Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Malina: I could have sworn someone was behind me.
Widlin: There is no one out there! (~)
Crystal: I doubt things will be any better tomorrow than they are tonight. (~)
Michelle: I thought I was the reason the modeling agency lasted long.
Kasey: Until What? (~)
William: I will fight to the death, but a divorce will never happen.

(It is now morning)
William: How did you sleep?
Jessica: Quite peacefully, considering the huge amount of stress Im dealing with.
William: I think sleeping somewhere where there is stress is much better than the alternative you had last night. You never did tell me what happened?
Jessica: It was never my intention to.

Taneia: Good morning, Robin! I'm here to see Crystal.
Robin: Darron, did not tell you?
Taneia: Tell me what, I was running a restaurant all last night.
Robin: Crystal has been moved, permanently.

Widlin: Dad, What's going on?
Alexander: What do you mean?
Widlin: Well, You have been dressed up almost every night for the last 3 weeks and sneaking out.
Alexander: I am on my way to work.
Widlin: I suppose you are on your way to work late after midnight. Come on Dad, what's really going on?

(theme music begins and eventually ends)

***Alexander: Well, there is something that I have been meaning to tell you.
Widlin: I knew it, you are seeing someone, who is it?
(door bell rings)
Alexander: We can talk about it later, why dont you go and get the door?
Widlin: Hello, Who are you?
Aubrey: Aubrey Capitulous, Officer Aubrey Capitulous! Are you Widlin Pierre?
Widlin: Yes, How can I help you?
Aubrey: I have some questions about your whereabouts the night of Leonard Stone's murder.

Kasey: So what do you have planned for the day?
Michelle: Well, me and Widlin are supposed to be headed for Coral Springs today
for a photo shoot.
Kasey: Really? Coral Springs!
Michelle: I was also thinking since we are going to be there for six days and not working the hours a day, that you can come with me.

William: I gave you a place to stay, I think you can at least be a little grateful and tell me what happened.
Jessica: Why does everyone think that I take advantage of them, I told you that I appreciated staying here.
William: I am not about to argue with you about this matter, especially when there is more important matters to discuss.
Jessica: and what would that be?
William: Our marriage!

***Jessica: Our marriage is over, this is a subject that will lead us nowhere.
William: No where, our marriage and love created a baby, or have you forgotten that?
Jessica: Don't even bring that up. You spent most of my pregnancy claiming the baby was someone else's. Now you are trying to say it was yours now that our marriage is on the line, you're unbelievable!

Taneia: Okay Robin, what do you mean Crystal has been moved permanently?
Robin: All I know she is no longer in the hospital.
Taneia: Do you at least know where Darron is?
Robin: He said he had to go back to his place for a couple of things, you could
check there if . . .
(observes that Taneia has already fled from the hospital)

Kasey: I have to check with Earl and see if I can get my schedule cleared. I may since he is mainly focusing on one specific case.
Michelle: What do you mean?
Kasey: Well, you heard about that guy Leonard Stone being murdered. He has appointed someone to the case already, so If everything go as planned, then I will be right with you on them sunny beaches.

Aubrey: I am aware that Leonard worked as a gatekeeper here, so I figured you both knew him well whether fortunately or otherwise.
Widlin: I was home that night, so you may want to look in another place.
Aubrey: I still need to speak to your father. While we wait, Is there anything that Leonard Stone may have done or heard that could make him a threat?

***Widlin: Are you saying what I think you are saying?
Aubrey: I am saying did Leonard ever do anything or hear something he should not have that may have upset you?
Widlin: (thinking) "All my money is gone. Leonard, he is not going to get away with this."
Aubrey: Hello?
Widlin: Leonard Stone was the hired help, we had no reason to kill him. Why are you looking at me like that?
Aubrey: because I think you are lying. I think there is more to this story than you are being forthcoming with.

Kasey: I called Earl and he said that there was no reason I could not go.
Michelle: Well you better hurry, we have to be out of here in time if we want to catch that plane.
Kasey: I know I said it was better that I didnt know, but I have to know, are you doing something illegal for Shaquanna?
Michelle: No, I am not!
Kasey: So why not tell me what it is?

Jessica: You will cling to any sense of hope you can find just to stop this divorce, why?
William: How many times do I have to say it, I am in love with you and I know that you feel the same about me.
Jessica: Fine, I love you, all right! The fact of the matter is that you could not trust me and that is why our marriage is falling apart. A marriage not based on trust has no chance of survival. I may always love you, but I cannot be with you, not anymore!

***William: I see!
Jessica: Have I finally succeeded in getting through to you?
William: Yes, I won't continue to pursue you anymore.
Jessica: Finally, now you can sign those divorce papers.
William: No, now you can get of my house because I am not signing those papers. If I am miserable, so help me I will make sure you are down there with me.

Darron: Taneia, What are you doing here?
Taneia: Where is Crystal?
Darron: What?
Taneia: Where is Crystal, she was not at the hospital and Robin said you knew where she was.
Darron: Shes been moved to a place you are familiar with, the Pacific Palisades for recuperation.
Taneia: Recuperation?
Darron: Greg and the specialists have begun the plastic surgery.

Widlin: How dare you assault me in my own home, I don't care who you are.
Alexander: What's going on down here?
Aubrey: I have been gathering some interesting facts from your daughter about the night Leonard Stone was murdered.
Alexander: You told her what you thought he did that night, how can you be so stupid?
Aubrey: Im afraid you lost me, what did Leonard do that night that telling it to me now would be a stupid move?

***Alexander: Nothing, I guess I must have been thinking about something else.
Aubrey: Sure, I have imposed on you guys enough today. Don't you worry, I will get to the bottom of this matter.
(Aubrey leaves)
Widlin: My god, you almost blew everything. Now because of you outburst, she is more suspicious than ever.
Aubrey: This is going to be one hell of a case, so many suspects, yet only one had the power to kill him.

Michelle: There are just some things that are legal, but cannot be said.
Kasey: I don't believe that, I think you are not telling me because you know I will not approve.
Michelle: You're right.  If you knew the truth about what I was doing for Shaquanna, it would destroy everything you ever thought you knew about me.

Coming Soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Rochelle: I think its time Ive done some of my own research into Leonards past, maybe the truth lies there. (~)
Kasey: If it will have this serious of an impact, then you should tell me. (~)
Malina: Now I know someone's there! (~)
Kavina: Oh my god! So that is her mystery guy.

Click here for the next episode!