Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Earl: I just dont know how much more I can take.

Evelin: Are you suggesting psychiatric help? (~)

Brock: Why don't you stop listening to your head and listen to your heart. Will you marry me? (~)

Officer Capitulous: It is my job to figure out which one of you did it. (~)

Mark: I trusted you Camille.

Camille: Our Wedding Picture!

***Camille: Lies, what are you mumbling about?

Mark: Mumbling, what is with all this disrespectful trash coming out of your mouth?

Camille: I am just shocked to be called your faithful wife to a lying piece of trash before I even sit down.

Mark: You want to sit down? Go ahead and take a seat because what I have to say will require you to be in a calm position.

Camille: I do not understand why you are so upset with me, I was with my friend Widlin last night.

Mark: That is why, because we both know that Widlin is not your friend, but your victim and has been for some time now.

Anton: This is all pointless, you have no basis to hold either of us here.

Officer Capitulous: That is not true, I have witnesses who seen each and everyone one of you at the scene of the crime the night Leonard Stone was murdered.

Royce: That is impossible! I was with my sister the night Leonard Stone was murdered, so there is no way you can implement me in this.

Samantha: I'm glad you could make it.

Brock: Well, it was a change. Usually I have to force you into talking to me.

Samantha: Well, it's different because we need to talk now!

Earl: So, are you familiar with the crime solving industry?

Man: I am all to well, in fact, I think I will be the best asset to this department.

Earl: Well, you're hired.  I didn't get your name?

Man: Oh Ral . . .

Matthew: We have to get out of here now!

(theme music begins and ends)

***Brock: It seems urgent.

Samantha: That depends on whether you feel my answer to your proposal is worthwhile.

Brock: It took you only this amount of time to come up with a decision.

Samantha: What can I say, I think fast. So are you ready for my decision?

Officer Capitulous: Don't be so sure, besides each and everyone of your fingerprints are surrounding the crime scene and then some.

Rochelle: Who else's fingerprints were found, Officer (straining) Capitulous?

Officer Capitulous: You can call me Aubrey, we are all adults. There was one undefined, a Lacreasha Dupree, Alexander Pierre, and Widlin Pierre.

Rochelle: So why aren't either of these people in for question?

Aubrey: We could not locate Lacreasha and the timing for the Pierre's was bad, so they are rescheduled for this afternoon.

Royce: Okay, I do have a business to maintain.

Aubrey: So do I, but since you are so anxious, can you tell me who you think would want Leonard Stone dead?

Camille: Maybe I should come back when you are in a better mood.

Mark: What makes you think I am not in a good mood?

Camille: (observes room) Well, there are things shattered everywhere and you are saying these weird things. Did something happened?

Mark: The truth about your dirty doings have shattered my life.

***Mark: You see, Malina Ramirez came and saw me last night and boy did she tell me an earful!

Camille: Mark, honey . . .

Mark: Don't you honey me, don't ever call me that again.

Camille: Maybe I should give you some air.

Mark: No, by all means stay because there is just so much more we need to talk about.

Samantha: Yes, I will marry you.

Brock: I can't believe it, you are finally giving in to what your heart has been telling you.

Samantha: There are a couple of conditions though first.

Brock: What will those be?

Samantha: First, we must be able to communicate and trust each other, thats how we got into trouble the first time.

Brock: I can do that.

Samantha: There is one more. We have to tell my brother.

Earl: Have you lost your mind barging into an important meeting like that?

Matthew: I just needed to tell you the latest of dangerous activities to happen in this town.

Earl: I do not have time for that right now, can you please just make sure that everything is locked fully before we leave. I am going to close up this meeting.

Matthew: (voicing too himself) "Sorry brother, but there has been a change of plans."

***Earl: Im sorry, but I have to end this meeting. Can you reschedule us for tomorrow, that way I can have all your job criteria mapped out.

Man: No problem, I will be back tomorrow.

Earl: okay, let me get my keys and close up this office. What in the world is going on . . . Matthew.

Royce: You want me to tell you which of my friends had the most motive to kill Leonard?

Aubrey: If you are anxious to leave, unless you are the suspect we should be looking at.

Royce: You want sure proof of my innocence, call my sister.

Aubrey: Your opinion will not hurt the person as long as they are innocent and have nothing to hide.

Royce: Fine, all right! I would infer that Rochelle is the culprit.

Mark: I mean the things that she said about you, the fact that you came to Hallandale only to make trouble and have been engaged in blackmailing.

Camille: The woman is lying because she is jealous.

Mark: No, you are the one who has been lying to me and it will stop as of right now!

***Camille: Malina is just jealous of my close friendship with Widlin, so she is making up all these lies.

Mark: No, it all makes so much sense now when I think about it. I mean all the evil and secret looks, your reaction when I surprise you by coming here, how it look like you were about to slap Widlin. Face it, all it makes sense because what Malina has been telling me is true.

Camille: No!

Mark: Yes! It took me some time to digest and believe this, but when I look at the fear on your face and how you can't even look at me right now, I know its all true.

Camille: What if it is, what does it mean for us?

Rochelle: Me? I was dating the guy and not to mention in love with him.

Royce: There is always the motive of the woman scorned when he slept with Lacreasha, your ex- best friend.

Aubrey: My, my! I mean, it had to crush you to see your man going into another woman's bed, your best friend. I am just wondering if it drove you all the way to commit murder.

Rochelle: I am not going to stick around for another minute of this inane questioning. I am well aware of my rights, being a lawyer and all, so I know you have no legal grounds for arrest, or to hold us here any longer.

Aubrey: I am just wondering.

Rochelle: Wondering what?

Aubrey: Kavina, it is, you have not said a word this whole time, is there something you are afraid will slip if you talk.

***Earl: I am not going to allow for your manipulations and these strange visions to continue to evade our lives.

Matthew: What are you saying?

Earl: All the underhanded tricks, I want them to stop now or else.

Matthew: Or else what?

Earl: Nothing.

Matthew: No If I don't stop, you are going to have me committed, is that it. Is that what you are trying to do, lock me away?

Kavina: I just haven't felt any need to join in this inane conversation, come on guys lets go.

Aubrey: Do not think about leaving town because I will be in touch.

Royce: (cell phone rings) Hello!

Samantha: Royce, its your sister. I would like you to meet me for dinner at that restaurant Monte Carlos, there is a lot I need to tell you.

Royce: Okay, I will get there as soon as I can.

Mark: us? There is no longer an us. We are headed towards the word I thought I would never say. I mean, look at our wedding picture, that is more than enough of sign that we are over.


Coming soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Taneia: Crystal, I cant believe you are . . . oh my god!

Crystal: What? (~)

Samantha: There is something I want to tell you! (~)

Matthew: I refuse to be put away by my own brother. (~)

Sandy: Everything we need to know about Widlin is in West Creek. (~)

Mark: Get the hell away from me.

Click here for the next episode!