Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Danielle: What can I do?
Brett: I was hoping you let me stay with you. (~)
Mitchell: I guess a sea cruise will reassure you that I only love you.
Sherri: How fabulous.
Sandy: Its something! (~)
Shaquanna: If you want to keep your job, you pack the attitude and find some respect!

(Hallandale, Massachusetts)
Brett: Thanks for letting me stay.
Danielle: The Pierres barely use this shack, so I thought it was as good a place as any.
Brett: So you live on the Pierre Estate?!
Danielle: My penthouse is being renovated.  Since I work for them, they had no problem letting me live here.
Brett: Don't you feel you are demeaning yourself though. I mean, you are working as a maid for a couple of rich folks.
Danielle: and why is that a problem?

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Mitchell: Well gals, it's hard to believe, but here we are on a once in a lifetime sea cruise.
Sandy: Don't remind me. I think I am going to be seasick.
Sherri: I am just fine.  I guess that's the ups of having a husband, you can face anything.
Sandy: (thinking) "Sister dear, you have no idea how much you will have to face."

Michelle: This cruise is just amazing, I can't imagine anything going wrong! Oh, What is so interesting over there?
Widlin: I think I see someone I know, I will be right back!
Shaquanna: Widlin, Michelle! I want to get some shots of you both against the boat as the waves pass by.
Michelle: I would but it is kind of hard to do it without the other person here.
Shaquanna: Where is Widlin?
Widlin: Where did he go? I must be hallucinating, what is the chance of me and him being on the same cruise at the same time.

(theme music begins and eventually ends)

***Shaquanna: It's about time, where were you?
Widlin: I thought I saw someone I knew, it wasn't them so lets forget about it.
Shaquanna: Gladly.  I need you over there next to Michelle! Think sexy and free, clear your minds. (clicks camera continuously)

Sandy: You guys are having a good time at my expense, I know there has got to be some eligible bachelors on this ship and I will find me one.
Sherri: I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be disrespectful of your feelings.
Sandy: That's okay! This cruise may just come to be a blessing in disguise.
Sherri: What do you mean?
Sandy: I just noticed the person I'm supposed to be investigating is here.
Mitchell: Widlin Pierre, heiress to the Pierre fortune is here?

(Hallandale, Massachusetts)
Brett: No problem, I just remember how into your books you were in high school.
Danielle: A lot has change since high school when my father left my family to gallop around Europe. I was force to quit college and get a quick job to support my mom since it seem she may never walk again.
Brett: Yeah, I heard about that around school. So your mom does not have other family or children.
Danielle: Yeah, she does actually. That's it, I know who can help you.
Brett: Who?
Danielle: My halfsister, Michelle!

***Brett: How can your halfsister help me?
Danielle: She has very good ties with the authorities, seeing she married an FBI Agent.
Brett: I said I can not go to the authorities.
Danielle: You wont, we will simply have my sister intercept your message to Kasey without being directly involve.

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Women: Are you on the ship?
Man: Yes, the connection is getting kind of bad since we are passing through so many wind currents so make it quick.
Women: Do you have everything I told you to have to be prepared for tonight.
Man: I have everything!
Women: Don't get agitated with me, I cannot afford any problems, this hit must go off as schedule.

***Man: The DJ has started the music and looks like they are bringing everyone unto the dance floor.
Women: Fine, call me back when the job has been taken care of.
Man: Dont worry, Sandy Reynolds will not know what hit her, figuratively speaking, when tonight is over.
Michelle: Come on Kasey, let's dance!
Kasey: Calm down.  I don't need anyone else seeing how hot my wife is when she gets down and dirty.
Michelle: Then take me, or I will find another willing partner.
Kasey: When you say it like that? Lets show them how its done!

(Hallandale, Massachusetts)
Malina: I cannot believe I left my car keys in the apartment.
Anton: Important thing is you got them, let's go.
Malina: Yeah, those stupid neighbors wasted enough of our time.

Brett: I still think that is a little bit risky.
Danielle: Let me call Michelle and see what she has to say.
Brett: What are you going to tell her?
Danielle: The basic what if scenario, if anyone has any answers on complicated situations, it is Michelle.

***Malina: I just feel there is some connection between why I always feel I'm being followed and my house being trashed.
Anton: I intend to help you get to the bottom of this.
Malina: Well, hopely the cops will be able to locate the person who could possibly be doing this.

Sherri: I wonder what happened to my sister, she's been gone for a while.
Mitchell: Your sister can definitely take care of herself.
Sherri: I was just wondering if maybe she hit it off with someone. I mean, for as long as I have known my sister, she has never got serious with a guy.
Mitchell: What do you mean?
Sherri: She always wanted to save herself for the right person, so when she finds that person, I hope they are worth her love.
Mitchell: (thinking) "Sandy was not kidding when she said I was her first, so is it possible she really is in love with me?"
Man: I found her and she is all alone.
Women: Then shoot damnit, kill that nosy bitch!

Malina: (thud) What was that?
Anton: What?
Malina: I heard a thud sound.
Anton: Look out! (car screeches and crash)

***Man: Shoot!
Women: What happened?
Man: Someone just grabbed her in with the rest of the party.
Women: My god, how much luck can one person have? I want you to shoot to kill, get her in your vicinity and fire!

Malina: (coughs) What the hell happened?
Anton: I was wondering the same thing.
Malina: I don't understand.  I swerve the car and hit the brakes to avoid hitting the tree.
Anton: (inspecting the car) Maybe that was the problem.
Malina: What, what are you looking at?
Anton: The reason we crashed is because your brake lines have been tampered with, nearly sabotaged!

Danielle: She's not answering, she must not be home.
Brett: Maybe that is a blessing in disguise.  I was not feeling too good about telling your sister this.
Danielle: You cannot continue to run Brett.  If they want to find you, then they will.
Brett: There's still a chance they wont!
Danielle: If you want to believe that, then fine! I am more concerned about where my sister is.

Widlin: I guess you are my partner . . . (gasps) It is you!
Man: Such a waste . . . (gun fires)
Kasey: Get down! (gun fires)
Man: Damn, I missed. The boss will have my head If I mess this up!
(gun fires two more times)
Sherri: (screams) Mitchell!!!

Tuesday on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Malina: Now I am certain that someone is after me! (~)
Taneia: Romain, what are you doing here?
Romain: To warn you and Crystal! (~)
Samantha: Tomorrow is my wedding day and if you can't show appreciation, then don't bother showing up.

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