Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives": Summer of Seasonal Eruption
ø Billy was none to please to hear that Mindy was cozing up to Morgan Hysterias, the man that singlehandedly dismantled his company for no apparent reason. Mindy tried to convince Billy that Morgan's decision wasn't personal, and that he isn't the reincarnation of the late Javier Sanchez.  But in an angry huff, Billy accused her of having misaligned allegiances. (~)

ø At H&B Fashions, Vanessa was livid after being served with a restraining order. Lucien's attempt to explain away Danielle's actions only added more fuel to the fire, solidifying for Vanessa the undeniable rift that had formed between them.  Later that morning, Vanessa confronted her nemesis with the protective order and warned her she would not stand by and allow her to use it as yet another way to come between her and Lucien. Danielle, in a rather harsh tongue, told Vanessa she is the source of dissension between her and Lucien, and no one else.  (~)

ø Upon discovering her art studio vandalized, Shanna and Jessica were escorted to the police station for official statements. Shanna, however, remained mum about the exact nature of her conversation with Andrew Stokes the night before the vandalism, although mounting evidence suggested he was not only a likely suspect, but operating under an assumed identity.  (~)

ø Earl realized he could no longer hold off in letting his brother know that he was leaving town, and made a call to Matt urging him to stop by the apartment.  Despite desperately wanting to track down Dana, Matt agreed.  Meanwhile, Evelin let the cat out of the bag as she informed Royce that Earl was leaving Hallandale tomorrow night.

***"Most people will tell you that I have an unyielding faith--well, I used to.  Then my sister-in-law died, and the whole world became irreconcilable.  My youngest brother says it was just grief, but I know our brother's condemnation comes from some place deep.  After all, I trusted the one thing that caused us so much pain.  And when a trust like that is broken, there is no denying the hope that dies with it."

Her fingers locked on the keyboard, she turns her head away from the bright glare of her laptop screen.  .  It had been two weeks since she locked it away, yet this is the first time that she begins to wonder if it was mistake.  She knew if Matthew were here, he would tell her it was--that she was giving into her own self-defeating guilt.  Her fingers still locked on the keyboard, she jerks them away just seconds after her laptop begins emitting a loud, intrusive beep.  Stirred from her moment of doubt, she returns her eyes to her laptop screen, where she sums up her feelings in one word.

"Resignation!  An accepting, unresisting attitude.  As I look around Hallandale, Massachussetts, I see a city as vibrant and deceptive as where you might live.  Where deep inside the fabric of the community are people on the brink of surrender.  Think about it.  Think about those around you who've been vilified, questioned, and/or neglected; those who've loved and loss; those just overcoming one adversity after another . . ."

Brock Lombard looms over a black granite monument that stands upright in New Haven Cemetery.  The monument remains in top-notch shape, moderately decorated with floral arrangement at both ends.  Most of the flowers bloom on the mild-tempered autumn morning, but one or two wither away just like his thirst for this life.

"Odds are they'll tell you it's a welcome descent.  Yet for every downtrodden, worn out soul out there, there is one that keeps presevering against all odds.  Yeah!  They'll tell you to never give up. . ."

Vanessa Manthroll takes a deep breath as the elevator doors open, announcing her arrival to the third floor.  Stepping off the elevator, she looks down at the legal document in her hand.  Her blood re-boils just thinking about the implications of the fineprint.  She had to act now.  If her nemesis wanted a fight, then a fight she intended to give Danielle Marquez.

"But where pain, heartache and frustration grows, how long before your resolve simply goes?"  The woman reclines back in her chair, staring at her latest blog entry.

(<-- HatcherKeller & Associates Investigations :: Evelin Vasquez' Office ->)

Evelin Vasquez Evelin sets down her cup of morning coffee, and continues to read over Rochelle's arguments for the home invasion civil suit.  The words on the paper, however, might as well be written in hieroglyphics because none of them register with her.

The ticking wall clock mounted above the archway of her office door only compounds the issue.  It was only a matter of hours now before Earl Pryce left Hallandale for good.

Flashback: Episode 322 - The Breakroom of HatcherKeller & Associates Investigations

Evelin explains, "It's going to take a little while to get use to, but I know this is what Earl needs in order to be content with himself."

Royce moves in closer to the oval shaped table, and unconsciously drives his fist into it.  "And what about your own happiness?  Earl is leaving, where does that leave you?"

"Earl's leaving has nothing to do with me."  She turns away from his magnifying gaze, only to catch the eye of one of their colleagues--a man in his mid-to-late 20's with a bit of limp to his walk--stepping into the breakroom. Evelin advances back toward the table, taking a seat where she had been previously been pacing back and forth.  Royce joins her as their unexpected third party lingers in front of the vending machine.

She adds in a whisper, "The fact is Earl and I are not together, and I doubt even if we were, that it would stop him from leaving Hallandale.  He's relocating for his son."

"And when he goes, so does your chance for a relationship with him."

"I realize that."  She diverts her focus to the man at the vending machine, only to find him more concern with retrieving his vending goods than their private conversation.

"So you're conceding?"

"He's leaving tomorrow!  What am I supposed to do?"

A trepid knock stirs her from the distressing question, her eyes landing on the receptionist standing outside her office door.  She instinctively straightens her posture, hoping she had not clocked out too long.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, Ms. Vasquez, but there is a woman out front insisting on speaking with you."

Evelin takes a quick look at her appointment calendar, and brushes off the intrusion.  "No, it's fine.  You may send her in." 

The receptionist returns to the hall, and informs the tall, slender-built blonde that Evelin will see her now.  She shoots up from her chair almost immediately, grabbing hold of a yellow manila folder.  She smiles graciously at the receptionist, who can't shake the feeling that she's seen the blonde somewhere before.

"Thank you for meeting with me, Ms. Vasquez."  The two women exchange hands for the first time.

"No problem."  Evelin lets go of the woman's well-manicured hand.  "What can I do for you, Ms. . . ."

"Manthroll.  Vanessa Manthroll."  She opens the manila envelope and hands over the legal document.  "I need your help."

Evelin instructs her to have a seat as she glances over the legal document. 

"This is a temporary restraining order, in which the plaintiff has filed against you."

"Can you help me have it overturned?"

"Possibly.  We would have to convince a judge that you're not a threat to Mrs. Marquez.  What exactly is going on between the two of you?"

"Danielle and I work for the same agency, and this is just her latest attempt to tarnish my reputation.  You see, she's jealous of my relationship with a fellow co-worker, who also happens to be a dear friend of mine."

Evelin could certainly see how a woman like Vanessa could strike envy in someone.  She just had a feeling there was more to this story, especially given what she read in the protective order.  "Would that be Lucien Cane-Mieraves?"  Vanessa shakes her head affrimatively.  "His name is mentioned several times in the order, but Mrs. Marquez maintains you're the one with the jealous tendacies."

"That's completely ludicrous.  Lucien and I have been friends--allies--since childhood.  That woman would like nothing more than to sever our bond, so she can swoop in and have him all to herself.  I can not let that happen."

(<- Cypress Plaza ->)

Widlin PierreWidlin Pierre thanks the barista as he hands over her medium to go coffee order.  She makes her way around the line of people waiting to place their orders--so that's what she believes until she finds half of the patrons congregating near the newstands.  Whatever was frontpage news was obviously attracting a bit of chatter, none of which Widlin wanted part of.

"Excuse me?"  She says to a dark-haired woman obstructing her path.  When the woman turns her head, Widlin stumbles back in surprise, nearly dropping her coffee cup in the process.

"Widlin!  What a nice surprise."  Akeira Smith Desmores shoots her a smile that screams this was no accidental run-in.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"There is no need to be so hostile.  I am here reading up on the morning news just like everyone else in town."  Waving the newspaper in Widlin's face, she further adds, "And I must say, it's nice to see your father's flare for it hasn't changed."

"Well, you would certainly be the authority on things that don't change.  Excuse me!"

"Why such the rush?"  Akeira pulls the newpaper to her side.  "We're old friends, aren't we?"

Widlin scoffs at the laughable remark.  "What is it that you want, Akeira?"

"To prove a point," she states pointedly.  "I'm not as easily intimidated as your black knight might think, and perhaps you both should be wise to remember that I know where the skeletons are buried . . . literally."

"Oh.  So we're back to blackmail again?"

"I'm just stating facts.  Contrary to popular belief, I really have no use for you or your father.  My main focus is giving my son the life that he deserves."

Widlin retorts, "Because you're such a great mother?!  Is that what motivated you to pass someone else's cancer-ridden son off as your own?"

"I never claimed I was perfect.  We all make mistakes.  You are certainly no paragon of virtue, and neither is Darron Wolek, for that matter."

"What is your point?"  Widlin spits, her frustration becoming evident to passebys.

"I will not allow you, or your father, or that thug you're still infatuated with to take away my son," Akeira chokes back the tear that threatens to fall, "I will see you destroyed first.  That's a promise."

Widlin bites her tongue.  The unfortunate truth was--is--that Akeira knew one of her darkest secret, a secret that if exposed, could bring her family to ruins.

(<- Trio :: Bar ->)

"Just a minute," she shouts out while stooped down behind the bar.  If it weren't for the bell going off, Crystal Perez wouldn't have even known anyone was there.

Earl Pryce"Take your time," he responds nonchalantly.  Crystal's ears, however, are perked by the sound of his voice. She finishes placing the last of the beer bottles from the crate, and rises to her feet.  She finds that her ears have not been deceiving her; Earl Pryce is indeed standing in front of the bar of her restaurant.

"Earl!"  She screams out his name, moving from behind the bar to show him just how happy she is to see him.  He makes a joke about her being hard at work as usual before they share a warm embrace.

Parting from their embrace, Crystal defends, "I had a great mentor."

Earl takes pride in the statement, and silently thanks her.  "Well, you've done a great job.  It's hard to believe that this was once a small business effort you and Taneia dreamed up in high school."

"Yeah, it is."

"How is Taneia, by the way?"

"She's good," she affirms with the nod of her head.  "She's managing a night club in New York now.  We try to touch base at least once a month."

"I'm glad to hear."

"So what brings you by?"

Crystal detects a bit of apprehension as Earl moves over to one of the dining tables, where he spies the restaurant's signature menu.

"Well, I would love to try out the menu," he shifts his eyes from the menu back to her, "but there is actually some news I wanted to share with you first."

"Should I sit down?"

"No.  It's not bad, at least I don't think so.  I'm leaving Hallandale--tonight--for good."

"Wow.  I thought I picked up on a strange vibe between you and Evelin at the memorial reception."

"Yeah, she's been urging me to break the news to my brother, but I just couldn't with everything that's been going on."

"The last couple of months have been rough.  Nonetheless, I can't imagine it was any easier for Matt to digest once you told him that on top of everything else."

"Has he been here?"  He asks, hoping it might explain why she is taking the news of his departure so casually.

Crystal smiles.  "No.  You're just a good source of psychic energy.  He'll understand in time."

"I don't know.  He was pretty upset with me, and I can't blame him."

"But he loves you, and he knows who you are.  He will come around."

"Thanks. I appreciate the reassurance."


(<- New Haven Cemetery ->)

Brock LombardBrock plays with his wedding ring while crouching down at his wife's grave.  "26 days and counting," he repeats to himself.  "Yet it still feels like yesterday."

The sound of a twig snapping turns his head from his wife's tombstone.  Although he knows in hindsight that he shouldn't be surprised to see him standing there, Brock did not plan on sharing a run-in with his brother-in-law.

The two men quietly acknowledge one another with their somber eyes.  Then Royce Keller moves in closer to his sister's tombstone, slowly tucking his hands into the side pockets of his slacks while bowing his head down in respect.  A moment later, he raises his head and once again shares eye contact with Brock before they both simultaneously return their glances at the tombstone ahead.

"I guess we both had the same idea," says Royce.  It was the first non-committal thing to spring to mind.  After all, he and his brother-in-law weren't exactly friends commiserating together, but they did share a common love and loss.

"I just needed to get out of the apartment."  Brock picks at the wiltering flower, making a mental note to bring some more fresh ones on his next visit.  "Next thing I knew, I was parked outside this graveyard."

"I understand.  It's like you're driving on this old familiar road, yet you're still not sure where to turn."

An agreeable silence falls between both men.  Royce looks up at the bright blue sky, and despite the scent of rain in the air, the clouds appear perfectly fine.

"You know, I wake up every morning and I instinctly lean over to cradle her side of the bed, yet all I'm left with is empty cold air.  That's when I remember . . ."  Brock chokes on his next breath, "She's gone."

Royce kneels down at his brother-in-law's side:  "I didn't want to believe it either when Kendall told me she was dead.  And I'm not sure I will ever forgive myself for not being there when she needed me most."

"Well, you should," his eyes pierce on him adamantly.  "Sam wouldn't want you blaming yourself.  Besides, it all happen so fast.  One minute we're talking--laughing--about babies--and beaches, and the next, she's gone."  He cycles through the mountain of images in his head from that time, and comes to a new conclusion about his final moments with his wife.

"But before she died, she made me promise never to forget what we shared--as if I ever could--but she knew.  She knew she didn't have much time left.  And she wanted to make sure that in our final moments nothing was left unsaid."


Mysteries of Our Lives Title Card

"Well, Ms. Manthroll--"

Vanessa Manthroll"Please call me Vanessa," she advises as she takes a seat across from Evelyn's desk.

"The important thing, Vanessa, is to show the courts that you're no threat to the plantiff.  Fortunately, Mrs. Marquez has very little too corroborate her claims.  As long as you continue to adhere to the agreement, I see no--you have kept your distance from Ms. Marquez, correct?"

"I may have had a few choice words when I saw her yesterday, but I was just served those papers, in front of Lucien, no less.  It was humiliating."

"Did anyone else see you sharing words with Ms. Marquez?"

"As far as I know, only Lucien, and that was for the tail end."

"Did he witness anything that could be used against you in a court of law?"

Vanessa remains mum, giving Evelin all the answers she need.

"Look, I'm sorry, but she provoked me.  She started saying very ugly and hateful things about my relationship with Lucien, and I just wanted to shut her up."

"If I were you, I wouldn't use those exact words in front of the judge."

"Does that mean you're going to represent me?"

"With the condition that you keep your distance from Mrs. Marquez.  The last thing you want to do is give her attorney more ammunition.  Speaking of, Is there anyone we can call upon as a character witness--Lucien, perhaps?"

"I don't know.  I hate to drag him into this."

"It sounds like he's already in the middle."

"Yes, unfortunately he is, thanks to Danielle.   There use to be a time where I could say unequivocably that he would support me, no matter what.  But now I'm not so sure.  That is what Danielle Marquez has done to our relationship.  She's portrayed herself expertedly as the victim, and I have played right into her hands."

"What about your agent?"

"Danielle's sister?!  I mean, we've always had a good working relationship and she feels indebted to me for helping with the upstart of the agency, but--"

"She's Danielle sister, and If she were to testify favorably on your behalf, it would go a long way toward showing the judge that you're no physical threat."

"You're right. Danielle is the one that created this situation, and I have to do everything I can to diffuse it."

(<- Trio ->)

Crystal PerezShe places a glass on the bar and begins to pour the liquid in it as Earl settles on one of the stool.  As she passes his drink, she asks: "So what's the plan once you arrive in Springfield?"

"Believe it or not, I don't really have one."

"That is surprising because the Earl I knew always stressed having a plan B."

"I suppose my near-death experience has made me a little more spontaneous."

"Obviously.  How does your son and Dalia feel about your sudden burst of spontaneity?"

"They are both very positive about my relocating.   I mean, I'm sure you will agree that if we learned anything in these past few months, it's how fleeting life can be."

"Yeah, today's issue of Past Relations Chronicles was nice enough reminder."

"I saw.  I can't believe--correction, I actually can.  It's unbelievable that Alexander Pierre can exploit someone's grief that way."

"It just goes to show the man is incapable of displaying one ounce of human decency.  I pity his children."

"Well, fortunately, I will never have to think about or hear his name again.  It will be great to have a fresh start.  Once upon a time, I thought that would be here, but I guess Hallandale stopped being my home a long time ago."  Earl takes a swig of his drink.

"I am not surprise to hear you say that, but you still have friends here."

"Yes!  Evelin was kind of enough to remind me of that as well."

"Evelin?  I know she's had some time to prepare, but this day still must be a tough one for her."

"Yeah, I am going to miss her stopping into my condo for sugar every morning.  But she has family in Springfield.  So I imagine that we will see each other before we even realized I'm gone."

"You could be right!"

(<- The Pierre Estate ->)

Alexander PierreThe sound of the front door slamming disrupts Alexander from enjoying his morning cognac as his daughter's comes storming into the room through the foyer. 

"Darling, what is going on?"

"I just had an unpleasant run-in with your ex.  I almost forgot how infuritating she is."  She grabs herself an ice pack for mounting headache and begins to rub it on her temple.

"I presume you're talking about Akeira."

"She cornered me in the plaza this morning, itching to remind me that she knows where all the skeletons are buried."

"Was Roy with her?"

"What--no!  She probably pawned him off with a babysitter.  You might want to have a DNA check done while you're at it given her history of passing off infant children as her own."

"Unfortunately, I have it on very good authority that she was pregnant when she left town.  Besides, you should see Roy.  He's practically the spliting image of me."

"There is still no guarantee the baby is yours. As far as I'm concern, we would be a whole lot better off if he wasn't.  Because if he is, if he is your child, then that means Akeira Smith Santana Desmores will never be out of our lives."

(<- Sky Lansing Condos - >)

The baby is crying as Rochelle tries to appease him by gently rubbing his tummy, before picking him up and bouncing him around a bit.

"Ah, it's okay.  Your mommy will be back soon."  The baby quiets for a bit as he plays with the necklace around her neck+.  "Yes, Auntie Rochelle is here.  You sweet, little thing."

Rochelle DesmoresThe door to the condo opens as Akeira announces her return.

"I'm back.  how is my little boy?"

"He was a little fussy, so I figured he probably got tired of laying down.  Now he's playing with my necklace."

"You've become quite the natural with him.  I'm still surprise you don't have one of your own."

"Well, I don't have a spectacular track record with men.  Unfortunately, they don't all stay as innocent as this little guy."

"I know what you mean.  I've dealth with a couple toads myself, but now I have your brother.  He's been a blessing since practically the first day we met."

"Well, my brother is one of the good guys.  If you don't mind my asking, when did a blessing become love?"

"I don't know.  I think we were both in comiseration mode at first, being hurt by people we love, and I guess we sort of bonded and connected over that.  After a while, I started appreciate that Mitchell was a guy that I could have an adventure with, a man that would whisk me halfway across the world so we could forget our troubles, a man that made his own decisions.  He's also incredibly attractive, and he loves my son like his own.  Really, I don't know what there is not to love?  What?"

Her mouth agape, but it takes a while for any words to escape.  "To be honest, I've had my reservations about this marriage.  I mean, my brother disappears for several months, head over heels in love with Sandy Reynolds, and then he blows back into town married with you, and carrying for an infant son.  It just all seem rather sudden in the grand scheme of things."

"You're right.  Mitchell was in love with Sandy, and it took him moving away to accept that she would never remember what they shared.  But he did, and it freed up his heart for me and Roy.  I could not have a stronger ally in this world.  Roy could not have a better father."

Rochelle chuckles, "I don't know Alexander Pierre very well, but I've heard a lot about him.  He doesn't seem like the type of man that is going to stand by and allow another man to raise his son."

"No.  I imagine he's going to put up quite a fight, but we will be ready.  You see, I was involved with that man once, which means I'm aware his weaknesses.  If I have to, I will exploit them because one way or another, I will make sure that he's never apart of our lives again."

***"It actually doesn't surprise me in the least that Sam would be thinking of your peace of mind in her last minutes.  That's just the kind of person she was.  She loved you, and I never gave you two enough credit."

"You had your reasons."

"But you both made it work, even despite your obstacles."

"I think a large part of that was on Sam.  She made the decision not to allow my mistakes to crumple our marriage, and I'm glad she did.  My life is much fuller for having loved her."

"I wish I could do that, but when I stand here, knowing that my sister's body lays here next to our parents, I feel cheated, and I can't focus on the good times that we had, only the times that we've lost."

"I don't deny feeling the same, but I know I can't focus on it.  I can sit here and blame God, or blame those who got to walk out of the hospital that day, but it doesn't change the fact that my wife is gone.  It hurts more to be angry or pretend that the void doesn't exist than simply being allowed to feel that love without fear of losing myself." 

"I guess it's the opposite for me.  I need someone to blame because my sister isn't here because it feels wrong--it feels like she's been taken away form us, and that has to be someone's fault."

"I don't know who to blame, and even if I did, I know from personal experience that it doesn't make the hurt any less.  This is the closest I'm ever gonna get to my wife now, and she deserves the best part of me.  The best part of all of us." He says, brushing his arm against the back of his brother.

(<- Sky Lansing Condos ->)

Rochelle walks around the quaint home that Mitchell and Akeira have made for themselves, having an opportunity to admire the space they had made for themselves.  She picks up a beautiful photo of Mitchell and Akeira that she would wager couldn't have been no more than a year old.  They did truly look like a couple vested in one another.

"Well, I think I finally got him down for a while."

"That's good to hear.  I was just looking at some of your photos."

"I apologize if I came off too intense earlier.  Needless to say, Alexander Pierre is not one of my favorite people."

"Oh, I understand.  Sometimes a clean break is neccessary.  I'm just a little worried it's not going to be as easy for you and Alexander."

"Yeah, he's a formidable component with a lot of connections.  Fortunately for us, he has a proven track record as a lousy father and unscruplous human being.  Mitchell and I can provide a stable family for Roy filled with love and acceptance--something that Alexander has always fail short with when it comes to his other children."

"Sounds to me like you've given this a lot of thought."

"When you're dealing with Alexander Pierre, you have to consider all options.  He's already sniffing around trying to make his imprint on my son's life, a life that he so callously put in jeopardy.  It won't be long before he's filing a custody petition if he hasn't already."

"Are you sure you want the courts deciding what's best for your son?  I mean, custody battles can be long and drawn out, and they have the tendency to get really nasty."

"The alternative would mean coming to an agreement with Alexander, and I just don't know if that's possible.  He's arrogant, and completely self-serving.  He views my son as his ticket towards salvation."

"Well, it might be a little selfish, but it could mean he's open to changing.  That could be a good thing."

"No.  Alexander Pierre is incapable of changing.  He is still the same ruthless, heartless man that I left behind."

(<- The Pierre Estate ->)

Alexander takes a swig of his cognac, allowing his daughter's last words to sink in.

"I'm sorry.  I know you envision Roy as your second chance, but when I think about being tied to that woman for the rest of our lives, I . . ."  Widlin shakes her head, unable to find the words to describe.

"I understand.  Akeira isn't exactly the woman I envisioned having another child with.  But I think if Roy weren't mine, she would be throwing that in my face.  She's determined to exile me from my son's life."

"Or she's just putting on another stellar performance.  She's good at that, remember?  Maybe the marriage, coming back to Hallandale is all apart of her grand scheme."

"And what would that be?"

"To get her grubby hands on the Pierre fortune, of course.  After all, she failed so miserably the first time."

"It doesn't add up.  I've seen her with Roy--I hate to admit it, but I think she really cares about her son."

"Like I said, she's a stellar performer.  I mean, the fact that you're standing here giving her the benefit of the doubt proves that. But she is still the same two-faced, treacherous gold-digger that I met in Coral Springs 15 years ago."

"You may be right about Akeira, but that's inconsequential to me.  What is important to me is being a part of my son's life--regardless of who his mother is.  That boy is my son.  He's a Pierre, and his place is right alongside you, me and his brother."

"How are things going with you and Kyle?"

"I think we might have a shot.  We've already booked a lunch date next week."

"That's great."

"You should join us."

"As much as I would love to, I think lunch should be about the two of you connecting."

"You're right.  It's just this will be the first time Kyle and I are sharing a meal together."

"It''s alright to be nervous.  I'm sure Kyle is equally apprehensive."

"It's more than that.  I'm afraid that if I screw this up, there won't be a chance for reparations."

(<- Trio ->)

"So how are things with you?"

"I'm great.  Business is good, even with the usual kinks that you can expect with partnerships.  I have my health; some incredible friends, yourself included, and I have Billy, whom I get to come home to every night.  I can't really complain."

"I guess all your missing is the ring, kids and white picket fence."  Earl enjoys the last few morsels of his grilled tilapia.

"Well, I don't think there is any rush for either one of us to get there.  Billy and I are just now getting into a place where it's safe and normal to be a couple."

"Yeah, I nearly forgot all that unplesant business with--"

"Yeah, don't bring it up.  It should stay in the past where it belongs."

"If only everyone shared that same philosophy."

"Are you referring to someone in particular?"

"I think you know."  He smiles coyly.

"Have you seen or spoken with Royce?"

"Not since Sam's memorial reception."

"You're not planning to see him before you leave town?"

"Why would I?  I think Royce and I have said all that needs to be said to one another.  You know, It's amazing that a person that you grew up with and shared so much with can become such a stranger." 

"I just think it's sad because two great people are missing out on what the other has to offer."

"Well, I can't make Royce forgive me, and I can't erase the past sins of our parents."

"No, but you were close once.  You know how much he loved his sister, and you know she's gone.  I also think you know what the means for someone like Royce.  Don't allow her tragic death to be yet another thing that furthers the wedge between you."

***"It's good to note that the restraining order is temporary, so it will only hold for a week.  The judge clearly was placating the respondent's wishes, so I wonder if challenging it would be wise.

(<- Hallandale Cemetery ->)

"Your husband's right.  You shouldn't have to be subjected to my bitterness.  You deserve peace, and I don't want to take that form you.  But I can't be right with this as much as he can't pretend not to love you.  You're my baby sister, and you were taken from us way too soon.  I don't know how he can do it.  I don't know how he can up every morning and not feel this burning rage.  Maybe because he doesn't know.  Maybe because he doesn't see what I see.  That life is going on, as it cruelly and faithfully always does.  The world has forgotten about you and your sacrifice.  But not me, I won't.  I will not forget what your death means."

(<- Trio ->)

"So where are you headed next?"

"I know where you would like to me to say, but I'm not sure I can.  There is a reason I've kept my distance--because I know he doesn't want me around and soon that will be a reality."

"I don't think that's the only reason.  I think you feared he would put the blame on you for Sam's death, and you didn't want to go through that again.  You didn't want to be villainized by your friend again."

"You're right, I don't.  I'm trying to move forth in a positive direction.  That is why I told Matt the truth about our father's death because I didn't want that secret hanging over us.  He may hate me right now, but with time, perhaps we can be as close as we were before.  And speaking of my brother, keep an eye out for him.  I know he's capable, I would just feel better knowing he had you in his corner."

"Thank you for the compliment, and of course, I'm happy to do it."

"Well, I better get going.  I have a few other things to do before I get on the road."

"Yeah."  The two comrades move into a tight hug.  "Good luck, and see you soon."

"Thanks.  Same to you.  Bye."  he walks out of the door.

"Bye."  Crystal hangs at the door, watching as her friend steps into his vehicle to drive away from her restaurant for seemingly the last time.

(<- Sky Lansing Condos ->)

"Oh, you have no idea how much mommy loves you, sweetie.  But I do, more than I can describe.  I will keep you safe.  Your father and I will keep you safe from any evil that desires to touch you."  Akeira hears her cell phone beeps and moves to the nightstand to take a look.

"Speaking of your daddy-- Mitchell, hi.  I'm just sitting her watching our little boy sleep.  How's the case?  Are you any close to coming home? ... I hope so.  The longer you're gone, the more I feel like I'm on enemy territory.  ... No, your sister been great, but Roy and I miss his handsome daddy...



Click here for Episode 323