Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø News leaked to the press about the contentious relationship between Vanessa and Danielle, including unaffirmed claims that Vanessa was drugging Danielle in an attempt to secure her relationship with lead male model, Lucien Cane Mieraves.  Convinced that Danielle was behind the leak, Vanessa lashed out at her, and later, Lucien, who continued to rush to Danielle's defense.  Lucien, meanwhile, tried to smooth things out between the dueling ladies, but Vanessa continued to question his real feelings for Danielle and how inadequate she felt as a result.  (~)

ø During the annual Masquerade Gala, Brian and Jennifer shared a brief reunion until both friends were reminded of the reason behind their growing dissension - Brian was still in love in with her and refused to bury his feelings like a dirty secret, and she was in a relationship with a man - Romeo Sullivan - that he did not approve of.  Harsh words were exchanged, and in a fit of rage, Brian told her his move from the mansion would be a permanent one and that he wished her all the luck in the world now that she was realigning herself with Romeo.  (~)

ø Royce gave an agonizing eulogy at his sister's service, in which Kendall and Jessica were among several onlookers forced to deal with their own sense of remorse, guilt, sorrow and shame as his words echoed among the church walls.  (~)

ø After discovering a connection between his wife and the crafty Andrew Stokes, Derek hired a PI - Mitchell Desmores - to uncover all he could about Shalia and Andrew.

***Derek has the garage door open, letting the cool fall air keep him fresh as he works on a BMW that was brought in earlier in the morning. He often enjoys having the door open while he works as it prevents him from getting overheated.  He drops a wrench and looks over at the door way and spots Mitchell Desmores standing there.

Derek:  Mitchell, I didn’t hear you come in.
Mitchell:  It's okay, I can see your busy.  It's a wonder you're able to handle anything given--

Although Mitchell stops himself before echoing Derek's late partner's name, he can tell by the swift manner in which Derek turns away that his efforts were in vain.

Derek:  Yeah, I’m managing.  So, what brings you by?
Mitchell:  I have news about Shalia and I thought you’d like to know.

(<- Joy Gannon's Legal Office ->)
Danielle Marquez steps into the lobby of an older building.  She quickly looks around and sees a receptionist at the old wooden desk.  Danielle continues to observe the lobby as she walks over to the desk.  A water cooler in the corner; three green and yellow chairs facing the window with some magazines scattered on the coffee table in front of the chairs.  She looks up and sees some massed produced art on the walls.  She arrives at the desk.

Receptionist:  (looking up from her computer monitor) Can I help you with something?
Danielle:  Yes.  I have an appointment with Joy Gannon.
Receptionist:  Your name please?
Danielle:  Marquez.  Danielle Marquez.
Receptionist:  Ah yes.  (She points to the chairs facing the window) Have a quick seat; I’ll tell Ms. Gannon you’re here.

Danielle walks over to the chairs.  Just as she is about to sit down, Joy Gannon appears from behind her.

Joy:  Ms. Marquez?
Danielle: (turning around, she miles at Joy)  Yes, you must be Joy Gannon.
Joy:  Please come in to my office.

The two walk into the office where Joy moves behind the desk and sits.  The office is not large, fitting the rest of the lobby and building.  Danielle removes her jacket and sits across from Joy.

Joy:  So, how can I help you? On the telephone you seemed very vague.
Danielle:  I did not want to get into specifics on the phone, but I need your help.  I need some legal assistance.
Joy:  I assumed this much.  What is this regarding?
Danielle:  I need to file a restraining order against Vanessa Manthroll.


Mysteries of Our Lives Title Card

Dr. Jessica Chappell enters the nurse’s station in Leysdale Hospital.  She quickly drops some files in the IN folder for the nurses to file.  She looks up and quickly spots Royce Keller holding his arm.  She smiles as she hasn’t seen much of him lately.

Jessica:  (approaching)  Royce, hey!  How are you?
Royce:  Jessica!  I'm well, other than my arm.  I just had some blood work done.

"Strange," it felt for him to admit, given how often his sister and Robin would nag him to perform his civic duty, and donate at least four times a year.  Today is his fourth, just a week after Samantha's service.

Royce:  How are you?
Jessica:  I’m well.  I haven’t seen you since the …
Royce:  Service for Samantha. (he interrupts her as he noticed she was down) I know.  How are you holding up?
Jessica:  Some days are better than others.  I still imagine running into her in the lounge, catching up and gossiping about guys and stuff.
Royce(offering her a devilish grin)  Any guys in particular?
Jessica:  Ha!  There's nothing really new on that front, I mean, unless you count my ex- husband.
Royce:  (surprised by her response) William?
Jessica:  You want to go into my office?  We can talk more privately.
Royce:  Sure, lead the way.

(<- Springfield Correctional Center ->)
Kendall enters the visiting room in Springfield Correctional.  She quickly spots Kavina sitting in the far table waiting for her.  Kavina spots her friend and gets up.  The two share a quick hug, knowing that they aren't supposed to have contact.  They sit across from each other.

Kendall:  (smiling)  You look good … how are you?
Kavina:  As well as to be expected.  How are you?  How was Samantha's funeral?
Kendall:  Nothing eventful really happened.  A couple of people got up, including Royce, said some nice things about her and then we went to the reception.
Kavina:  What happened at the reception?
Kendall:  Long story.  It was intense to say the least.
Kavina:  (arches her eye brow)  Anything to do with Royce?
Kendall:  Royce?
Kavina:  He hasn't been in to see me in awhile.  Not that I can completely blame him.  I know things had escalated between you two the last we spoke.  So where exactly do you two stand these days?

(<- Joy Gannon's Legal Office ->)
  (clears her throat) A restraining order against Vanessa Manthroll? She's the model right?
Danielle:  That's correct.  She's been out to get me for some time.  You would not believe the things she has done.  She needs to be stopped.
Joy:  Slow down.  What has she done?  We need to be sure we have our ducks in a row before we go forward with this.
Danielle:  Where do I begin?  Let me see … for months, she was drugging me because she thought I was trying to steal her best friend, and I do say, best friend because the romance is all in her head.  There have been countless verbal and physical assaults.  Her drugging me was really the last straw.  I don't feel safe at work with her around.  How can I?
Joy:  So you work together?  (Danielle nods her head in agreement)  Of course!  I knew you looked familiar.  Can I ask you something?  Why not quit?  Seems like that would solve all your problems.

***Jessica and Royce enter her office, where Jessica shuts the door. The two sit on the same side of her desk, facing each other.

Royce:  You were just about to tell me about your love life and your ex-husband.
Jessica: (chuckles) Believe me, I'm not that desperate.  I'm working with Joy Gannon to ensure William stays in jail.
Royce:  I see.
Jessica:  He has a parole hearing coming up.  I just hope it goes well.  I will do whatever I can to make sure he stays in jail.
Royce:  I really don't blame you Jess.  The man put you through so much pain.
Jessica:  (nods and smiles)  How about you?  I noticed you and Kendall seemed close at Samantha's service.  What's going on there?
Royce:  (ponders his response for a moment)  We are just friends, Jess.
Jessica:  Really?  It looked like more at the service.
Royce:  I'm not going to lie.  I could see myself in a relationship with Kendall.  I've … it's been hard getting close to her though.  It's like she won't let herself get close to me.
Jessica:  Kendall has pulled away?
Royce:  Yeah, it seems that way.
Jessica:  What do you think made her pull away?
Royce:  I'm really not sure.  I wish I knew.  Women!  Confusing creatures you are.  (winks at Jessica)
Jessica:  Hey!  Not all of us!  Just be careful with her, okay?
Royce:  I will, thanks.  I'm starving … can you get away for awhile?  We can go for lunch.
Jessica:  (looks at her watch) I'd love to!  Let's go!

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
**The role of Lucien Cane-Mieraves is now being represented by David Moretti.
Lucien walks around the crowded plaza avoiding the people that surround him.  He needs nothing more than some time to think about the recent on-goings in his life.  Truth be told, he likes having the busy backdrop while he thinks; he prefers having noise as oppose to the quiet.  He doesn’t like it when things are too still, too silent.  He finds a table in the far corner and takes a long sip of his coffee.

Lucien: (quietly to himself)  How could one stupid kiss cause so much trouble?

His thoughts return inside his head.  Kissing another woman was so out of character for him. He knows himself inside and out.  He knows that he is a gay and that he has never been attracted to women ... so why did he allow himself in one innocent moment to kiss Danielle Marquez?

Lucien:  What have I done?

Meanwhile, Jennifer Everestt scans the plaza for a place to sit.  She looks over and spots Lucien by himself.  She approaches his table just in time to overhear him mumble something to himself.

Jennifer:  Talking to yourself?
Lucien: (looks up at Jennifer and makes an odd face)  Excuse me?
Jennifer:  Sorry, I'm Jennifer, my friends call me Jenni.  I see you're by yourself … do you mind if I use your other seat?  I just want to eat my lunch, and as you can see, the plaza is packed.
Lucien: (quickly scans the rest of the plaza and does see that there is not an empty seat to be found) Sure, have a seat.
Jennifer:  Thank you.

She takes a seat and starts to bite into her turkey wrap.  She notices that Lucien looks a million miles away as he drinks his coffee.  A few more seconds of silence follow before she's no longer able to stand it.

Jennifer:  So what's your name?
Lucien:  (bringing his attention back to Jennifer)  Um, oh, it's Lucien.  Sorry, I have a lot on my mind.
Jennifer:  It's cool.  Lucien-- cool name.  So, do you come here often?
Lucien:  Just when I need to think.  I guess I like having the noise and the faceless strangers.  It helps me focus on the thoughts in my head.
Jennifer:  Wow.
Lucien:  That's weird, huh?
Jennifer:  Not at all, I tend to be the same way.  I have a confession to make though.
Lucien:  Oh?  Do tell.
Jennifer:  When I asked you what your name was… I already knew who you were.

(<- Ben & Derek's Mechanic Shop ->)
  You have my attention Mitchell.  What exactly did you learn about my wife?
Mitchell:  Where do you want me to begin?
Derek:  How about the beginning?
Mitchell:  I did some digging into her past, Derek.  It seems Shalia was born in Coral Springs, not New Orleans.
Derek:  (stunned that even her place of birth would be a lie)  Are you sure about this?
Mitchell:  Positive.  She was living up there up until about seven years ago, when she vanished.  I couldn't find a trace of her until her arrival in Hallandale two years prior.
Derek:  This doesn’t make sense.  Where does a woman disappear to for seven years?
Mitchell:  I have no idea.  But that's not all I found out.  There's more you don't know about your wife.

***Derek:  What do you mean you have more news?  I just found out that the past seven years of Shala's life are a complete mystery … what more could there be?
Mitchell: (puts his hands up)  Hey, I don't have to tell you if this is too much for you Derek.  It's your call.
Derek(takes a deep breath and calms down)  No, I'm sorry Mitchell.  It's just a lot to take in, you know?
Mitchell:  I understand.
Derek:  So, what else did you find out?
Mitchell:  Well, there is virtually no employment history for Shalia.  It's like she's never worked a day in her life.
Derek:  What about Colbert Industries?  She was doing shipping and exports there.
Mitchell:  I'm sorry Derek, her name isn't on any of the company files. For Colbert Industries, it's like Shalia Mendez doesn't even exist.
Derek: (flabbergasted)  How is this possible? Colbert helped verify her whereabouts after Ben's plane went down!  This is all so confusing.  Something is going on here Mitchell!  She has no employment history?  Where has she been working all this time?  How did Colbert verify her whereabouts?
Mitchell:  I have a flight to Louisiana.  I hope to get answers and try to uncover the connection between her and Andrew Stokes.  I’ll fill you in when I get back?
Shalia:  (enters the mechanic shop) Am I interrupting something?

(<- Springfield Correctional Center ->)
Kendall:  Nothing is really going on between Royce and I, Kavina.
Kavina:  Really?  (Grins sensing that something is going on with Kendall and Royce) Anyone that sees you two together can feel the sparks bouncing off the wall.
Kendall:  I've been helping him deal with Samantha’s death.  He's a great guy, but I'm not the woman for him … chemistry or not.
Kavina:  What are you scared of, Kendall?  Royce is a great guy.
Kendall:  He is a great guy.  I don't need to be reminded of that.
Kavina:  Then what's the problem?
Kendall:  There is no problem!  (she lowers her voice a few decibels after realizing she just raised it a few pitches)  Can we drop it please?
Kavina:  Okay, okay. (Obviously whatever her reasons, Kendall wasn’t ready to share) I have good news anyways!
Kendall:  Oh?  Do share!
Kavina:  If everything goes well, I could be getting out next month!
Kendall:  That's so exciting!  It would be great to have you back.
Kavina:  I look forward to that more than you know.

(<- Joy Gannon's Legal Office ->)
Danielle: (still reeling from her lawyer suggesting she quit her job)  Excuse me?  Why should I quit my job?  I have done nothing wrong other than do my job … and do it well.  This crazy bit…
Joy:  (interrupting before Danielle could finish her list of adjectives)  You're young, you're beautiful and you've clearly got a good knack on this modelling thing.  You could work for many other places.  That's all I was saying, Danielle.
Danielle:  (calms down)  Thank you for the nice compliments.  There are a lot of reasons I need to stay with my current employer.  My sister, Michelle, recently lost her husband; my modelling is a way I can continue to support her.

Although she doesn't know why she should be bothered now considering her own sister has the authority to kick Vanessa Manthroll out on her derriere.

Danielle:  Plus, I like my job.  I don't want to quit and let Vanessa and her insane jealously win.  I'm not backing down from this, Joy.  The only thing stopping me from going to the authorities is my loyalty to Lucien, the guy she believes I'm trying to snare for myself.  He really cares about her… Can you help me, please?
Joy:  (sees the unwavering determination in Danielle's eyes that she herself once had)  I won't lie.  It seems like a long shot, but I will see if I can get a temporary restraining order against Vanessa... outside of anything professional.  With the nature of your job, it would be hard to get any court to rule in favour of a full restraining order.  I'll be in touch with news once I hear something, okay?
Danielle:  (stands up and shakes Joy's hand) Thank you so much Joy.

***Danielle has returned to H&B Fashions as she wants to practice her new choreographed moves.  Vanessa watches from a far and smirks.  She knows that Danielle will never be the model she is, nor will she ever be the woman in Lucien's eyes that she is.  She still can’t believe that Lucien is upset with her for her actions against Danielle; she wishes he would understand that she drugged Danielle to protect him from her clutches.  As Danielle spins and looks into the camera, Vanessa's blood boils.

Vanessa:  (interrupting the practice photo shoot laughing)  Oh my!
Danielle:  (stops turning and glares at Vanessa)  Is something funny, Vanessa?
Vanessa:  Nothing really.  It's just entertaining seeing you amateurs at work.  Twirl.  Spin.  Wink.  (smirks)
Danielle: How dare you!  I'm here trying to improve my career as a model and doing a fine job at that.  Who do you think you are coming over here and telling me I’m not good enough?
Vanessa:  Because sweetie, you're not a good model.  You're a wannabe that's hogging my spotlight.  Just face it, you will never be as good as I am, so you can stop trying.
Danielle: (chuckles) Oh please, Vanessa.  You're just jealous that Lucien comes running to me and not you! You're jealous that I have a better relationship with him than he does with you, his supposed best friend!
Vanessa:  Do not compare your relationship with Lucien to mine!  There is none!
Danielle:  Or so you'd like to think!
Vanessa:  (moves up to Danielle and slaps her hard across the face, and then proceeds to yell) Shut up! Just shut up!

(<- The Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)
The Cypress Plaza remains filled with patrons as Jessica and Royce find their way to a vacant table in the middle of the plaza, eaching taking a seat with their sandwich and soup.

Jessica:  This was a nice idea.  Thank you for inviting me for lunch.
Royce:  (finishes chewing a bite of his sandwich before he continues) It was my pleasure.  It had been far too long since we've seen each other.
Jessica:  I'm glad we are making up for lost time now.
Royce:  Me too.  I'm still perplexed about something though.
Jessica:  Oh?  What's that?
Royce:  Why no man has snatched you up for himself.
Jessica: (laughs)  I've been busy, Royce.  You know that old saying, love will find you?  I guess that's what I'm waiting for.

Inside her head, Jessica remembers having a brief attraction to a man... the same man that is representing William.

Royce:  I guess that's how it works.  The guy that gets you though will be one lucky man.
Jessica: (smiles)  Thanks Royce.  You're good for girl's ego!
Royce: (grabs Jessica's hand and squeezes it)  I'm just being honest.
Kendall: (approaches the table and feels a pinch of jealousy seeing Royce holding Jessica's hand)  Am I interrupting something?

Lucien: (hoping he has not agreed to a personal lunch with some crazed stalker) And how, by chance, did you know who I was before you sat down?
Jennifer:  Okay, so I'm not a freaky stalker or anything … but I recognize you from the H&B fashion show a few weeks ago.
Lucien:  Ah yes.  (smiles)  I guess a lot of people would have saw me there.
Jennifer:  So what made you decide to get into modelling? Other than the fact that you're gorgeous?
Lucien: (blushes a little)  Thanks.  I really just did modeling after college.  I figured it would make me more extroverted, but here I am, thinking alone in a busy plaza.
Jennifer:  I see, I see.  So what were you thinking about?
Lucien: (he isn’t sure why, but he feels comfortable with Jennifer, so he decides to open up)  It's a long story, but my best friend has been jealous of another woman that I have been working with, despite my best intentions to let her know that we are only friends.  My best friend has done some shady things to my co-worker and I just feel all this stress about the situation.  The stress is really impacting my relationship with both women.
Jennifer:  Sounds kinda similar to my situation, actually.
Lucien:  Really?  How so?
Jennifer:  My best friend was in love with me too.
Lucien:  Really?  Interesting.  What happened with you and your best friend?
Jennifer: (sighs) Well, our relationship has become stressed by it.  I don't feel the same way Brian feels about me.  He's moved out and we haven't spoken to each other for awhile.
Lucien:  I don’t think that'll happen with Vanessa and myself.  We have too much history.
Jennifer:  History doesn't mean a thing when love gets in the way.  Just be careful, okay?
Lucien:  I will, thanks.  And try not to give up on your friend.
Jennifer:  Easier said than done, but thank you.

(<- Ben & Derek’s Mechanic Shop ->)
Derek: (shifts his eyes from Mitchell to Shalia) Of course you're not interrupting Shalia; Mitchell was just leaving.
Mitchell:  Thanks for everything Derek.  We'll be in touch.
Derek: (shakes his hand)  Yes.  Travel safe, alright.
Mitchell:  Will do.  It was nice meeting you, Shalia.
Shalia: (slightly confused)  Yes, you as well, Mitchell.

Mitchell exits the mechanic shop.

Shalia: (arching her eye brow)  Travel safe?  Is Mitchell going somewhere?
Derek:  Nah, I have to do a repair on his car and he got one of those crappy rentals until I’m done.  So... what's up with you?
Shalia: (comes closer to her husband and runs her finger down his chest)  I got off work early and came to see you for lunch. '’ve missed you lately, we haven't been able to see each other a lot lately.
Derek:  I know, I'm sorry.  Our schedules have been so crazy.
Shalia: Shhh. (she kisses his neck) Now's not the time to talk. Let's reconnect. (she kisses him passionately.  Derek responds, but leaves his eyes open) "Close the shop and take care of your wife."

The words resonate in his head as he admires-- examines -- his wife, realizing he has to go along with her seduction attempt, or she will get suspicious.  He walks over to the garage door and closes it down. He proceeds to lock it before returning to his wife and kissing her passionately.

***Royce: (quickly removing his hand from Jessica's)  Kendall?  What a surprise!
Jessica:  Would you like to join us for lunch?
Royce:  Yeah, sit.  Jessica and I were just catching up.
Kendall:  I'm sure you were.  I'd love to join you though.  (sits down at the table)
Royce:  Do you want me to go get you a sandwich and soup?
Kendall:  Sure, that sounds great.
Royce:  Be right back.

Royce gets up and exits the table.

Kendall:  Just lunch, huh?
Jessica:  Yeah, just lunch Kendall.  Don't act like something is going on between Royce and I.  We are just friends.
Kendall:  Okay, okay.  I believe you.
Jessica:  While we are on the topic of Royce though, I do have something to say to you.
Kendall:  About Royce?  What could you possibly have to say?
Jessica: (sternly) Don't lead him on.  If there's no future for the two of you, tell him.  Don’t hurt him though.  He just lost his sister, he doesn't need any more heartbreak in his life right now.
Kendall:  I’m…
Royce:  (interrupts the two women's discussion.  He places a tray down in front of Kendall) Why is everyone so serious here?  Everything okay?
Kendall:  Yeah, Jessica and I were just coming to an understanding.  Right Jess?
Jessica:  Exactly.  (Smiles over at Royce)

(<- H&B Fashions ->)
Danielle: (staggers up, holding her stinging cheek after Vanessa just slapped her)  How dare you!
Vanessa:  That's only the start of what I will do to you if you continue to push my buttons.
Danielle: (raises her hand to slap Vanessa back, but slowly stops, realizing that she can now use this to further her case with Joy)  You just made your biggest mistake yet, Vanessa.
Vanessa: What's that supposed to mean?
Danielle:  (quickly walking passed Vanessa toward the door)  Oh, you'll find out soon enough.

Vanessa finds herself harkening on the words, even after the door the studio slams shut, signaling her rival's bitter exit.

(<- Ben & Derek’s Mechanic Shop ->)
Shalia: (catching her breath)  That was amazing, Derek.
Derek:  (pulling up his pants, still distant from his wife)  It was intense.

As Shalia lays in the afterglow of making love, Derek looks at her conflicted. He just made love with his wife, the woman he is supposed to spend the rest of his life with ... but his conversation with Mitchell is still fresh in his mind.  "How can he spend the rest of his life with a woman who has been lying to him this entire time?  And what more could she possibly be hiding?"

Shalia:  You okay, baby?
Derek:  Yea, I'm good.  Everything is just perfect.

Click here for Episode 318