And Now, "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

***Malina: It has to be Camille. There is no one evil and corrupted enough like her to endanger the lives of innocent people.
Anton: What are you going to do? Are you going to go to the cops?
Malina: No, I have a much better plan in store for Ms. Bellows. When I'm through with her, she will wish I had turn her in or she will turn herself in just to get away from me.

Shanna: It looks really nice out today considering the storm yesterday.
Ben: We can't keep sweeping this under the rug, we have to talk about your ex-husband at some point.
Shanna: Why does that some point have to be now?
Ben: because I have not been able to sleep since hearing about how you let your husband's killer stay free.
Shanna: That is not what I did!
Ben: So if I were to mysteriously die, would you find my killer or would you move on with your life like now as if we never were together?

Ralph: Okay, that is enough! I have had it with you and those cards.  They cannot predict the future.
Dana: The universe never lies and someone is about to walk through that door.
Priest: What union God has brought together today may no man or woman put asunder. I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride!
Brock: (kisses Samantha) Finally!
(Audience laughs as Royce walks in)
Dana: My cards were right, look who showed up!
Ralph: The more important thing is what is he doing here?

(theme song)

***Brock: Thank you Reverend for your services, you are invited to come to the reception if you like.
Priest: Your welcome, congratulations and good luck!
Samantha: (walks towards Royce) What are you doing here?
Royce: I came to see my sister get married, although it looks like I'm a bit late.  I know I have not been very supported of your union with Brock, but I want you to be happy and if he makes you happy, then I'm happy for you!
Samantha: I wasn't expecting that, I don't know what to say!
Royce: Just give your brother a hug. (thinking) "If Brock hurts you again, he won't be around for any making up."

Taneia: Nothing?
Darron: No, when Laura doesn't want someone to be found, she means business.
Taneia: We cannot think that way. We have to think in the minds of a desperate, whacked out women who is carrying an approximately 140 lb. women.
Darron: You mean a place that is isolated, somewhere not even the bravest of minds would go. Where?
Taneia: That travel agent, remember she was telling us about those mines in the hilltops, where approximately 20 people disappeared from. That has got to be it, she is holding her captive in the mines.

***Darron: Then what are we waiting for, lets go!
Taneia: It's probably a better idea if I stay.  I mean, Laura wasn't exactly thrilled with me the last time we spoke. I don't want to set her off. Besides I should call the authorities and have them check it out.
Darron: No, if Laura is there and she feels threatened, there is no telling what she will do to Crystal. Just call Romain and tell him to meet me there!
Taneia: All right and Darron . . .
Darron: (he turns back) What?
Taneia: Be careful!
Darron: Thanks! Stay by the phone.  If me or Romain don't call in an hour, then phone the cops.

Shanna: I am not a cop.  I couldn't tell them to keep looking for Terrell's killer. It took me awhile to accept that Terrell was dead. You do not know the things I did to make sure his killer was found!
Ben: You shouldn't have to make sure!
Shanna: I wanted to find Terrell's killer and make them suffer just like I was!
Ben: You really loved him.
Shanna: Of course I did, otherwise , wouldn't have married him.
Ben: Do you still love Terrell even now?

Camille: You! What do you want?
Malina: I would like to have a word or a couple words with you!
Camille: What is this about?
Malina: I know exactly what you have been doing!

***Camille: Doing?
Malina: I know you are the one who has been stalking my like a poacher!
Camille: (laughs) Do you really think I have nothing better to do than follow you in isolated woods?
Malina: I never said I was being followed in the woods. How would you know that if you weren't the culprit herself?

Shanna: A part of me will always love Terrell, but he is dead and it is you that I love now.
Ben: Then I guess it shouldn't bother you for what I am about to do!
Shanna: What are you about to do?
Ben: I think the only way for you to receive closure for Terrell's death is for us to go back to where he died and find the killer.
Shanna: No, you must never do that!

Dana: I told you my cards never lie, something big is coming.
Ralph: You had better hope not because I've seen how protective Royce is of his sister.
Dana: So?
Ralph: If this stranger arrival hurts Samantha in any way and has something to do with Brock.  I am almost certain that Royce would kill him.

***Brock: Okay, What is going on back here?
Dana: What do you mean?
Brock: You and my brother have been conversing in the back during the whole wedding, what's up?

Romain: Any plans of how we are going to get in here without setting off Laura?
Darron: Yeah, I thought you could go in first. I mean, the women does have a thing for you or did.  Maybe you could reach the more sane part of her.
Romain: I don't think there is a sane bone in that woman's body. We are not sure that Laura is even in there, so I say we just walk in. Besides, we're two guys against one woman.
Darron: Okay, lets go tough guy!

Camille: Has anyone ever told you that goody two shoes bore real easy.
Malina: Your bad side didn't win over with you husband.  By the way, where is he? Maybe he was sick and tired of seeing your lying face.
Camille: He's at work.
Malina: Same thing!
Camille: Oh you make me so sick with your sanctimonious aura, you should have died in that car wreck.
Malina: Now, how would you know I was in a car wreck?
Camille: Maybe because I was the one who tampered with your brakes!

***Malina: Thank you for confirming my suspicions. I figure it was you.  You realized I was going to the cops and you feared being traced to the random attacks.
Camille: Your brilliancy is overwhelming!
Malina: You are pathetic, your life is that meaningless that you have to think of ways to terrorize me. If trashing my house wasn't enough, you sabotaged my car.
Camille: Though I would love to take credit, I never trashed your house!

Dana: Nothing, me and Ralph were just discussing the future!
Brock: Yeah, I know you guys have got to be getting back home. So you probably won't be able to attend the reception.
Ralph: Actually my stay will be extended here a little while longer.  I am going to be working at that new international firm.
Dana: There are some things I must see through before I leave as well!
Brock: I hope one of those things don't involve pursuing our new found brother-in-law.

Ben: Why don't you want to go back to New Orleans?
Shanna: There are just things there left better unseen!
Ben: Is there someone or something in New Orleans you do not want me to see?

Receptionist: The phone's for you!
Taneia: Romain? Darron?
Women: Sorry ma'am.  Is this Taneia Ralston?
Taneia: Yes, who is this?
Women: Your restaurant is on fire. I have to go, the cops want to ask me more questions.
Taneia: Wait! (receiver hung up) Damn!  Excuse me, when my friends calls, can you tell them I had to head back to Hallandale.
Receptionist: Sure.
Taneia: Thank you!

Romain: No one's here.
Darron: Wait, oh my god.  Its Crystal.  Oh man, she has lost a lot of blood.
Romain: I am going to call an ambulance!
Darron: We don't have time for that.  If we don't move now, she will die!

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