Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Malina: I wouldnt worry about what Camille is going to do./ Camille: Damn you Malina Ramirez, you will pay dearly. (~)
Matt: Do you think I want to have these visions of gloom and ghastly. Evil has made a foot hold in our lives. (~)
Samantha: If you tried to get to know Brock?
Royce: I don't like the guy and I don't think you should marry him.

(T.E.C.s Restaurante)
Samantha: This place seems even more lifeless than it was when both managers were here.
Brock: If you don't like this place, we can go somewhere else.
Samantha: No, I guess I haven't adjusted to it yet.
Brock: Okay. Lets dance, you can not argue with their choice of music.

Earl: That is the problem, there is no such thing as evil.
Matthew: That is where you wrong, evil is all around us. The people who are killed everyday, racism, rape, and so on.
Earl: Those are just bad things committed by people who don't understand the world.
Evelyn: I think Matt is right, maybe it is evil.

Camille: You made a big mistake when you decided to get involve in my private affairs. Tonight I will show you the consequences for double crossing me.

(theme music begins and eventually ends)

***Samantha: I see your dancing skills have not changed.  You still can keep me on my toes.
Brock: It is always easy to when you're with the one you belong with.
Samantha: That is actually what I want to talk to you about.
Brock: Are you having second thoughts?
Samantha: No, but I don't know if I can go through with it as long as Royce continues to protest against it.

Earl: This is crazy, you can't obviously believe this. Next you are going to be saying you believe in witches and vampires.
Evelyn: I'm not saying that.  I just think there is a lot of evil in the world, no matter how much either one of us wants to ignore it.
Earl: Okay, I will agree that there are some horrible people in this world, but evil totally taking over Hallandale I refuse to believe.
Matthew: What if I could prove it?

Danielle: Widlin, your boss called today and told me to tell you there was a photo shoot scheduled tomorrow.
Widlin: Thanks, I was actually on my way out of the door. Did she say where it would be?
Danielle: Coral Springs, near West Creek Camp!

***Widlin: I can't believe this. Danielle, could you tell my father that I went to Nichols Beauticon and won't be back until tonight.
Danielle: Sure!
Widlin: Thank you. (thinking) "I can not have that photo shoot in Coral Springs."
Danielle: Are you all right?
Widlin: (preparing to leave) Im fine, just thinking about something. I will see you later, bye!

Earl: How can you prove it?
Matthew: Well, I am not the only that has had these visions. Remember you said that your partner Crystal use to have visions of evil.
Earl: What does that have to do with anything?
Matthew: If Crystal has still been having her visions, then they should coincide with mine to a degree.
Earl: I think you are grasping at straws.
Matthew: Lets go to T.E.C.s and find out.

Brock: Why do you care how your brother feels about our relationship?
Samantha: because he is my brother. If he doesnt want me to marry you, then how am I supposed to get married without his blessing.
Brock: You do not need his blessing, if your brother really cared about you then he would be happy for you. Maybe he is the one who needs to think.

***Camille: Well Malina, you are about to get the most frightening scare of your life. I hope you are prepared.
(gathers equipment)
Camille: Oh, by the end of tonight, you will wish that you never heard the name Widlin Pierre or Camille Bellows Reyes.

Samantha: My brother is just looking out for me, maybe that is why I am not that angry.
Brock: because you understand where he is coming from?
Samantha: Yeah! Oh, I been so concerned about my family, I didnt ask you about yours.
Brock: What about them?
Samantha: The wedding silly, I mean, you did tell them? You told your brother and sister you were getting married?

(knock at the door)
Shaquanna: Come in!
Widlin: We need to talk about the Photo Shoot.
Shaquanna: What about it, everything seems fine to me.
Widlin: I am more concerned about the fact that it is in Coral Springs.
Shaquanna: Why, its not like you have anything to hide in Coral Springs.

***Malina: Widlin said that she would be back tonight?
Danielle: Yeah, she went to Nichols Beauticon.
Malina: Well, since she is still out, I am going to go home. Could you just let her know I stopped by?
Danielle: Okay. (thinking) "Although I have no idea when I became everyone's personal messenger."

Samantha: I can not believe you have not told your brother or sister yet?
Brock: I have not had the chance yet, I was planning to contact them tonight.
Samantha: Sure . . . who are they, I haven't seen them before?
Brock: Don't look at me, I'm as new here as you are. You can ask your brother when he meets us.
Samantha: Where is Royce, he was supposed to be here half an hour ago.

Widlin: I don't.  I just don't see why we have to leave the city to go for a photo shoot.
Shaquanna: Coral Springs is nice and sunny, we can get some nice pictures there.
Widlin: and is just happen to be near my old camp.
Shaquanna: Are you questioning my motives?
Widlin: No, I am just wondering, just wondering.

***Shaquanna: Is that some kind of encrypted code in your voice.
Widlin: No, I am wondering something though.
Shaquanna: What?
Widlin: What happened to that woman that was in here a couple days ago?

Earl: Hey Taneia, How is it going?
Taneia: Good, considering all that has happened.
Earl: What do you mean?
Taneia: Well, Crystal's face was badly scarred after the accident, for one.
Earl: accident?
Matthew: The bombing at the hospital.

Samantha: Well, I'm getting bored of waiting for Royce and you need to call back home and tell them about our wedding, so I am going to head home.
(Samantha and Brock headed towards the exit)
Royce: Whoa, sorry I'm late.
Samantha: Where the hell have you been?

Malina: Boy, it got dark out real fast!
Camille: There's my victim, let see how she likes a game of hide and go seek. That is I will be the seeker.

Coming Soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Malina: Hello, Whose there? (screams) (~)
Ben: Don't you think you may have been a little harsh on her?
Shanna: Why are you protecting her? (~)
Royce: I have a surprise! (~)
Anton: Rochelle, you may want to take a look at this.

Click here for the next episode!