Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"
Widlin: I guess you are my partner . . .
Man: Such a waste! (gun fires) (Widlin gasps) (~)
Malina: How did this happen?
Anton: Your brake lines have been tampered with! (~)
Darron: She is no where in the hospital! (~)
Samantha: We are getting married the day after tomorrow.

***Samantha: (looks out the window) My god, I can't believe the weather here!
Dana: That's them southern cities for you.
Samantha: I just hope the weather clears up by tomorrow.
Dana: Yeah! Theres a superstition if it rains before your wedding, the whole thing is cursed.
Samantha: Dont be silly.  I don't take superstitions seriously and there is nothing in mine or Brock's past that can hurt us.

(The Palisades)
Darron: No such luck in locating Crystal?
Taneia: No.  Its like she has disappeared right of the face of the Earth.
Darron: I just don't understand, if she is not taking any tests, then where the hell is she?

Laura: My Crystal, it seems you're bleeding is only getting worse. If only there was a doctor here to help you. You know, someone besides me!
Crystal: Why don't you shut up you psychotic old bag?
Laura: You really should learn respect for your elders. You never know when the backstabbing is finally going to become unbearable.
(Crystal cries as the knife slips into her back)

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Sherri: Mitchell!
Widlin: Oh my god, someone is shooting a gun!
Man: Are you all right?
Widlin: Yeah, you saved my life, Thank you!
Michelle: Kasey, Kasey! (screams and cries) Oh my god, He's been shot!

(theme song)

***Michelle: I need a doctor, my husband's been shot.
Man: I'm a doctor, lets see what we have here!
Michelle: Please, just save him.  Please, just save him!

Mitchell: Are you all right?
Sandy: I'm fine, the bullet missed me by an inch.
Mitchell: What were you doing out here all by yourself?
Sandy: Trying to save myself from humiliation, most of the guys on this ship are either taken or too young.
Mitchell: Why are you wasting your time trying to be someone you are not?
Sandy: I can ask you the same, why are you still married to my sister when it is me that you love?

(Hallandale, Massachusetts)
Malina: This night has just been great. I mean, first someone sabotages my car, nearly killing us both and then we are almost soaked to death.
Anton: It has not rain this hard in awhile.
Malina: Yeah, its almost like the skies are trying to tell us something.
Anton: Its just rain.
Malina: Not to the children of the Ramirez family tree. My mom and dad use to tell me all the time that when it rained really hard, the universe is
crying because evil has made an entrance into our lives.

Samantha: There is nothing you know about his past that would effect our marriage.
Dana: Of course not, between Ralph and me, Brock is a regular saint!
Royce: Really, and saints dump their significant other without explanations.
Samantha: He did explained that to me!
Royce: Years later after he decided he wanted you back. The man left you without any explanation and do you ever wonder what he did after he saw you in bed with Ty.

***(The Palisades)
Romain: Oh thank god, you people are just difficult to track.
Taneia: Romain, What are you doing here?
Romain: To warn you and Crystal about what's happened!
Taneia: Well I guess you will have to tell me because Crystal seems to be missing.
Romain: Oh no.  She has her!
Darron: What, Who has Crystal?
Romain: Laura escaped from the mental hospital last night!

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Man: I wasn't about to let you get shot!
Widlin: Not that I am not grateful, but what are you doing here Alfonso?
Alfonso: Well, just like you needed time to think. I needed some time some place else to clear my mind.
Widlin: So I guess it wasn't in any of our plans to cross each other paths, in a shoot-out no less.

Shaquanna: Michelle calm down, I am sure the fine doctor has everything under control.
Michelle: How can you expect me to calm down, my husband has been shot and the killer is still among us!

***Michelle: How is he?
Man: It does not look good, it appears the bullet hit an artery near the heart.  If he does not get proper medical treatment immediately . . .
Michelle: Are you saying there is a chance my husband won't make it?
Man: I'm afraid it looks that way.

Mitchell: Well, your sister just finish telling me that you were saving yourself for the one you love. You told me I was your first, does that mean you were waiting for me?
Sherri: There you both are! I was starting to get worry.
Mitchell: No, I just spotted Sandy out here all by herself before the bullets started flying.
Sherri: Well, when I came up here, you both look a little serious. Did something happen?
Sandy: Just the same old, I am going to see if they apprehended the person who did this.

(Hallandale, Massachusetts)
Samantha: I am not in the mood for your negativity. I would of expected you to be the least bit respectful since we have a guest.
Royce: I cannot forgive the man as easily as you can.
Dana: You know I thought you were a nice guy, but you obviously have some problems I was blind to. I guess my brother had his reasons for me staying away from you, I will see my way out!
Samantha: (door closes) Thank you for scaring of my guest!
Royce: You're welcome, whatever works for you.

Anton: Okay, back to reality.
Malina: Reality wise: Now I'm certain someone is after me! I mean, they sabotaged my brakes.
Anton: What scares me more is whoever this person is had no problem with trying to kill you.

***Anton: That is why I think it is imperative that you come up with a name of someone who could be behind this.
Malina: How am I supposed to do that?
Anton: Think of everyone you have come in contact with and if you may have done something that has had a negative effect on their life.
Malina: Oh my god.  I can't believe I didn't think about it before.

Samantha: Your behavior is disgusting, if I didnt know any better, I would assume you were drunk.
Royce: Can I help it if I want to protect my sister?
Samantha: I can remember a while back when you were telling me to face my feelings.
Royce: Yeah, I never told you to jump right into marriage.
Samantha: Maybe because it was not your decision to make.

(The Palisades)
Darron: How can those guards have allowed her to escape?
Romain: That's what I was saying! Obviously my fears have been predicted.
Taneia: We do not know that Laura has Crystal, I mean she could still be taking some tests the hospital know nothing about.
Darron: That is just pure wishful thinking, Laura has her!

Laura: Have you had enough? If not, I can always go on. I am not afraid of ending a life.  Although it is kind of ironic, I saved lives for a living and now I am about to end one.

***Crystal: (thinking) "Come on Darron, Taneia, you have to find me. I dont know how much longer I can hold on."

Taneia: I am still amazed that she knew exactly where to find her.
Romain: She probably just snuck a peak at one of the charts.
Darron: We have bigger things to worry about, we have to start thinking about places she would take Crystal.
Taneia: It would be a miracle to find her, I am not familiar with any of the places here.
Darron: Then we cover every inch of this damn city, I am going to find Crystal and bring her home safe.

(Hallandale, Massachusetts)
Samantha: I have had it with your behavior, tomorrow is my wedding day and if you can't show your appreciation . . .
Royce: What?
Samantha: Then don't bother showing up! (goes to the bedroom and shuts the door)

Anton: Who, who do you think is behind this?
Malina: I revealed the woman as a lying bitch to her husband.  Of course, it has to be Camille.

(Coral Springs, Nevada)
Sherri: You guys got quiet.
Sandy: I just had enough excitement tonight, I am going to see if the ship has reached shore yet.
Sherri: We'll go with you, coming Mitchell?
Mitchell: Right behind you.
Widlin: (bumps into Sandy) Oh, I'm sorry!
Alfonso: I guess it is pretty hectic around here.
Widlin: I got the feeling she was trying to get away from me and I could have sworn I've seen her somewhere before.

Michelle: Baby, hold on. Help will be here soon!
Kasey: I need you to be quiet and listen to me.
Michelle: You really shouldn't talk.
Kasey: If I don't say what I have to say, I might not be able to say it again.
Michelle: Don't say that, you are going to be okay.
Kasey: (disoriented, you can see the color clearly fading from his skin) I need you to know that I love you, that no matter what happens I will always love you. (looses consciousness)
Michelle: No, you come back to me! (crying) Please, you can't leave me!

Click here for the next episode!