Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Jessica: I did not come here to impose on you guys.
Shanna: Hell will freeze over before you ever get near anything of mine again. (~)
Earl: Oh god, what if he is crazy, What am I going to do? (~)
Anton: I guess we both had our share of rough nights. (~)
Kavina: How far would Lacreasha go to make sure you and Leonard never got back together.

***Royce: Whats going on with you?
Anton: It isnt me exactly.
Royce: Who are we talking about then?
Anton: Its Rochelle!

Rochelle: I cant believe that she would commit murder just to make sure I never got back with him.
Kavina: Look at the evidence. When was the last time you seen Leonard?
Rochelle: I would guess before that stupid Masquerade Ball, so . . .
Kavina: Were you able to locate him or Lacreasha that night.
Rochelle: So you are trying to say that Leonard was missing because Lacreasha was off hiding his body. That does not make any sense.

(Coral Springs)
Sandy: Are you the manager of this lodge?
Man: Yes, is there something I can do for you?
Sandy: I need your help on gathering some information on one of the members that went here.
Man: As a policy of West Creek, we do not allow that.
Sandy: How about I make it worth your while?
Man: How about I call the cops and have you arrested for solicitation?

(theme music begins and eventually ends)

***Sandy: You cant do that!
Man: You want to bet! Get off my property now and take your trash elsewhere.
Sandy: You obviously have no idea who you are talking to.
Man: You are a private investigator, am I right?
Sandy: How did you know . . .
Man: (interrupts) and you are looking for information on Widlin Pierre's past here, sorry but that wont be happening.

Earl: Evelyn, Im glad you could make the time on your busy schedule.
Evelyn: I always have time for you Earl, you know that.
Earl: Thanks.  I need your advice about Matthew.
Evelyn: The situation is not getting better?
Earl: No, actually it is getting worse, much worse.

Rochelle: I mean, you cant think that Lacreasha would kill Leonard just to keep him away from me?
Kavina: Maybe the question is why you can not?
Rochelle: because I have been friends with Lacreasha for a long time to know that she is not the violent type.
Kavina: Did you think that she was the type to sleep with your boyfriend?

***Rochelle: That is not fair!
Kavina: Im sorry, but you can not ignore the times she has tried to seduce him.
Rochelle: Which is why it does not make sense that she would kill him.
Kavina: Nothing about murder is logical, it is based on irrational behavior and you do not know how Lacreasha was acting in her final days in Hallandale.

Royce: What about Rochelle? I see how you are always worried about her, are you sure you only have feelings for her as a friend?
Anton: I am interested in someone else who I got to know pretty well, Rochelle is just a friend that Im concerned about.
Royce: What has you concerned?
Anton: I think Rochelle may have saw or done something the night of Leonard's murder.

William: Jessica, What are you doing?
Jessica: How long have you been standing there?
William: Long enough to see that you are sleeping in your car.
Jessica: Just leave me alone.
William: No, I am not leaving you here like this.

***Jessica: There is nothing you can do for me.
William: Yes there is, it is pretty obvious you have no where else to stay, so come home . . . with me.
Jessica: That is the last thing on Earth that I would do.

Evelyn: What do you mean worse?
Earl: It is like every time I turn around he is babbling about some other bad evil thing that has happened. I think he actually stays at home and think of ways to get me to leave here.
Evelyn: Maybe you should.

Royce: What could she have possibly saw that night that she wouldnt tell the cops about?
Anton: I dont know, that is what I have to find out.
Royce: If you do know anything that may suggest that she was involve in the murder herself, you have to tell the authorities. I like all of you guys but the last thing this company needs is bad publicity.

Rochelle: I think you are wasting your time with this theory.
Kavina: I dont agree with you, I think if I continue to pursue this, it may just leave me to the killer.
Rochelle: I still think there is no need for trying to track down Lacreasha and her boy toy.
Kavina: Or maybe you are just afraid of what I might find.

***Sandy: Shaquanna, it seems that Ms. Pierre has covered her tracks good, the camp is not releasing any information.
Shaquanna: There has got to be some way.
Sandy: Well, I know an old friend down here who may just be willing to help me. Besides, I have other ways to find out the truth, someone around here will be willing to talk for the right price.
Shaquanna: Just get me that information and get back here as soon as possible.

Earl: I am not leaving, my mother and father's legacy is here and I intend to make it a success.
Evelyn: Thats it! I know exactly what it is you can do to help your brother.
Earl: What, how can I get my brother to see the error of his ways.
Matt: I cant believe it, you're ganging up on me too!

William: This is no time for you to be upset with me.
Jessica: That has nothing to do with it. You and I are getting a divorce and it would make things awkward by me moving in.
William: It is as much as your house as it is mine and besides, I already told you I have no intention on signing those papers. I will fight you to the death if I have to, but a divorce will never happen.

***Rochelle: This has nothing to do with fear of what you will find.
Kavina: Then you dont mind if I go to Florida?
Rochelle: Why should I care?
Kavina: I dont know, but I would like to see what has been up with Lacreasha.

Sandy: Are you sure this money will not satisfy you enough to give me some tidbits on Widlin Pierres life here.
Man: You obviously thought I was joking when I said I will phone the cops.
Sandy: Fine, but who ever you are working for, tell them that they can not keep the truth buried forever.
Man: (watching her leave, he picks up the phone) There was a woman here looking into that matter we discuss, I scared her off, but I have a feeling she will be back.
Woman: Thanks, I will take care of this woman.

Evelyn: Matt, no one is ganging up on you. We are trying to help you.
Matthew: Bull! I do not need your help.
Evelyn: You keep having these premonitions of strange phenomenon, I think that is a bit out of character.
Matthew: I have not had any visions in a while.
Earl: The problem is that it was cute when you were young, but now it is just getting strange.
Matthew: Do you think that I want to be having these visions of gloom and ghastly. These visions are no game, and evil has already made a foot hold in our lives.

Jessica: You do not scare me, because you can do all you want, but we will never gain what we had once before.
William: I am not trying to scare you, I am just making a promise that I will be here until death do us part.
Jessica: It is too late to be quoting our vows.
William: Wrong, it is just the beginning!

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