outside, on the restaurant terrace, Royce Keller continued to evade the prying eyes of those inside for the reception.  Sitting back, he enjoyed the nice, fresh fall breeze that tickled through his long-sleeve casual dress shirt.  He kept waiting-- hoping -- that he would feel Samantha's presence again, but the air only reaked of the passing rain, and the night sky was clearly not going to be bring forth any light any time soon.  But then again, this was Hallandale, Massachusetts.  Kendall, who found herself near the terrace entrance, slipped outside, and was pleasantly surprised to find Royce.

Kendall:  There you are.
Royce:  Here I am.
Kendall:  If you want to be alone, I can go back inside.
Royce:  No, stay.  Besides, I could use the good company.

Her face light up a bit as she grabbed the table seat next to him.  The two sat there in the quiet dark of night, and looked at nothingness as the cold front pushed its way through Hallandale.  Jessica was about to step out onto the terrace herself when she spotted Royce and Kendall, and decided against it.  Ducking back inside, she quickly scampered away before either could notice her.  In her efforts to get away, she nearly bumps into Crystal Perez.

Crystal:  Jessica, have you seen Dana?
Jessica:  No.  Is everything alright?
Crystal:  I just need to find her.

Crystal abruptly answered, racing off in the opposite direction.  If the pile of dust left in her wake was any indication, Jessica hoped that Crystal got ahold of Dana soon.

Back in the main area, Earl was trying to reassure Evelin that he would break the news of his pending departure to his brother when she spied Matthew out of the corner of her eye.

Earl:  Look, I am going to tell--
Evelin:  Matthew!
Earl:  Hey man, I didn't hear you back there.  (Matthew could tell by the plastered grin on his brother's face that he had intercepted a very serious conversation)
  I'm not surprised.  You two looked thick as thieves.  What's going on?
Earl:  Nothing.  We were just making small talk.  Right, Evelin?

Evelin felt her throat tighten as both brothers' eyes zeroed in on her.  Even worse, the minute her eyes connected with Matthew, she knew her guilt was sold.  Earl was quick to maneuver the spotlight on to something else, but Evelin could tell by the look in Matthew's eyes and the tone in his voice that he was already suspicious.

Earl:  So, have you been with Dana this whole time?
Matthew:  No.  I told you I was keeping my distance, remember?  I was actually chatting with Erik Kerrigan, trying to give him the 411 on how everyone is connected.
Evelin:  That must have been fun.
Matthew:  Well, he at least knows who everyone is now.  I still, however, don't know what it is you two were talking about.  What's the big secret?

Evelin, realizing it wasn't her secret to tell, simply directed her focus to Earl, urging him with her eyes to break the news to his brother.  Just as he's about to confess, Crystal Perez intercedes.

Earl:  Look, I wanted to wait --
Crystal:  Matthew --  I'm sorry to interrupt, but have any of you seen Dana or Ralph?
Earl and Evelin: No. 

Crystal's interruption couldn't have come soon enough for Earl.  This wasn't exactly the climate in which he wanted to reveal his moving plans to Matthew.  The fact that Crystal was seemingly concerned, or looking for Dana made it even better because Matthew's focus immediately shifted.

Matthew:  I haven't seen them either.  Crystal, what's going on?
Crystal:  I had a vision, and I'm not sure how much more time we have left.

(<- Hallandale Pier ->)
The sound of the waves crashing against the water was a welcome distraction from the last couple of hours that Brock Lombard had to endure.  The service, the burial, the reception-- it was all just so systematic.  As he walked barefoot along the beachy sands beneath the pier, he didn't feel closure.  He didn't feel at peace knowing his wife was six feet under.  How could he when his mind was littered with thoughts of their past and their future, a future that was snatched from him.  He didn't even understand how his heart could beat so emphatically, yet feel broken and torn at the same time.  What he could feel was the power of the waves as they landed, sending the cold ocean water rushing inland.  What he could understand was the freedom of being swept away with the ocean's current and possibly never resurfacing again.

***While Anton McCloud mingled with Rochelle, Malina mixed herself another drink to calm her nerves, but the drink did her little good once she returned to the room of guests.  The ground suddenly felt like a spinning whirlwind, where random voices were being filtered out to her one by one.  Hidden thoughts?  Private conversations?  She couldn't tell when the subjects lips were moving one minute, and frozen stiff the next.  Making out Billy's voice first, she watched as he looked on at Crystal and Matthew running toward the entrance of the restaurant, where Dana Lombard had seemingly returned.  Each new voice merged itself with the old, so while she was hearing complete sentences, they were meshed halfway in between news ones. 

Evelin:  "The adventure never ends in this town."
Dana:  "What do you mean, he's in trouble?"
Earl:  "There he goes, chasing after another vision.  How is it that he's so much like our father when he barely had a chance to know him?"
Evelin:  "Matthew is going to be just Earl."
Earl:  "Living a life chasing after visions and vibes.  My father did that, and look where he wound up."
Crystal:  "I had a vision, Dana.  Brock, in the water, going under."
Royce:  "God Samantha, why did it have to come to this?"

Royce had managed to forget about the morning's events until he walked into Monte Carlos again, watching everyone floating from one side of the room to the next.  Rochelle watched as he approached Jessica Chappell, Kendall Reyes firmly attached to his side.

Rochelle:  There she is again, leeched to Royce's side as usual.
Anton:  Rochelle?!
Rochelle:  I'm just pointing out the obvious.  Kendall Reyes has been worming herself into Royce's life for some time now.
Anton:  She's his friend and a trusted colleague.
Rochelle:  Ha, you keep telling yourself that.

Rochelle scoffed, as she watched Jessica extend a greeting to the duo.  Catching a side view of his fiancee slightly glazed over, Anton rushed off to check on Malina.

Jessica:  Hi Royce, and you're Kendall, right?
Kendall:  Yes.  Nice to see you again.
Jessica:  You two.  (turning her attention to Royce)  I just wanted to speak briefly on my brother's behalf since he couldn't be here today.  He wanted to be.  Samantha meant a great deal to him.
Royce:  I know.  She spoke very highly of him.  How is Tyler these days?
Jessica:  Well, you know, life is never dull when you're working with and/or against the state to build better reforms for so many neglected children.
Royce:  I'm glad he's still fighting the good fight, and I know Samantha would be too.  Tell him I appreciate him thinking of us.
Jessica:  I will.

Anton:  Malina!  Are you okay?

Her eyes dart up at him, slightly glazed over from what Anton presumed was too much to drink, although he hardly knew his fiancee to over drink.  He watched as she mechanically dropped the cup of alcohol onto the table, her head still feeling as if it had just been through 6 or 7 rides on the merry go round.

Malina: I don't know.

Although her head was still slightly spinning, she noticed that the voices around her had seemingly stopped--  She was too afraid to listen to closely in case they hadn't stopped.  "What was going on?  How was--"  she questioned herself before Anton called out for her attention again.

Anton:  Malina, are you with me?
Malina:  Yeah.  Can we just go?
Anton:  Sure.  (he answered, unable to mask his confusion where this was all coming from)

(<- Hallandale Pier ->)
The night continued to grow darker and colder as Brock sat on bended knees, his tears hitting the sand below.  With nothing, but the wind and the waves to keep him company, he continued to hear excerpts of his brother-in-law's eulogy playing in his head.  He knew and felt Royce's pain, and he wanted to know why his wife's life was so expendable. 

Samantha:  Hi Brock.
Brock:  Sam?  (He shook his head, coming slowly to his feet as he wiped away the wet corners of his eyes to be sure he wasn't hallucinating, but there she stood in a white gown, her hair gusting in the wind)
Samantha:  Yes, it's me.  (She smiled with a flood of warm feelings flushing through her body)
Brock:  Oh Sam.

He ran toward her, extending his hands out so that he could sweep her up in his arms.  To his disappointment, his hands slipped right through her.  A look betrayal marring his face, he backed away from his wife's ghost.

Brock:  You're not real.
Samantha:  Well, no in the sense that you can't touch me, but I am here.  Brock, what are you doing out here?  You should be with your family.
Brock:  So they can coddle me?  Get me to open up?
Samantha:  They love you.  I love you, and I don't like you being out here all alone.
Brock:  You're here.  So I'm not alone.
Samantha:  In spirit only.  I can't stay-- not forever.
Brock:  Why did you leave in the first place, huh?  Why didn't you fight for us?

She knew there was a possibility that he would blame her, but it still didn't take away the slight sting to hear him say those words aloud.  The idea that she would put him, her brother and her friends through this amount of insurmountable pain -- it was unreal.

Samantha:  I didn't make the choice to leave.  (At the same time, she doesn't blame a faceless entity for her death)  Everyone has a purpose in this life, and I had fulfilled mine.
Brock:  What is that supposed to mean?
Samantha:  It means we cherish the time we got to share.  (She moved in closer to him, his steady breath now locked in between them)  Don't focus on the things we cannot change.  Remember our wedding day, remember every night that we would fall into each other's arms, remember how far we came to get here.

She raised her hand up to his cheek, and to his surprise, Brock could feel it brush up against his light stubble.  He only wish he could stay locked in that moment forever, but Samantha was losing her prominence in the night air and he could feel her hand less and less against his cheek.

Samantha:  Remember that I love you, and I always will.
Brock:  (he cried) You can't.  You can't leave me.

It broke her heart, but Samantha had stayed beyond her alotted time.  She had to leave him, and she tried her best to convince him that this wasn't the end.

Samantha:  I'm always with you.  In your heart-- always.
Brock:  No.  No. 

He cried out at her ethereal presence before she evaporated into thin air right before his eyes.  Dropping to his knees once again, he cried out at the ocean for his wife's return.

***Royce:  "What is going on?  Why were Dana, Matthew and Crystal rushing off to find Brock?"

Earl tried to remain calm, feeling no need to put up his defenses just yet.  Although he wasn't exactly sure himself why the trio had rushed off to find Brock.  Meanwhile, Malina shook out the sound of Royce's dominant voice in her head, realizing it was impossible for her to be hearing him in the comfort of her own home.  Yet she was, her head was throbbing from all the noisy disturbances.

Malina:  (massaging her temple)  Ugh, what is happening to me?

Earl:  Look, I don't know what's going on.  (Evelin looked intently between him and Royce) Crystal came up to us looking for Dana, and she told Matthew that she had a vision.  About what?  I don't know.  Since they went looking for Brock, I presume maybe the vision had something to do with him.
Royce:  You presume?  You've made quite a few presumptions today, Earl?  (Earl silently grunted in annoyance before Kendall stepped in)
Evelin:  This isn't helping.
Kendall:  Evelin's right.  We need to put our heads together, and think: Where would Brock have gone?

(<- Hallandale Pier ->)
Matthew, Dana and Crystal ran onto the beach below the pier, but there was no sign of Dana's brother anywhere as she called out to him.  Looking out toward the ocean, it was hard to make out anything with there being little light amongst the darkness.

Dana:  Brock!!  Crystal, where is he?
Crystal:  I don't know.  It all looks the same.
Brock: (faint in the distance) "Samantha!"
Matthew:  Did you hear that?
Dana:  What?
Matthew:  It sounded like someone calling out -- it was distant.
Crystal:  You guys, what if he's already in the water?
Dana:  I'm going in after him.
Matthew:  Are you crazy?  We don't know how far out he is, and there is major cold front.
Dana:  That's my brother, Matthew.  (She pried her arm from his grasp)  I'm not going to stand back and do nothing.  Not again.  (Matthew tossed aside his shoes)
Matthew:  I'm going with you.  Crystal, find the tower and get us some light.
Crystal:  Okay. 

Matthew and Dana walked into the freezing water and began swimming northward, trying to locate any sign of her brother.  They could only make out one another for the first few minutes before a flood of lights powered over the waters.  Crystal had made it to the towers, grabbing hold of a pair of binoculars to try to spot Dana and Matthew, or better yet, Brock.  It took a good minute or two before she made out a third lone person in the water.  She couldn't tell it was him until she saw his face come into view as he made on last effort to keep afloat.

Crystal:  Oh my god.  (grabbing the idle bull horn) Dana, Matt--  He's to your right.
Brock:  "I love you."
Dana:  No!

Dana Lombard swam like hell on fire toward her brother as he gurgled his last breath before surrendering to the depths below. Matthew paddled quickly behind while Crystal prayed they would reach him in time.  When Crystal shifted her focus away, she noticed Royce, Kendall, Earl and Evelin running on to the beach.

Evelin:  Is that your brother and Dana?
Royce:  What the hell is going on?
Dana:  (resurfacing for air, she screamed at the top of her lungs, having lost sight of him)  Brock!
Matthew:  Do you see him?
Dana:  No.  (She cried before diving back under; Matthew took a deep breath before following behind her)
Crystal:  Oh God, please let them find him.

It felt like hours before there was any sort of movement in the waters.  Crystal was starting to worry if Brock's safety wasn't the only one she should be fearing for when Dana emerged, empty-handed and alone.  Crystal was expecting Matthew to come up for air, but he didn't.  Dana seemed equally concerned, calling out for Matthew first, and then her brother.  She could feel her arms and legs starting to numb to the bare bones due to the temperature of the water, but she couldn't stop.  She shook off the shivers that crept up and down her spine, and dived back under.

Earl:  I don't see him.  Matthew didn't come back up.

Evelin held him back as Royce and Kendall made their way toward the tower, where Crystal was watching the events unfold through her binoculars.

Royce:  Crystal, what is going on?
Crystal:  Dana and Matt are trying to find Brock.  He went under just shortly before you guys arrived.
Royce:  What was he even doing out there?
Crystal:  I don't know.  I had a vision of him drowning.  (Kendall put her hand over her mouth to prevent from letting out a gasp of shock)  That's why we're here.  Hoping it doesn't become a reality.

Royce sighed in deep frustration, not understanding any of this.  This was not the way he envisioned his sister's funeral reception ending, but then, up until a few days ago, he never envisioned he would be hosting a service for his sister.  "What was going on with this world?"  Back out in the ocean, Matthew coughed for air as he and Dana emerged from the water, carrying an unconscious Brock.

Crystal:  They found him.

Kendall and Royce breathed a sigh of relief, trying not to focus too much on the fact that Brock and Dana were carrying an unconscious Brock back to shore.  Earl and Evelin met the duo halfway, helping to drag him out of the water as Royce, Kendall and Crystal joined the group with towels.  Crystal handed a towel to Matthew, who couldn't be bothered to wrap it around himself, his mind completely focused on Dana. 

Dana, meanwhile, took over like a seasoned lifeguard, administering her brother mouth to mouth before compressing on his chest in an attempt to free his lungs of the water he must have lodged.  His face was a deep blue, and Dana screamed "come on" again as she tried to hold on to the little hope in her finger that felt his faintly pulse beating against it.  Finally, on her third attempt, Brock coughed up a gust of water and Dana quickly rose his head mid-level, allowing him to spit it out onto the sand.  Crystal handed over a towel for them to wrap him in.  As Brock's lung cleared, his disorientation remained.

Brock:  Where is she?
Royce:  Who?
Brock:  Samantha.  Your sister -- she was here.
Royce:  That's not possible.
Brock:  I saw her.  I have to find her.

Several of them screamed "no" as he attempted to return to the water.
Dana:  Look at me.  You can't hide from the truth anymore.  You can't keep doing this.
Brock:  (his eyes teared up again)  I know.  I know that she's gone!!

He broke down into his sister's arm while Royce watched solemnly, knowing the depths of his brother-in-law's despair.  He was incredibly thankful that this day did not end with another tragedy.  And he wasn't the only one.  Samantha appeared one last time next to her brother, watching as he wrapped the last towel around Dana.  She smiled and kissed him on the cheek, realizing the worst had finally passed.  She whispered I love You in his ear before disappearing as easily as she appeared.  When Royce came to his feet, he felt compelled to touch his cheek.  Kendall inquired if he was alright, and he said he would be.  Crystal Perez came up behind Matthew, and pressed the towel against his wet clothes.  But in between shivers, he was just happy to see the Lombard siblings one again.

Click here for Episode 317