And Now, "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

***Matthew: I am dead certain the unthinkable happened last night.  God lost one of his children. Somewhere in the amidst of chaos lies someone's life who has been innocently taken. I had the power to stop it, the visions that I received are given to me for some reason. I am not as too clear of what that reason is, but I have to find out before the pain and destruction hits a little close . . . to my home!

(Saint Christ Cathedral)
Dana: I don't see your brother around.
Samantha: We had a disagreement and I told him if he couldn't show his appreciation, then he should not bother coming to the wedding.
Dana: Are you sure that is the right thing?
Samantha: Yes, I did not need him crowding the church with his negative vibes. I am not happy about it though, I always envision my brother walking me down the isle after our father died.  Anyhow, enough with the mushiness, I have a wedding to get ready for.

Jessica: Thank you for spending the night.
Greg: I was just making sure you were safe.
Jessica: Well, I am glad William did not come home last night, there is no telling what conclusions he would have jump too.
Greg: You think he could hurt you if he thought you were having an affair.
Jessica: No.  William may talk tough, but he could never hurt me.
William: You really shouldn't say never. You will learn just how serious I am.

(theme song)

***Greg: I still think you should be a little careful.
Jessica: Believe me, that is what I am doing.  I just can't wait till that day I am legally estranged from William.
Greg: You keep talking about being ready for a divorce and I just can't help but wonder what would you have done if your baby lived?

Kavina: Good morning Rochelle!
Rochelle: That is one hell of an understatement!
Kavina: I take it things didnt go so well with Lacreasha and Kyle.
Rochelle: Oh no, that went over more smoothly then I could have predicted.
Kavina: So what has you in a bad mood?
Rochelle: You obviously haven't read the newspaper, it ran a whole front page expose on Leonard's murder. The D.A. is not planning on giving up until they nail shut the coffin of the person who killed Leonard.

***Kavina: Isn't that a good thing?
Rochelle: No, this could mean a disaster for HatcherKeller & Associates if this negative publicity starts to come within these walls.
Kavina: There is no reason it should, no one here murdered Leonard.
Rochelle: Contrary to what Anton believes, where is he anyway?
Kavina: He has been spending time with that Malina women lately.
Rochelle: Good, then I won't have him constantly nagging me about Leonards murder.
Aubrey: (popping in unannounced) That's what I'm here for.

Evelyn: Matt, I called your names several times.
Matthew: I was just thinking about something.
Evelyn: Obviously.  What was it that you were mumbling about?
Matthew: Do you want to know as my friend or to score points with my brother?

Jessica: I don't know.  I never really thought about it.
Greg: I think you do know, but you don't want to say it.
Jessica: Fine, I would probably have stayed with William.  However, the circumstances are different now and I am married to man who does not trust me. If William had trusted that the baby I was carrying was his, then my baby would probably still be alive today.

***(Wedding music starts)
Samantha: (thinking as she walks down the isle) Everything is finally looking up, this day is going to be the best day of my life.
Brock: (thinking) "It took awhile, but we are finally going to be together."
Ralph: I can't believe you are shuffling tarot cards during a wedding.
Dana: I have to see what the universe is predicting will happen today.
Ralph: It's a wedding, what do you think?
Dana: Never mind that, why don't you see what the cards have to say?

Evelyn: What do you mean, score points with your brother?
Matthew: You think I haven't seen the way you look at my brother. Besides I've had visions of your feelings for him.
Evelyn: Okay, you have had your laugh.
Matthew: I'm not kidding.  I know that you craved that my brother will notice you more as a women than a friend. I just think its time I tell you that may never happen.

Aubrey: What are you worried that your friend will discover?
Rochelle: Why is it every time I try to have a private conversation, you show up?
Aubrey: I told you that I would be watching you more closely.
Rochelle: Well I have been keeping a close eye on you as well, your past that is.
Kavina: Don't do anything crazy Rochelle!
Rochelle: Tell me, how does a man deal with his wife being a cop?

***Rochelle: I mean, where is your husband? Why isn't he here supporting your career? It doesn't feel so good when it is your private life being invaded.
Aubrey: It is my job to get to the truth.
Rochelle: Yeah, but you have no right to invade into someone personal thoughts and feelings.  I could care less who the hell you are!

Greg: So you blame William for your baby's death?
Jessica: If William was not so insistent that he was sterile, then I would have not gone back to have another pregnancy test let, nor would I have been in that horrible car accident.
Greg: Maybe William and you are not the bad guys in this at all!
Jessica: What do you mean?
Greg: What if someone made it look like William was sterile?
Jessica: We have already crossed that bridge!
Greg: I think you should cross it again.  I think there is a lot of dirty work clouding this whole situation.

Priest: We are gathered here today to witness these two in holy matrimony!
Ralph: You are being rude, there is a wedding in progress.
Dana: According to my cards, the wedding will happen okay.
Ralph: So give me the cards and let's show our support.
Dana: (picks up the card) Wait, one of the cards dropped. I guess the universe is trying to tell us something else. This is a weird card, I never seen this pop up.

***Priest: At this time, is there anyone who shall show just cause why these two should not join in holy matrimony. (slight pause) All right, then we shall proceed. The Rings!
Brock: Rings? Oh, right here.
Priest: Now Brock repeat after me, With this ring, I thee wed Samantha to be my lawfully wedded wife.
Brock: "With this ring, I thee wed Samantha to be my lawfully wedded wife."
Priest: (continues) To love and to cherish, to hold dear to this day forth
Brock: (emotionally) "To love and to cherish, to hold dear to this day forth."
Priest: In sickness and health, for richer or poor, till death do us part.
Brock: "In sickness and health, for richer or poor, till death do us part."
Dana: (whispers) Of course! This is not good!
Ralph: What?
Dana: This card means that a stranger will come into the newlyweds lives real soon and cause a lasting effect.

Evelyn: I really could care less because I do not have romantic expectations towards your brother. I better get to work!
Matthew: When will people realize that I see the future and if you continue to pursue a relationship with my brother, neither one of you will be prepared for the consequences.

Rochelle: If I were you, I wouldn't leave my husband's side. He is pretty gorgeous and there could be some desperate women just waiting jump his bones.
Aubrey: Do you know it is never wise to make an enemy of the authorities. Well, you just stepped right over that line.
Kavina: What are you saying, Officer Capitulous?
Rochelle: Yeah, are you threatening me?
Aubrey: I am just advising you that this investigation is going to get ugly and you do not want to be in my way. So I suggest you start thinking of ways to prove your whereabouts the night of Leonard's murder, or things will get real dicey for you.  (Aubrey parts)

Jessica: I just can't see what reason anyone would have to see me and William apart.
Greg: Sometimes what you can't see is the thing that can hurt you the most.
William: (listening in on their conversation) "You have no idea how right you are!"

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