Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Camille: You will if anyone ever figure out what happened at West Creek.

Widlin: No one can know about that night. (~)

Earl: I am not going to allow for your manipulations and strange visions to continue to evade our lives. (~)

Samantha: Yes, I will marry you! (~)

Mark: Look at our wedding picture, that is enough of a sign that we are over.

***Camille: That is it, one problem and a broken picture and you are walking out of the door.

Mark: There is more than one problem here, please do not make me list them all!

Camille: I guess you are just perfect, you never make mistakes.

Mark: I never said that, but you are the one who pretended to be. Now I find out all the pain and destruction you have caused and that you were doing more of it last night.

Camille: What are you talking about?

Mark: Didn't you say you were at Widlin's? I'm sure whatever you were doing, it was not legal, am I right?

Earl: What makes you think I want to lock you up?

Matthew: Don't act stupid, I overheard you talking about it with Evelin. I know what you are planning.

Earl: but I am not planning on locking you up.

Matthew: So what am I then, crazy or just paranoid?

Taneia: Oh my god, it is her. Crystal, I can't believe you are . . . Oh my god!

Crystal: What, what is wrong?

Taneia: (whisper) Doctor, her . . .

Greg: Please we do not want to alarm the patient.

Crystal: Why are you afraid of alarming me, what is going on?

(theme music begins and ends)

***Greg: It's nothing, right Ms. Ralston?

Taneia: Huh! Oh yes, I was just caught off guard at how mobile you are. Would you excuse me, I would like to talk to your doctor alone?

Crystal: Okay!

Taneia: (stepping outside the room) You haven't told her about her face yet?

Greg: No, we are just trying to wait until she is strong enough.

Taneia: Strong enough, she will never be strong enough to face that her face is scarred like that.

Shaquanna: So, what have you got for me on Ms. Pierre?

Sandy: I am close, everything we need to know about Widlin is in West Creek.

Shaquanna: What good is that for me?

Sandy: It gives you something to look forward to since I have scheduled a trip later tonight to West Creek in Coral Springs.

Camille: So now you are just going to assume the worst of me on everything I do.

Mark: It is evident I can't trust you. If I were to view one of the tapes in the Pierre Estate, would any of them entail you blackmailing Widlin?

Camille: We have had some not so good talks, but blackmail was not of any basis of the conversation.

Mark: I am a highly skilled lawyer and I know when someone is lying, I am just sorry it took me so long to see your deceit.

***Samantha: I am so glad you could meet us here?

Royce: Well, I have not had the best of days and I could use a fresh, warm meal.

Samantha: Well, just don't eat too fast. You may need some of that food to digest down the reason I asked you to meet me here.

Royce: Why did you and what is your ex- fiancé doing here?

Earl: I do not think you are crazy, maybe a little paranoid though.

Matthew: That isn't what you said when Evelin asked if maybe I needed psychiatric help.

Earl: Things went down last night, and it was . . .

Matthew: I don't care how they were, I refuse to be put away by my own brother.

Darron: What's going on, what is he not telling Crystal?

Taneia: Her face has been badly scarred from that explosion.

Darron: Well, I just saw Romain and he doesn't seem to have any facial problems.

Taneia: It probably affected her the most since she was so close to Laura when the detonator went off.

Greg: Regardless, Crystal is just not strong enough to hear this yet?

Crystal: Hear what, doctor?

***Crystal: I have been sensing that these doctors have not been telling me something, now I want to know what is wrong.

Greg: Okay, You will need to sit down for this.

Taneia: Honey, do not worry about what you are going to hear because there are lots of alternative to making it back the way it was.

Crystal: Now I'm worried, what is it you need to tell me, doctor?

Samantha: Brock is here because there is something I have to tell you!

Royce: It concerns him because?

Brock: The thing she want to tell you is she is getting married and I'm the lucky guy.

Royce: What, have you stepped into the twilight zone?

Mark: I just can't even stand to look at you. Please, just get the hell away from me.

Camille: No, because unlike you, I believe that we deserve a second chance.

Mark: A second chance, you lost all your chances when you decided to lie to me for the last couple of months.

Camille: I had no choice.

Mark: You had a choice, you just decided that blackmailing wouldnt come up too good with me and lied. Why doesn't anyone understand that lies are the lethal medicine to kill all that is dear.

***Shaquanna: Thanks for waiting, I thought since you are going on this trip for me that I might as well give you the money for traveling necessities.

Sandy: You keep your money because I have a feeling when I get back that you will be throwing more than you can count at me.

Shaquanna: We'll see.  If it manages to dragged the spoil brat out of town, Ill give you ten grand plus interest.

Sandy: Then I better be on my merry way. I'm sure I will have a gay old time.

Earl: I am not trying to have you committed. You have obviously misunderstood.

Matthew: You're right.  I mean I stuck by you through your lousy divorce from Dalia Savoy and crazy partnership with the T.E.C. owners, you wouldn't dare think of betraying me.

Samantha: I realize that I still love Brock and I really want it to work out between us. This could be the chance for us to make it right.

Royce: It could also be the most insane decision that you could make.

Samantha: I love him and I want you to support our union, that is why I asked that you give me away.

***Royce: How can I give you away when I'm not even sure this is a good idea.

Brock: Were sure, so be happy for your sister and I.

Samantha: Brock is right! I mean, what can possibly go wrong between here and our wedding day.

Earl: Come on, we are going home.

Matthew: (thinking) I will not be locked away by anyone, I am perfectly sane and I intend to stay that way.

Earl: (thinking) Oh what if my brother is losing it, what am I going to do?

Greg: When you were almost blown to death by the explosion resulting from the detonator being set off, some of the flames substantially affected your face.

Crystal: What do you mean?

Greg: The burning was too severe, your face has been badly scarred.

Crystal: What, that can not be true. (picks up mirror) I mean, it can't . . . (gasps)

Camille: I do understand that.

Mark: Then why did you continue to lie? Why did you hurt people who did nothing to you?

Camille: What about what Malina did to you by telling the truth?

Mark: She was sincere when she said that she was doing it so I wouldnt be hurt.

Camille: Please, she did it because her friendship with Widlin is over and believe me that is the least of her worries when I get my hands on her.


Coming soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

Anton: You are lucky the cops dont know about your clothes being all ragged up the night of Leonards murder. (~)

Taneia: Crystal there are lots of things for these kind of situations.

Crystal: That is easy for you to say, this is not your face. (~)

Mark: Finally, the real Camille comes out from under her shell to reveal her true colors.

Click here for the next episode!