Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Michelle: Everything is just fine, nothing a little rest and relaxation wont cure. (~)
Samantha: What can go wrong between today and my wedding day. (~)
Rochelle: See what you have done!
Anton: If you have nothing to hide, then there is no problem.

***Rochelle: I have nothing to hide, it just now the cops are going to be watching my every move.
Anton: It sure sounds like you have something to hide.
Rochelle: Well my conscious is clear because I didnt kill Leonard. So I do not need another inquisition, therefore I am calling it a night.
Anton: Fine, but if you are getting this nervous over me asking the questions, then I cant wait to see what happens tomorrow morning.

(theme music begins and eventually ends)

(It is now morning)
Jessica: Shanna, Ben, it is so nice to see you! I mean, I can never repay you both back for what you did the night of that accident.
Ben: Really?
Jessica: You both risk being killed to try and save me and my baby. You have no idea how grateful I am.
Shanna: I guess we dont. I mean, how many time did you call or visit to see if my husband had recovered from the injuries he received when trying to save your life.
Jessica: Well . . .
Shanna: (interrupts) The correct answer is not at all.

Michelle: So you want to know all about my life as a model.
Kasey: Yeah, I mean you know so much about my life, tell me about the working part of yours.
Michelle: You are probably wondering how I was ever introduced to the modeling world, and it was actually not the best of impressions.

Samantha: Are you going to sit there and say nothing until breakfast is over?
Royce: No, I should be getting to work anyway.
Samantha: No, not until you tell me what you are thinking about me and Brock getting married.

***Rochelle: You will not believe what I had to do this morning because of Anton.
Kavina: What?
Rochelle: I had to go down and make an official statement about my whereabouts the night of Leonard's murder. I just wished this whole
nightmare would be over.
Kavina: You dont wish that Leonard was not murdered.
Rochelle: Of course I do, I mean he may of hurt me, but I would never ask for him to be killed. It is just now I have to deal with Officer Capitulous suspicions that I had something to do with the murder.

Royce: You really want my opinion?
Samantha: Yes!
Royce: I dont like the guy and I dont think you should marry him.
Samantha: You barely know Brock.
Royce: I know what he did to you. I think you should seriously consider the consequences before you go along with the notion to marry him.

Jessica: Where is all this coming from?
Shanna: Maybe its coming from your lack of compassion, or the fact that you think that you can continue to impose on our lives.
Jessica: What, that is not what I'm trying to do?
Ben: Yeah Shanna, calm down and let her explain.
Shanna: No, because quite frankly, I'm sick of her explanations and sick of her.

***Jessica: I did not come here to impose on you guys.
Shanna: So you are not here in hope to use our cottage as some kind of refuge from your overbearing husband.
Jessica: Partly, but mostly because I realize that I owe my life to you both. I am trying to show you that I am thankful for your help.
Shanna: (sarcastically) It is so nice to hear you say that, although you didnt give a damn we risk our lives to save yours.
(Jessica stands shock and dismayed)

Michelle: The truth is I was attending one of Shaquannas fashion shows and I was seeing how horrible she was treating this young model, so I had to step in.
Kasey: What happened?
Michelle: I told her off and she was so amazed at the fire, so she said, that I gave off when protecting the young model, and said it was exactly what she needed.
Kasey: It seems unbelievable.
Michelle: Really it was, but she always thought that I was the main reason her Modeling Agency lasted so long until (stops)
Kasey: Until what?

Samantha: I have thought about this carefully, and I am in love with Brock.
Royce: You know where I stand on the subject, so why dont you consider my opinion.
Samantha: Maybe if you tried to get to know Brock.
Royce: I can't right now, I need to get to the office.

Kavina: I don't see any reason for you to worry, there is no evidence that can connect you to Leonard's death.
Rochelle: It is just hard not to.
Kavina: If the cops need any suspects, why dont they look to Lacreasha, she has mysteriously disappeared without a trace.
Rochelle: She probably went to her sisters funeral and is comforting the family.
Kavina: With all her bags and a man in tow.

***Rochelle: What?
Kavina: My sources said they last saw Lacreasha leaving with bags full tow in hands with a mysterious man.
Rochelle: It doesnt matter anyway, I mean what reason could she have to murder Leonard?
Kavina: Maybe there is more to Lacreasha leaving than meets the eye.

Anton: Hey Royce, how is it going man?
Royce: My sister is going to marry a man I do not think is right for her, so how do you think its going?
Anton: No reason to take all you frustrations out on the greeter.
Royce: I'm sorry.  It just has not been a good morning.
Anton: I guess we both had our share of rough nights.

Jessica: I resent you mocking me that way. Of course I cared what happened to you both.
Shanna: Really, you have a funny way of showing it. If I was to guess, you are probably here saying this just so we can allow you to stay in our cottage.
Jessica: That is not what is going on.
Shanna: Good, because hell will freeze over before you ever get near anything of mine again.

***Michelle: Its not important!
Kasey: If it is not important, then why did you stop what you were going to say.
Michelle: It is a confidential business matter, so I cant discuss it with you.
Kasey: It is nothing illegal? Better yet, dont tell me, It is probably best I dont know.

Ben: Maybe it will be best that you leave.
Shanna: Yeah, you are supposed to be a psychiatrist, you are supposed to work out your problems, not run away from them.
Jessica: I am not running away from my problems, I am just trying to work things out.
Shanna: You can do it elsewhere, because I want you out of my cottage!

Rochelle: What are you saying?
Kavina: There is a lot you don't know about Lacreasha relationship with Leonard, maybe he was planning to go back to you and she wasn't to keen on you both being together.
Rochelle: I never did figure out why?
Kavina: Maybe you should be asking how far would Lacreasha go to make sure that you and Leonard never got back together.

Coming soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Rochelle: You can't think that Lacreasha would kill Leonard just to keep him away from me.
Kavina: The real question is why you can not? (~)
Evelyn: I know exactly what it is that you can do to help your brother.
Matthew: I cant believe it, you're ganging up on me too! (~)
William: It is pretty obvious that you have no where else to stay, so come back home . . . with me.

Click here for the next episode!