Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø While jogging, Darron shared another run-in with his ex, Widlin.  The two competed in a carefree race around the park, in which Darron lost, and had to pay up by taking Widlin to lunch.  In the middle of finalizing the plans for their little lunch date, Juliet arrived, green with envy, that her boyfriend and his ex- had rediscovered their friendship.  (~)

ø After learning that Akeira had been spreading gossip about his former romance with Widlin Pierre, Darron confronted Akeira alone at home while she was looking after her son.  During their heated banter, he strongly advised her to back off of those he cared about, or else.  (~)

ø Shanna invited Andrew into her world of painting, in which she helped him paint a faux portrait of his brother and her ex- husband, Terrell Bryce.  Later, Shanna broke down in Andrew's arms after realizing how much she still longed to see her husband (Ben), and that her mausoleum of static painted canvases fail to compensate for that loss.  (~)

ø Despite his heartfelt plea about wanting to make amends where his son was concerned, Alexander failed to win over Kyle's fiancee, Lacreasha.

***Shanna Hemmings grips a few canvases under her left under arm while locking the door to her art studio, anxious to slip off into the dark autumn night.  When she hears the lock turn over, she quickly retrieves her keys and makes an abrupt turn toward the exit.  She only makes it two or three steps down the path when she spots him, decked in black, inevitably headed straight for her.

Andrew hasn't seen her since their stolen kiss nearly three and half weeks ago.  After the way she broke down right after it happened, he decided it would probably be best to lay low for a few days.  He couldn't risk her pushing him away, not if things were to go according to plan.  However, looking into her eyes now, he can see that he had made a serious miscalculation; that the last person Shanna Mallory Bryce Hemmings wanted to see at the end of her path was him.

Andrew:  Hi.
Shanna:  I was just leaving.

She responds as she makes her way around him, canvases in hand.  He doesn't even have time to think about the implications of his actions as he grabs her arm abruptly, forcing their eyes to re-meet.
Andrew:  Really?  Because it seems like you're running?

Shanna makes no effort to acknowledge his statement.  It pretty much evaporated into thin air the moment they escaped his lips.  Instead, her focus is solely on the manner in which he manhandles her as if he's entitled or something.  She can see her non-verbal message registers as he quickly drops her hand and proceeds to apologize.
Andrew:  I'm sorry.  I just think maybe we should talk about what happened.
Shanna:  What is there to talk about?  (The inflammatory intonation in her voice indicating otherwise.  She must have noted it because her voice softens as she continues)  I love my husband, and he's gone.
Andrew:  And we kissed.
Shanna:  No, you kissed me.
Andrew:  Yes, I did, and I know I shouldn't have-- (the end of his statement trailing off as she intercepts him mid-sentence)
Shanna:  You're damn right you shouldn't have, and you never will again.

(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Garden Ridges Park is always more romantic and seclusive in the evening after all the children and teens have scurried away.  Couples setting up intimate little spots under one of the trees located throughout the east and west end of the park, or simply just taking a stroll down the nature trail.  Occasionally, you might find a stray jogger or runner.  Tonight, it happens to be Akeira Smith Desmores talking with her husband over her cell phone as she pushes her son's carriage through the park, which is lit mostly by nearby lamp posts.

Akeira:  "Roy and I are doing just fine, but we miss you.  When are you coming home?"

She unloads herself on the closest parked bench, placing Roy's carriage directly in front of her so that she can look into her son's handsome face.  His eyelids flutter up and down every few seconds while he wiggles his small mitten-covered hands up in the air.  At the same time, Mitchell advises her that he could be delayed at least another 24 hours.

Akeira:  "So you're no closer to figuring out what's going on?"
Mitchell:  "It just seems to be one roadblock after another.  Whatever business she had down here, someone went to great lengths to keep it quiet."
Akeira: "Just be careful.  I mean, you have no idea who you're dealing with, or the people she's connected with."
Mitchell:  "I'm not going to start any fires, but I'm not giving up either.  I just need to regroup and tackle this investigation from a different angle."
Akeira:  "Well, I hope you crack this case soon.  This place is a little less threatening when I have both of my favorite guys nearby."  (She makes a googly face at her son, gently touching his little stomach)
Mitchell:  "What do you mean?  Has someone been harassing you?"

Flashback: Episode 315

Outside Akeira and Mitchell's home, Darron has just confronted Akeira after learning that she had been spreading gossip about him and Widlin to Juliet.

  (scoffs) Once a blackmailer, always a blackmailer.  Only your threats aren't going to work on me.  You also conveniently forget the role you played in Ralph Lynchetterette's death.  I'm sure child services would be very interested in that.

Akeira's face turns an impossible shade of blue, and that's when Darron knows he has discovered her Achilles heel.
Darron:  You see, you've underestimated me because I've been in this game long before you have.  So you keep lording that secret and you see where your child ends up.
Akeira:  Don't you dare threaten my son!!
Darron:  Whoa.  For a second there, you almost sounded like a loving mother... Stay away from Juliet!  In fact, stay away from anyone I care about or you'll see you're not the only one that can play games.

Mitchell:  "Akeira?!  Are you still there?"
Akeira:  "Yeah, I'm sorry.  It's nothing, really."  (She tries to convince herself, although it takes a minute for her hand -- trembling against her son's carriage -- to get the message)
Mitchell:  "You sure?"
Akeira:  "I'm positive!"  (She smiles, appreciating his concern)  "Anyhow, it's getting late.  I should get our little guy home."
Mitchell:  "Alright, give him my love."
Akeira:  "Will do.  Good night."

She hangs up her cell phone, placing it absentmindedly in her lap while arching over her son's carriage.  The fresh air had done the trick, and he was now sleeping peacefully.  Every minute she spent with him only cemented her resolve:  no one was going to take him away from her.  Pushing his carriage away from the parked bench, Akeira stood as her cell phone flopped to the ground.

Akeira:  "Shit!"  (she clutches down in an instant to pick it up, praying the touch screen display has not been damaged in the impact.  As she retrieves her cell phone, a dark overpass forms around her and her son's carriage.  When Akeira comes back to her feet, she is stunned to see Alexander Pierre lurking over them)  What are you doing?  (She inquires, promptly pulling her son's carriage away from his grasp)
Alexander:  I saw an abandon baby stroller.  I was simply--
Akeira:  He wasn't abandoned.  I was right here.
Alexander:  You were out of view, and all it takes is about 30 seconds for someone to catch you off your guard, and anything can happen.

Mysteries of Our Lives Title Card

Akeira:  (planting herself at the side of her son's carriage)  Is that a threat?  If so, let me grab my tape recorder and you can do a quick rendition for the authorities.
Alexander:  (he chuckles)  Oh Akeira, you know I don't make threats.  (Akeira can see the dark undercurrent brewing behind his eyes as his chuckle ceases)  I make promises.
Akeira:  Well, here's a promise for you:  I will not allow you to turn my son into your sick salvation project.
Alexander:  He's not just your son, he's our son.
Akeira:  Our implies that we are a packaged deal, and I want nothing to do with you.  Roy has a father, and we are very happy together.  (Alexander lunges forward, rocking the edge of Roy's carriage)
Alexander:  If you think I'm going to stand by and watch another man raise my son, then you're in for a huge surprise.
Akeira:  That's all he is to you, isn't he?  A piece of property for you to mold into your splitting, disgusting image.
Alexander:  You had no problem with my image when you were sleeping with me in hopes of getting your hands on my money. 
Akeira:  I'm not going to sit here and listen to your filth.
Alexander:  Oh no, you're not going anywhere.

On the opposite end of the park, Leigh sits sideways on a parked bench facing Lacreasha Dupree.  She is filling Lacreasha in on the latest chain of events at the paper since Queen Helen DaVille brought down her suit against Showtime Limits for its coverage on the Hallandale Weston shooting.
Lacreasha:  I can not believe this Queen DaVille woman is causing a huge stink over one lousy article.
Leigh:  Well, imagine how I feel being the one that wrote it. 

To think, when Leigh realized that her first news story would be the Hallandale Weston shooting, she was worried that she wouldn't do a good enough job.  She never imagined all this headache would result.
Lacreasha:  You were just doing your job as an objective journalist.  This thing will blow over in no time.
Leigh: Oh, don't count on it!  Every one of the queen's supporters has been calling up the paper, blasting us for condoning the wrongful assault of the queen, defaming her character-- oh, and "my personal fave" (she gestures with air quotes) -- tainting the public opinion in order to advance our agenda of seeing Seth Stapleton tried on a lesser charge.
Lacreasha:  (appalled and stunned at the same time)  What?!
Leigh:  I'm sure that's why Kyle is late.  He's been fanning the flames all week.
Lacreasha: Uh gawd.  As if he needs any more ridiculousness to deal with.
Leigh:  What else is going on?
Lacreasha:  It's not what.  It's who!

(<- The Rendezvous Shack ->)
The sounds of R&B and hip hop can be heard outside the Rendezvous Shack as patrons wander into the trendy, over 30's crowd establishment.  Many of the singles hit the bar, while the larger groups head straight for the dance floor as Usher's U Don't have to Call continues to cause a mass disturbance.  Away from the dance floor, a few dozen other guests enjoy a light meal and casual banter.  In the dead center, Widlin Pierre spies Darron with Juliet, Romain and Sandy.  Judging by the goofy grins on their faces and the empty glasses in their hands, she can tell they are having a good time.

Sandy:  You're kidding?
Romain:  What's wrong with Tyra Banks?
Sandy:  She's okay.  I just figured you for a little more substance.
Romain:  Ouch!
Sandy: I'm sorry.  I just feel she embodies this outdated view of what a woman needs to look like.
Darron:  Well, I think Romain is considering some of her other assets.
Juliet:  And what would those be?
Darron:  You'd have to ask Romain.  I'm more partial to Halle Berry.
Sandy:  Hmm... not bad.
Juliet:  Well, I think Darron's already establish he has good taste.

Juliet boasts as she pulls her boyfriend into a steamy liplock.  Romain and Sandy swear that several eyes migrate to their table, but they fail to make out the disgruntled ones of Widlin Pierre's.
Widlin:  "Bartender, make that a double."
Romain:  Alright Ms. Substance, who is your sexiest man alive?
Sandy:  No thinking necessary.  It's Duane "The Rock" Johnson.
Juliet:  Ooh, I'll second that.  (Juliet reaches across the table to connect her glass with Sandy's)
Romain:  A former wrestler turned actor?  How substantial.
Sandy:  Don't think I don't see right through you?
Romain:  Touche.
Juliet:  Alright, next question: favorite movie genre.  Darron?
Darron:  Action.
Sandy:  Ooh Darron, do elaborate?
Darron:  Action Adventure.  (He stresses, directing his eyes on Sandy)
Sandy:  That's too bad.  (She takes another sip of her drink while the group's face redden a little bit)
Juliet:  Romain, what about you?
Romain:  Comedy.  (Juliet shifts her eyes to Sandy)
Sandy:  Ditto with Dr. Chandler.
Juliet:  And I'm a sucker for the romance.
Sandy:  Romance and Action Adventure.  I would imagine that would render a couple of interesting titles.
Darron:  Depends, do you have some recommendations?

Sandy giggles as the chorus of 504 boyz' I Can Tell You Wanna ramps up in the background.

504 Boyz - I Can Tell You Wanna

"...No, No, No you ain't gotta say to much
From the look in your eyes
I can tell you wanna fuck

And you ain't gotta call me ya boo
Just as bad as you wanna fuck..."

Romain:  Okay, looks like I'm up.  (He turns over the next card in his deck)  What's the wierdest place you've had sex?
Sandy:  Need I say more?
Juliet:  Call me old-fashion, but I think sex is something that should be indoors.  (Sandy blushes)  AND in the privacy of one's own bedroom.
Sandy:  So you've never even ventured away from the bedroom?
Juliet:  Like I said, I'm pretty old-fashion about sex.  I take it you've experiment?
Sandy:  Well, there were a few instances with my neighbor's jacuzzi, but I would have to say the weirdest was definitely behind a bush.  I mean, the sex was great, but having ants crawl up your -- (Juliet is visibly disturbed by the image that pollutes her mind while the guys seem mildly amused)  Well, let's just say, we took a much needed shower.
Juliet:  What about you, Romain?
Sandy:  Please, he was with my sister.
Romain:  Your sister isn't the prude you make her out to be, but no, I never ventured outside the bedroom.
Sandy:  Could explain why none of his relationships ever worked out?
Darron:  I just think he keeps going after the wrong woman.  I mean, Laura Sedwick was hardly a prize.  And you sister?!  She took him on an emotional rollercoaster for months before he finally got the good sense to kick her to the curb.
Juliet:  Darron!
Darron:  I'm sorry.  Believe it or not, there was a time when I was rooting for him and Sherri, but it was a bad match.  You know I'm right, bro?  (He arches his eye brow at Romain)
Romain:  Yeah, I've made a few blunders, but who hasn't at this table?  (There is a silent agreement amongst them all)
Darron:  Well, I, for one, don't plan on making it again.  Right honey?
Juliet:  Absolutely.  (She cheeses, once again rubbing their bliss in the faces of Romain, Sandy and anyone else who happens to be watching as they embrace in another kiss)

***Andrew makes a few casual steps toward Shanna, close enough that she can hear him, but far enough that she doesn't feel trapped, especially considering her back is still turned to him.
  I've obviously upset you.
Shanna:  (defeated, she drops her art supplies to the side before abruptly facing him)  I'm upset with the situation, Andrew.  Because I feel like I have betrayed my husband.
Andrew:  You've done nothing wrong.  I was the one that initiated the kiss.
Shanna:  Why?  Why did you do it?
Andrew:  I think you know why.

(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Leigh:  So what's Alexander done now?
Lacreasha:  He's just opening up old wounds.  Trying to convince Kyle that he's had this epiphany and wants to be a better father to his children.
Leigh:  Don't bite my head off, but maybe he does.  Would a reconciliation really be so bad?
Lacreasha:  (she sighs heavily)  No, not if it were based on genuine feelings.  I mean, I barely remember my father.  He just up and walked out of our lives one day.  So I can understand what this opportunity means to Kyle, but at the same time, we all know what kind of man his father really is.
Leigh:  So what are you going to do if Kyle decides he wants to give Alexander a second chance?
Lacreasha:  I'll have to support him.  I'm not going to let that man destroy what we have.

Meanwhile, Kyle rushes to the east side of the park in what used to be pressed shirt and tie, but is unable to locate Leigh or Lacreasha.  After spending about five minutes wandering the surrounding area, he tries to reach his fiancee on her cell phone, but ends up with her voice box.
  Hey Creash-- You must have your phone on silent.  I got tied up at the office again, but I'm in the park.  Call me.  I love you.

He takes probably the first breath he has taken all day after he hangs up his phone.  Then he scans the park and realizes that it isn't all that crowded.  If they were here, he should see them.  He's about to move further down the trail to the opposite end of the park when his eyes catch lock on something across the way.

When Alexander refuses to move out of Akeira's path, the cornered mother takes a step back, stepping in front of her son's carriage to ensure that her recent altercation with his biological father hasn't disrupt him from his sleep.  Fortunately, his eyes remain sheltered from the dysfunction that is his parent's relationship.
  It's late.  Roy is tired, and I'm not in the mood to go 30 rounds with you.
Alexander:  Mm-Hmm.  You can't keep doing this: I deserve to be a part of my son's life.
Akeira:  I think we have a very different view on what you deserve.  (Like venom, the words spew from her lips.  So much for not wanting to go another round?)
Alexander:  He's an innocent in all this.  He shouldn't have to pay for our mistakes.  Can't we try to work this out without the ugliness of a trial?
Akeira:  I don't want to have this conversation right now.  I just want you to get out of my way so I can go home.
Kyle:  Is everything alright?  (Both Alexander and Akeira appear visibly stunned when they realize the interceding voice is Kyle's)
Alexander:  I was just trying to visit with your little brother.
Kyle:  By arguing with his mother?
Alexander:  I was not--  I am simply trying to spend a little time with my son.  After all, I was cheated out of the first few months of his life.
Akeira:  You wanted no part of his life, Alexander!  You are not the victim here.
Alexander:  Make no mistake, woman.  It is you I wanted no part of. 

Akeira hates to acknowledge it, even to herself, but his comment stings a little.  Although she can't argue that his discontent for her is certainly mutual.
Alexander:  But Roy-- (It still feels a little odd to him calling his son by a name that has no significant meaning to him whatsoever)  he is my son.  And you can only cut him out of my life for so long.

(<- The Rendezvous Shack ->)
After their last round of 50 questions, Darron and Juliet hit the dance floor, just as "No Ordinary Love" by Sade entered its second verse.  The lyrics were undoubtedly about lost love; words and emotions that Sandy Reynolds found herself relating to as she watches the couples on the dance floor hold onto one another for dear life.  Just as she feels herself entertaining a thought of Mitchell, her eyes are pull toward Romain, who gives her a half smile after lightly caressing her arm.  After a second's glance, they continue to bounce to the lyrics while watching Juliet and Darron.

Juliet finds herself empowered by Darron's aftershave, as she imagines his lips coursing its way down her body the way his hands does.  There was no doubt in her mind why he had such success conning wealthy woman out of their riches, and into his bed.  She can feel the draft of his aftershave as he moves back up, kissing the tiny crevices of her neck before syncing finally with her lips.   
  This is nice, isn't it?
Juliet:  What?
Darron:  The two of us under the disco light, no excess cargo.
Juliet:  Well, we'll have to go back over there eventually.
Darron:  Not necessarily.  We could always slip out the back.  (he crooks his neck expertedly)  Head back to my place.  I could--

He leans over, whispering something into her ear.  Juliet giggles, calling him a naughty boy, as she throws her head back.  The climatic chorus to "No Ordinary Love" soon eases into TLC's Red Light Special, causing some couples to scamper away to the bar.  Widlin, who just finished her third or fourth glass, traipses onto the dance floor, heading right in Darron and Juliet's direction.  She doubts the alcohol has hit the spot yet, but she felt like dancing, so why not grab the man she wants tonight? 
Darron:  I could be tamed, depends how bad you want it.  (He twirls her around, her back now against his chest as he kisses the back of her neck)
Juliet:  Stop-- (She chuckles and tingles from his touch)  You're making this very hard.
Darron:  That's the plan.  (He gives a devilish grin.  Juliet closes her eyes for a split second as a foreign voice penetrates her auditory channel.  When she opens them, standing in front of them is Widlin Pierre)
Widlin:  Do you mind if I cut in?
Juliet:  Actually--
  Don't worry, I'll give him back.

She teases, sashaying her body between the two of them.  Juliet has never been so offended in her life and is about to see how natural Widlin's roots really are when Romain pulls her back, inviting her to dance.  Although she is still fuming, Juliet realizes causing a scene over one stolen dance isn't going to do her any favors.  But she doesn't stray too far, keeping a mindful eye on her boyfriend and Widlin.

Darron, meanwhile, is equally confused as Widlin begins dancing seductivly in front of him, clearly having reached her alcoholic limit.
Darron:  What are you doing?
Widlin:  Dancing, but if I'm moving too fast...
Darron:  You know that's not what I meant.
Widlin:  (draping her hands across his shoulders)  Relax, I'm just having a little harmless fun.

She twirls herself around with one hand latched to his shoulder bone, curving her body slowly down in front of him, and then quickly upward in a three-quarter turn, so that their eyes are squarely back on one another.

Widlin:  You do remember what that's like?  (Feeling slightly uncomfortable by their close proximity, Darron clears his throat before pulling back 2 or 3 steps)
Darron:  No offense, but I was having a pretty good time until you swept in between me and Juliet.  Not cool, by the way.
Widlin:  I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to spoil your fun.  I can go somewhere else if it's too much of a burden for you to dance with me.  (She starts to circle around him, but his hand on her wrist stops her)
Darron:  Wait!  (He looks over in Juliet's direction.  Juliet, however, quickly averts her attention back to Romain to avoid appearing like a jealous, overly anxious girlfriend watching her boyfriend and his ex)  I suppose it would be a shame to let a good song to go to waste.  (Widlin smiles, taking his lead as the song enters its last verse prior to the chorus)

***After the end of Red Light Special, Juliet tears herself away from Romain and heads back to the table, where Sandy has just ordered herself another drink. Romain, meanwhile, scurries off with Darron to the men's room-- no doubt to discuss some the events that took place on the dance floor with Widlin.  Even twenty minutes later, Juliet finds herself fired up by Widlin's stolen dance with Darron.
Juliet:  Thank you for sending Romain in after me, although part of me wishes you hadn't.
Sandy:  Well, the last thing Darron needs is to see you getting into an altercation with his ex.  Besides, you two are solid, and I think Widlin knows that.
Juliet:  Didn't stop her from throwing herself at him.
Sandy:  Key words: throwing herself.  If she had even an iota of a chance, she wouldn't feel the need for such antics.  I'm telling you, she's no threat.
Juliet:  If she's neutralized.  (Much like a roach when it comes into contact with raid, she thought as she reclined back in her seat)  That woman felt no qualms about inserting herself in between me and Darron tonight, and I essentially let her.
Sandy:  You had a little help-- (she hastens to add) and Darron didn't exactly turn her way.
Juliet:  Because she's managed to suck him back into her orbit.  (she chuckles to herself)  My mother always warned me about flames --  docile and tempered, they'll keep at bay;  left alone, and you're sure to get burned.
Sandy:  So what are you going to do?
Juliet:  I'm going to go powder my nose.

Sandy is sure she must have missed something because Juliet's response comes completely out of left field.  As her eyes follow Juliet's path toward the women's restroom area, clarity sets in when she catches a quick snapshot of Widlin Pierre veering inside.  With her friend charging not far behind, Sandy promptly raises her cocktail glass.  "Get her, girl."  She toasts, downing the liquid.

(<- Outside of Shanna's Art Studio ->)
Andrew:  (he stands facing one of the trees)  I'm not even sure when it happened.  But you became more than the woman I was grateful to for getting me out of that bind last year. 
Shanna:  Well, of course.  You built me an art studio, allowing me to rediscover a gift that I had given up on a long time ago.  You've seen me through a timultous couple of months.  It's only natural that we would feel a connection with one another.
Andrew:  (reading more into her hypothesizing, he turns away from the tree, looking into her dark brown eyes)  I do feel a connection, but it's more than friendship or gratitude.  That kiss we shared was just one of many that I had dreamed up at least a dozen times before.
Shanna:  That kiss never should have happened.  My heart is buried with my husband.  This connection you feel -- I can't return it.
Andrew:  Perhaps not now, but--
Shanna:  No!  I love my husband.  (She stressed adamantly, her eyes glued into his retinas)  Present-tense.  There will never be anyone else.
Andrew:  (he doesn't know what happens, but something just clicks and he can't stop the question as it cuts from his lips)  Do you really think your second husband deserves eternal love?
Shanna:  Excuse me?  (She feels a lump form in her throat)
Andrew:  Well, you can't deny that you were married once before Ben, and you probably thought you would love him forever as well.
Shanna:  My past marriage has no relevance on what's going on here, and I resent you implying that my love for Ben has some sort of time table on it.
Andrew:   I know that you're still in love with your husband, and it is not my intention to tread on that.  I just wanted to explain why I did what I did.
Shanna:  (she snaps)  Well, you have.  And I think it's best we forget it ever happened.

(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Lacreasha stands from the bench as Leigh makes a slight yawn, feeling the day's tasks finally catching up to her.  "I wonder what's keeping--"  Lacreasha starts to question as she pulls out her cell phone, and notes that she has one new voicemail message.
Lacreasha:  Great!  My stupid cell switched to silent.

She quickly punches one on the keypad to access her voice messages.  Two minutes later, she disconnects the call and attemps to reach Kyle.  Five rings later, his answer machine picks up) 
Lacreasha: Oh nice.  (She hangs up her phone slightly irritated; a concern Leigh then rises from the bench)
Leigh:  Was that Kyle?
Lacreasha:  Yeah, apparently he's in the park, but he couldn't locate us.
Did he come through the correct entrance?
  If he's as scattered as I suspect he is, probably not.  Let's go.  (The two ladies grab their things and head for the opposite end of the park)

Kyle:  Is this really the time or the place to be settling this argument -- with your son smacked right in the middle?
Alexander:  I'm not trying to be contentious here, but every day that goes by is another one that I'm written out of my son's life.
Kyle:  Akeira, if he promises to let you leave, could you give him a minute with his son?
Akeira:  He has 60 seconds.

Alexander wants to argue, but he feels he better take what he can get at this point.  As he kneels down below his son's carriage, his ex's eyes never wavering away from him for a second, he really looks at his son for the first time -- the roundness of his son's cheeks, the small curly mane atop his head, even the sheer smallness of his size.  It's a lot for one to take in within the span of 60 seconds.  He watches the comforter over his son's chest rise and fall with every breath that his son takes, and its hard for him not to reach out and kiss his forehead.  He couldn't allow Akeira to obstracized him from the one good thing that came out of their brief, torried affair.  He wondered if his son even knew what was going on.  If he knew that his real father was watching over him.
Akeira:  Zero.  Time's up.

She says matter-of-factedly, as if she had been counting each second the moment Alexander knelt down below Roy's carriage.  Alexander simply glares at her before rising to his feet.  He then watches as Akeira hastily grabs her son's carriage and pushes it pass him.  When she is about to pass him successfully, he leans over and whispers into her ear, "Make no mistake, this isn't over."

Akeira:  Good night.  (Brushing off his threat as she moves past him)
Kyle:  Good night.  (He watches his father stare down Akeira and Roy as they make their way out of the park.  The man in front of him is a virtual stranger)  I better get going myself.
Alexander:  Kyle... wait!

(<- The Rendezvous Shack :: Women's Restroom ->)
The karaoke portion of the eveniing is under full swing as a blonde bombshell in a sulty red number performs a rendition of Fiona Apple's Criminal.  The sounds of her performance, however, are muffled in the women's restroom, where Widlin Pierre is busy washing her hands.  A few seconds later, the sink auto shuts off and Widlin makes her way over to the napkin dispenser at her right.  While drying her hands, she catches sight of her reflection in the mirror.  Despite flying solo tonight, she looks pretty damn good tonight.

Juliet:  I know what you're doing.  (she announces as she comes out of one of the stalls, appearing right behind Widlin's reflection)
Widlin:  Excuse me?
Juliet:  That little scene on the dance floor.
Widlin:  I have no idea what you're talking about.
Juliet:  Then I'll bring down to the basics.  Darron is with me now, so back off.

Click here for Episode 319