Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Camille: You made a big mistake getting involve in my private affairs, I will show you the consequences for double crossing me. (~)
Shanna: Hell will freeze over before you get near anything of mine again, I want you out of my cottage! (~)
Royce: Sorry Im late.
Samantha: Where have you been? (~)
Anton: I think Rochelle may have done something the night of Leonard's murder.

(T.E.C.S Restaurante)
Matt: The accident at Blanchencore Hospital, I tried to tell you about it the day I interrupted your meeting.
Earl: How did all this happen?
Taneia: Well I confronted some enemy from Crystal's past because she tried to run away with our bankroll.  Anyway, Darron and Crystal got there, which I think intensified her anger.  Even though Romain managed to make her give us the bankroll, he couldn't stop her from blowing the place sky high.
Evelyn: Unbelievable!
Matt: Now do you understand why it is adamant that we get out of Hallandale.

Royce: I had an eye opener today and I decided to give you guys something. I have a surprise!
Samantha: What?
Royce: Well Brock, you are already familiar with them, but you can meet them again.
Brock: What are you talking about?
Royce: Your brother and sister, Samantha meet Ralph and Dana Lombard.

(approaching the house)
Malina: Keys, Where did I put them?
(rustling in the bushes)
Malina: (startled) Hello, Who's there?
Camille: (voice distorted) Why it is a blast from the past, see!
Malina: What the . . . (screams)

Rochelle: What are you doing here?
Anton: I have been doing some thinking, theres something I need to say to you.

(theme music begins and eventually ends)

***Ben: That was a pretty intense conversation you had with Jessica?
Shanna: Sorry, I just can't believe she had the gall to show her face after being absent from our lives for about two months without so much as
a second thought.
Ben: She was cripple for a while honey.
Shanna: She could have called, besides she was walking just fine to me just a couple hours ago.
Ben: Don't you think you may have been a little harsh on her?
Shanna: Not one part of me feels bad for what I said to her, she deserved that and more.

Ralph: So you are the lucky bride to be.
Samantha: Yeah, that's me.
Dana: Congratulations, welcome to the family.
Samantha: Thank you, its nice to know that I have your blessing.
Dana: Hell, I will be just happy not to be the only girl in this family. (laughs)
(Samantha joins in)
Brock: This was a nice thing you did.
Royce: I am just surprise you couldn't do it yourself, this being your wedding and all.

Anton: I owe you an apology for my continuous questioning about Leonard's murder, so I'm sorry.
Rochelle: Apology accepted.  Why don't you come sit down and I'll fix you a glass of tea.
Anton: All right, then you can give me a tour of your new place.

***Anton: This place is amazing.
Rochelle: Yeah, they gave me a pretty good deal. Its definitely a step up from living at Evercrest Gardens with Lacreasha.
Anton: I hear they have some nice rooms too.
Rochelle: Yeah the room is just fine, it was the living with Lacreasha part that I had to escape.
Anton: So in a way, Lacreasha betrayal encouraged you to broaden your horizons.
Rochelle: Yeah, I guess it did.

Evelyn: Matt, you cannot escape the evils of the world.  There not just here, but everywhere.  Even if it seems like paradise now, evil is always lurking.
Matt: So you believe my visions of evil.
Taneia: Visions? What visions?
Evelyn: He thinks he can see the future before it happens.
Taneia: Oy. I think you and Crystal need to share a room . . . at the psych ward.
Matt: Maybe you're the one who needs it, you obviously have a knack for inviting trouble.

Widlin: Are you all right?
Malina: Where you walking through the woods?
Widlin: No, I saw you headed towards the door and I tried to catch you. It looks like I only succeeded in spooking you.
Malina: Im fine, I guess the bushes and the wind are playing tricks on me.
Widlin: Come on, Lets get inside!
Camille: (watching them go inside) Damn it, This is not over Malina, not by a long shot.

***Ben: I still think that Jessica was trying to be appreciative.
Shanna: I dont care.  It is a little too late.
Ben: She did come all the way over here.
Shanna: Yeah, to steal our cottage, the bitch. What I can not understand is why you are protecting her?

Taneia: I am not about to be disrespected in my own restaurant, so you either respect me or get out.
Evelyn: You guys, we might as well leave.  I mean, there is nothing you can do while Crystal is still in the hospital.
Earl: You're right.  Lets go!

Brock: I would have when I had the chance.
Royce: and when would you have made that chance?
Brock: Look, my family is here, so can we at least try to be civil to each other for the night.
Royce: Fine, just dont expect any miracles.

Anton: These paintings are nice, where did you get them from?
Rochelle: My brother gave them to me, I guess I really never had the chance to hang them until now.
Anton: Do you know the artist?
Rochelle: I am not sure, you would have to ask my brother whenever he comes to see me.
Anton: What, he doesnt come for . . . (trips) Oh my god!

***Dana: So how did you two meet?
Samantha: It actually goes back a couple years to medical school.
Ralph: Oh really?
Samantha: Your brother helped make medical school more easier for me, he was my rock and companion. Then I guess when we were not looking, Cupid struck one of his arrows at the both of our hearts.
Dana: Thats my brother, the stud.
(All Laughing)
Royce: I'm going to go and take care of the bill.
Dana: So is your brother taken?
Brock: No, but he is the last person you should get involve with.
Royce: Watch where you're going. Oh, its you!

Ben: I am not protecting her, I am just demonstrating a little sympathy.
Shanna: Guess what, you and sympathy don't mix. So get away from the notion of saving my friendship with Jessica because there never was one to begin with.

***Malina: Are you sure you were not following directly behind me?
Widlin: Yes, I came up to your walkway and there you were getting your keys.
Malina: I could have sworn that someone was behind me and they said something, the voice was unclear.
Widlin: I think you are imagining things, there is no one out there!

Ben: I dont believe you.
Shanna: Believe this, if Jessica shows her face here again, there is no telling what I will do. So help me, there will be another murder in
Ben: Tell me you are joking.
Shanna: Does it look like I'm kidding.

Ralph: What's going over there with your brother?
Samantha: I dont know, he doesn't usually alert a crowd.
Brock: Silly me, I thought he did.
Royce: Well, if it isn't Earl Pryce.
Matt: Who's this?
Earl: Royce Keller, thats all you need to know.
Royce: What the hell are you doing showing your face back in this town after everything you've done?

Rochelle: What was that, I didn't hear your question.
Anton: Rochelle, you may want to take a look at this.
Rochelle: What, what is it?
Anton: I was wondering the same thing.
Rochelle: Oh my god.
Anton: Yeah, why is that in your house?

Coming soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Rochelle: I have no idea how that got into my house?
Anton: Maybe the question is what was it used for? (~)
Romain: Laura, How's it going?
Laura: I am locked in a psych ward because of you. (~)
Samantha: Royce, what are you doing?

Click here for the next episode!