Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Camille: What about what Malina did to you by telling the truth?
Mark: She was sincere.
Camille: Please, she did it because her friendship with Widlin is over and believe me that is the least of her worries. (~)
Greg: The burning was too severe, your face has been badly scarred.
Crystal: What, that can not be true. (~)
Rochelle: How can they be so sure he was murder, I mean, it could have been an accident gone bad?

***Anton: Rochelle, you can not keep running away from the subject. Now, I want an answer as to where you were the night Leonard was murder?
Rochelle: I told you I was running an errand, and the last time I check, you took orders from me, so get off my back.
Anton: I didn't think of it as taking orders, but two friends working together and that is why I'm trying to get to the bottom of what has been going on.

Crystal: (voice breaks) My face!
Taneia: Crystal, do not look at this as a bad and permanent thing. There are a lot of things for this situation, you can get plastic surgery and everything will be as good as new.
Crystal: Thats easy for you to say, this is not you face so badly scarred!
Taneia: Ugh. . .
Darron: Taneia is right, and how many times do I say that?
Crystal: It doesn't matter, this is my face that is scarred and saying "that it will all be better soon" will not change that.

Mark: Well finally, the real Camille comes out of her shell and shows her true colors.
Camille: I am just angry, I have no intent on seeking revenge.
Mark: Well, you blackmailed a woman who did nothing to you and now you are telling me that you are not going to seek revenge on the woman who has revealed what a manipulative bitch you are. Why is it that I don't believe you?

(theme music begins and eventually ends)

***Camille: You don't believe me because you are hurt and you are trying to hurt me.
Mark: Oh really?
Camille: I am hurt, seeing you with this much rage in your eyes directed at me.
Mark: Good, because this is the only look that you will be getting from me.
Camille: If you think I am about to let you walk out of that door, it will not happen.

Greg: Maybe you should both leave so Crystal can get some rest.  Things will hopefully look better in the morning.
Crystal: Oh, I will get some rest, but I doubt that things will be any better tomorrow than they are tonight.

Rochelle: I appreciate you trying to help me, but the truth of the matter is your help is not wanted.
Anton: You may have forgotten, but I did see you the night of Leonard's murder and not looking too shabby.
Rochelle: Why are you bringing that subject up again?
Anton: because you never answered my question.  You are lucky the cops don't know about your clothes being all ragged the night of Leonard's murder.
Aubrey: Really, that is news to me.

***Anton: Officer Capitulous? What are you doing here?
Aubrey: I had a feeling I would get some insight on my case, and my gut was right, so why don't you tell me Anton about Rochelle's behavior the night of Leonards murder.

(door bell rings)
Widlin: Malina, what are you doing here?
Malina: I have some news for you.
Widlin: What is it?  You sound like its the best thing that has happened in years.
Malina: Let's just say your Camille problem is no longer an issue.
Widlin: What do you mean?  What's going on?

Mark: How are you supposed to stop me?
Camille: with the thing you love most about me, my body!
Mark: You are just unbelievable. You have no idea how deep my feelings ran for you or you would have realized how much you have insulted me just now.
Camille: Spare me the moral crap!
Mark: Goodbye Camille! (slams door)
Camille: No!!!!

***Malina: All your dreams will come true. Last night I told Mark the truth about his wife.
Widlin: You did what?
Malina: Mark knows all about his wife's extra-curricular activities. There is no way he is going to stay with her any longer.
Widlin: Do you realize what you have done?
Malina: Finally got Camille off your back?
Widlin: because of what happened last night, she will be on my back even more and yours too. There is no telling what she may do next.

Anton: It was no different, just like any other day.
Aubrey: Why don't I believe you, maybe its what I heard I about Rochelle's clothing before I walked in that has me drawing a blank.
Rochelle: Maybe you just misunderstood what was being discussed.
Aubrey: Maybe!
Anton: The fact of the matter is that no matter how strange Rochelle acts, she is not capable of murder.
Aubrey: So you admit that Rochelle was not herself the night of Leonard Stone's murder.

***Anton: That is not what I said.
Aubrey: I know what you said, and regardless of state of mind, you never know what anyone is capable of. Where were you the night of Leonard's murder?
Rochelle: Yeah, Anton, you were not in before I left the office to run my errand.
Anton: I have pretty busy work loads as a secretary that I can not recall every single place that I was. However, I was already back and seen by several co-workers before evening approach.

Taneia: Romain, I just wanted to thank you for risking your life to save all of ours.
Romain: Well, I wish I could have done more, but I had a feeling Laura would self-destruct one of these days.
Taneia: Still, now you and half the staff of Blanchencore are out of work.
Romain: On the contrary, Leysdale is in desperate need of staffing, so a majority of the staff will be moving here. So Laura sick plans didnt ruin any lives after all.
Darron: I wouldn't say all that.

Malina: I wouldn't worry about what Camille is going to do.
Widlin: No, I think you had better start.

Camille: Damn you Malina Ramirez. You will pay for this, oh believe me you will pay dearly!

***Romain: Why, has something happened to Crystal?
Taneia: The whole hospital staff already knows.
Darron: Her face was badly scarred.
Romain: Oh, well I will say a prayer for her. Sorry, I need to run my round, but tell Crystal she's in my thoughts.

Aubrey: Since you are both adequately sure about your whereabouts, I'm sure it will be no problem if you come down to the station tomorrow and feel out an affidavit.
Anton: Of course not.
Rochelle: sure!
Aubrey: Then I will see you guys bright and early.
Rochelle: (after Aubrey departs) See what you have done.
Anton: If you have nothing to hide, then there is no problem.

Coming Soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Jessica: Shanna, Ben, it is so nice to see you!
Shanna: It nice to hear you say that since you obviously didn't give a damn that we risk our lives trying to save yours. (~)
Rochelle: My conscious is clear because I did not kill Leonard. (~)
Royce: I think you should seriously consider all the consequences before you go along with this notion to marry him.

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