Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Man: There was a woman here looking into that matter we discussed.
Woman: Thanks, I will take care of this woman. (~)
Romain: Laura's sick plans didn't ruin our lives after all.
Darron: I wouldn t say that! (~)
Anton: Oh my god!

***Earl: I do not have to explain myself to you, now get out of the way.
Royce: I don't think so, because you are on my side of the tracks now.
Earl: Its a free country.  I will go anywhere I please!
Royce: Keep up that attitude rich boy and it could get you hurt.
Earl: A threat with a bunch of witnesses, that is not very wise Royce since I hear you our already a suspect for murder. You planning on knocking me off too.
Royce: You . . .
Samantha: Royce, What are you doing?

(knocks at the door)
Man: You.  What are you doing here?
Sandy: I need your help now, Mitchell.
Mitchell: Your sister is still here, we can't right now.
Sandy: I am not here for that, I am here because I need your help in getting me some information. After all, you specialize in getting the dirt on everyone.
Mitchell: Just tell me the target's name.
Sandy: Widlin Pierre!

Rochelle: I have no idea how that got in my house.
Anton: I think maybe the more important question is what was it used for.
Rochelle: Dont tell me you're back to accusing me of Leonard's murder?
Anton: What do you expect, there is a gun right in the middle of this house!

(theme music begins and eventually ends)

***Rochelle: I do not know how that thing got in my house. I cant even stand the sight of guns let alone put one in my hands and shoot someone.
Anton: If the gun is not yours, then you shall not have no problem if I call the cops and tell them about it.
Rochelle: You go ahead, I am interested in knowing who is trying to set me up.

Mitchell: The Widlin Pierre!
Sandy: Of the all mighty Pierre family.
Mitchell: Have you lost your mind?
Sandy: No, I'm very serious.
Mitchell: Do you realize if I go against the Pierre's, they could strip me of everything.
Sandy: That doesnt sound like such a bad idea.
Mitchell: Are you crazy, Sherri is in the next room.

Earl: Matt, Evelyn, let's get out of here!
Royce: Yeah, you run like you always do.
Samantha: Royce!
Royce: What?
Samantha: What was all that about?
Brock: It seems your brother cant help but stir up trouble where ever he goes.

***Royce: Why dont you shut up?
Samantha: How about you both shut up! This is supposed to be a night of celebrating. I mean, your sister and brother are here and how long has it been since you seen them.
Brock: I . . .
Samantha: No, you both have ruined tonight because of your stupid on going fighting and whatever is was that you were doing with Earl Pryce.

Romain: Hey Robin, is Laura allowed any visitors?
Robin: Yes, but I caution you to approach her with risk. She has already assaulted two guards and an orderly.
Romain: Okay, thanks for the warning, but I think I can handle Laura.

Aubrey: What's going on?
Rochelle: We discovered a gun hidden in the cushion of this sofa.
Aubrey: Oh really! I'm sure its a coincidence that it is the same caliber of the gun used to kill Leonard Stone.
Anton: She thinks that the killer may have hid it in here to set her up.
Aubrey: Or maybe someone was just a little too careless.

***Rochelle: If it was my gun, I would not be calling you to my home late at night to have all kind of tests done that would implicate me.
Aubrey: Guilty people have been known to try and make themselves look innocent.
Rochelle: You are unbelievable, there are other people besides us who worked at HatcherKeller & Associates that knew Leonard. You have the Pierres who he worked for, Lacreasha Dupree, and the owners of T.E.Cs Restaurante.
Aubrey: Maybe I feel the guilty party is within my grasp.
Rochelle: Or maybe you have no life. Life without a husband made you bitter, Officer Capitulous.

Romain: Hey Laura, how's it going?
Laura: How's it going, I am locked up in the psych ward because of you.
Romain: I beg your pardon?
Laura: You heard me, it is your fault I'm in here!

Ralph: This obviously has not turn out to be the evening we expected.
Dana: Yeah, besides I think it is around closing time.
Samantha: Wait, where are you going to stay?
Dana: We were thinking of renting a hotel.
Ralph: Yeah.
Samantha: Well, that wont be necessary, there is enough room at my brothers place. Its okay if they stay with you?
Royce: Sure, the more, the merrier!

Sandy: When has that stopped us before?
Mitchell: This wouldnt be a way of getting me to help you.
Sandy: I need you to look at your resources. If you do it for me, then I will really make it worth your while.
Woman: Make what worth his while?

***Sandy: Sherri, How long have you been standing there?
Sherri: Long enough to know something more is going on that you obviously dont want me to know.
Mitchell: Sandy just came to me to ask for some help on a case.
Sherri: I thought you both stop working together years ago.
Mitchell: We have, she just needed some of my expertise on . . .
Sherri: How to ruin another person's life. You know how I feel about that sort of invasion into someones life.
Mitchell: That's why I was just telling Sandy I couldnt.
Sandy: So I guess I should just leave.
Sherri: Wait, you also said you could make it worth his while. What did you mean by that?

Matt: What was all that about, that guy and you at the bar?
Earl: Just old history that Royce can't seem to forget!
Evelyn: What history, why does he feel so violent towards you?
Earl: Does anyone feel tired, you know what, I have a early start at the office tomorrow, so I am going to hit the sack.
Evelyn: Well, you obviously do not want to talk about it so I am going to leave.
Earl: I will see you tomorrow.
Matt: Same here, sweet dreams!

Romain: I am not the reason you are in here. You want a reason, you look in the mirror.
Laura: You are just like the rest of the guys in my life, you get what you want and throw me away like yesterdays garbage.
Romain: What are you talking about?
Laura: The night we made love.
Romain: Thats the problem, because it was only sex and that should have never happened.
Laura: I was in love with you.  I thought with you it was going to be different. You are just as rotten as all of them.

***Romain: The reason it could never work out between us is because you have too much anger built up inside.
Laura: That excuse is so used up, its appalling. I was just another notch on your belt of a long line of woman you succeeded in getting into bed.
Romain: You know what, I do not know why I even stuck around to hear any of this. Guard, I am through with this patient.
(Romain leaves and hears Laura's threats)
Laura: It is not over, because I will be out of here one of these days. You, Crystal, Taneia, all of you just wait because you are in for a shocker. You hear me, a shocker!

Aubrey: For your information little girl, I do have a husband at home who loves me very much and I will be coming home to him.
Rochelle: (sarcastically) Oh how that makes my heart melt inside.
Aubrey: Your envy is duly noted and believe me, I will get to the bottom of this case if I have to question every single person in the state of Massachusetts.
Anton: Nice going.
Rochelle: It doesn't matter, because she has nothing that can implicate me in Leonard's murder.

Sandy: Well, I figured he probably didn't earn that much after quitting his job as a private investigator.
Sherri: Oh, me and Mitchell are doing just fine. Come on Mitchell, lets finish where we left off before we were interrupted.
Mitchell: Okay, I just need to tie up some loose ends with Sandy and I will be right there.
Sherri: (kisses him) Hurry, I dont want to wait too long.
Sandy: Don't tell me that you are . . .
Mitchell: (interrupts) Don't you ever do that again, now you get out of here.
Sandy: Have you forgotten the plan, the plan to our future. If you have, you had better start thinking fast about what you have to lose.

Coming soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Aubrey: Are you Widlin Pierre?
Widlin: Yes, how can I help you? (~)
Taneia: Darron, where is Crystal? (~)
Jessica: I love you, but I can not be with you. Not anymore!

Click here for the next episode!