Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Laura: All of you just wait, you are in for a shocker! /
Romain: Laura escaped from the mental institution. (~)
Brett: I did not agree to kill someone. (~)
Rochelle: Some people may not feel that way Kyle. (~)
Sherri: It's an earring but it is not mine, Mitchell!

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Sandy: Hey, Hows it going?
Sherri: Cut the pleasantries, I am not in the mood.
Sandy: What is going on?
Sherri: I think Mitchell is having an affair and I need you to help me find out with who.

Rochelle: Here, take those down to data processing and tell Anton those need to be filed.
Kavina: Hey Rochelle!
Rochelle: I see you are back from Florida already.
Kavina: Yes, and it was a very memorable trip.

Robin: So did the authorities catch Laura.
Romain: No, and I cannot reach Taneia or Crystal!
Robin: You think she will go after them.
Romain: I dont know, but the cards are against them because they have no idea what kind of danger they are in.

(theme music begins and eventually ends)

***Taneia: Okay, I have all kinds of goodies.
Crystal: Wow, some of this stuff I can't even afford.
Taneia: It helps to be in the food industry.
Darron: (walking into the room unannounced) Well, how is my favorite girl this morning?
Crystal: Just fine.  Look at all these things Taneia got for me.
Darron: I see, did anyone have to die before you got this all Taneia?!

Robin: I think you can relax. Crystal and Taneia are in good hands, besides they are thousands of miles away from Hallandale.
Romain: The problem is that Laura knows that too and there is no telling what she will do when she finds them.
Robin: I see what you mean, but I here the Palisades are pretty isolated.
Romain: and with them all by themselves, they could be playing right into Laura's hand.

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Sandy: You want me to help you find out who your husband is having an affair with.
Sherri: Well, you are a well practiced Investigator. If anyone can get to the bottom of this, its you.
Sandy: I just don't think I should be the one helping you with this situation.
Sherri: Who else?
Sandy: Maybe someone not so closely involved?
Sherri: Okay, What's really going on? Why dont you want to help me find out who my husband mistress is?

***Kavina: You will not believe who I saw Lacreasha with in Florida.
Rochelle: Let me guess . . . Kyle Pierre!
Kavina: What, how did you know?
Rochelle: because I had a little run in with Mr. Pierre myself.

Danielle: Hi, Im looking for someone. I was wondering if you could help me find them.
Brett: That would depend on who the person is.
Danielle: Wait a minute, Brett, is that you?
Brett: What do you think?
Danielle: What are you doing here at the Airport Terminal?
Brett: I knew you be here and I desperately need your help!

(The Palisades)
Taneia: I thought we were all trying to start over Darron.
Darron: I think Crystal has done more of her share of starting over, with a face lift!
Taneia: So you are blaming me for what happened to Crystal?
Darron: If the shoe fits . . . the only reason we almost died is because you felt some urge to over power Laura. So yes, you are responsible for Crystal's face and all the patients that lost there lives.

***Taneia: How dare you come in here and blame me for what happened you low-life scum.
Crystal: That is enough! My god, am I even in the room?  Now I want you both out of my room, and don't come back until you learn the means of respect.
Taneia: I have no problem with that! It is your boyfriend that has the problem.
Darron: I don't know if I can be able to stare a murderer in the face every single day.
Taneia: Then I guess is kind of hard for you to look in the mirror seeing as how you are the cause of our daughter's death.

Kavina: What happened with you and Kyle?
Rochelle: Well, I broke into Lacreasha suite in hope to find some incriminating information on Leonard. Unfortunately when I got my hands on the evidence, Lacreasha and Kyle were getting ready to come in to retrieve the file.
Kavina: What happened then?
Rochelle: To make a situation worse, Mrs. Aubrey showed up to question Lacreasha. During that time, I kept having the nagging feeling that I recognize the mans voice. It wasn't until after Aubrey left and I revealed myself to Lacreasha that I saw it was Kyle.
Kavina: What did he do when you saw him?
Rochelle: He was not happy, and it is only going to get worse.

Sandy: Of course I want to help you, I just don't want to be the one to break your heart with the news.
Sherri: No, I feel something is not right here!
Sandy: What do you mean?
Sherri: Its almost like you have something to lose by helping me find out who Mitchell mistress is.

***Danielle: I dont understand, what is going on?
Brett: I have got myself mixed up in something dangerous.
Danielle: Just back out then.
Brett: I have, but the danger has already been set and lives will be at stake.
Danielle: I still do not get what is going on?
Brett: While I was away, I went to work at a camp in Coral Springs. The money was just not enough, so when this women approach me and offered me $500 per hour to keep someone past hidden, I jumped at it.
Danielle: I can understand that, but what is the problem?
Brett: This one women just wouldnt give it up, so she decided the only way to stop her is to have her killed.

Romain: I tried everything I can think of and I still couldn't reach either one of them.
Robin: Then I suggest you focus your intentions on finding Laura then.
Romain: Yeah, or maybe I can check with who they have running the club to see if they have a number I can reach.
(Loud speaker: Dr. Osborne, you are need in room 6.  Repeat Dr. Osborne, you are needed in room 6)
Romain: I guess that will have to wait.

Sandy: Of course I have nothing to lose.
Sherri: You just have been acting very weird lately. I mean, its like you dont want me to know something.
Sandy: Dont be ridiculous!
Sherri: Am I, am I really?
Mitchell: Hey honey, whats going on?

***Sherri: Do not hey honey me! It took me a while to catch on, but it is pretty obvious.
Sandy: Obvious, you lost me Sherri?
Sherri: The reason why you do not want to help me find Mitchell's mistress.
Mitchell: mistress?
Sherri: Do not even think of playing the innocent act with me because I know that you are having an affair. The question is whose the slut?

Danielle: This women wanted you to commit murder. If that is so, then you have to go to the cops, Brett?
Brett: You know that is the last thing I can do because of my rap sheet, that is why I need your help.
Danielle: What can I do?
Brett: I need a place to stay for awhile, I was hoping you would let me stay with you.

Kavina: What are you planning?
Rochelle: Well, I plan to pay Ms. Dupree another visit and this time I will not leave until she sees the moral lesson of it all.
Kavina: Why do I suddenly wish I didn't ask?
Rochelle: Simple, I plan to give Lacreasha the night from hell. If she killed Leonard, I will know by tonight.

(The Palisades)
Crystal: (hear knocking at door) I do not want any visitors.
Laura: That's too bad, but not to worry. This is the last visit you'll get from anyone.
Crystal: (mouth being covered) Help . . .
Laura: Come on, no fair trying to alert people you are in trouble.  Finally, (pulls out the heavy itinerary to Crystal's face) I will avenge my sisters death.

Coming soon on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Malina: I do not think it is a coincidence that I have been the victim of these random attacks. (~)
Darron: How dare you bring up our daughter's death in front of Crystal?
Taneia: You shouldn't have secrets from those you say you love! (~)
Matthew: It's a disaster at sea! (~)
Shaquanna: There is a cruise and you are all invited.

Click here for the next episode!