And Now, "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

***Widlin: I cannot believe that Michelle's husband is dead!
Shaquanna: Yeah, it is a tragedy.
Widlin: They seem so happy and in love in those pictures you took.
Shaquanna: Her heart must be breaking now.

Michelle: (glancing at a picture of her and Kasey, her eyes weld up with tears) Why did this have to happen? Oh god, why did you have to take my husband?
Danielle: Michelle, honey what is wrong? What happened to Kasey?
Michelle: He's dead! (crying) My husband is dead!

Malina: Why are you denying that, you admitted your guilt to everything else.
Camille: Exactly.  So why would I deny doing this? I think you have a real stalker on your hands and I hope he catches you.
Malina: No, the only stalker here is you!
Camille: Get out!
Malina: My pleasure.  (outside the door) Now you will suffer the fate that you put unto my friend.

(theme song)

***Camille: That woman is so self-righteous!  Something, however, did not seem right about the way she was acting. What is she up to?
Malina: Well Camille, now the fun begins!
Man: (speaking on phone) I have the target in sight, she does not have a clue that I am tracking her.

Shanna: My husband died 5 years ago.  I don't see any reason to go and dredge up the past.
Ben: Why do I think there is much more to your husband's death than you are telling me?
Shanna: Your mind is a little to mysterious for someone who is a mechanic.
Ben: I just find your behavior these last couple of days most troubling!

Taneia: Hello?  My restaurant isn't on fire, what the hell is going on? (power cuts off)
Taneia: Oh, that is just fantastic, I better go check the electric box.
Laura: That won't be necessary, the electric box has been disabled indefinitely.

***Danielle: Brett, could you go get her a glass of water from the kitchen?
Brett: Sure, I will be right back!
Danielle: Michelle, what is going on?  What happened to Kasey?
Michelle: (distraught) Havent you been listening, Kasey is dead! (hitting on Danielle) He's gone and he's never coming back.

Alfonso: I don't understand why any of this happened. I mean, who was shooting, why were they shooting, who were they aiming for?
Widlin: I have no idea.  I mean, bullets were just flying and next thing I know you are pulling me down.
Alfonso: I know that it is not going to rest well with Michelle until the killer pays for what he did to her husband, I would do the same thing!
Shaquanna: I just don't understand how anyone can take a life and be able to look at themselves in the mirror every morning?

Shanna: What is that supposed to mean?
Ben: For starters, that stupid unnecessary argument that you had with Jessica.  I mean, what was going through your mind. Then you actually said you could kill her just because you felt she was not showing you enough gratitude.
Shanna: It was a figure of speech, I was upset!
Ben: No, you clearly said you meant it literally. If I did not know and love you so much, I would have thought you very well could have.
Shanna: I don't think the argument with Jessica is what this is really about.  You think I killed my husband!

***Malina: Everything went according to plan.
Anton: You got her to admit to everything.
Malina: Everything except trashing my house, but that is enough to begin phase two of my plan for bringing Camille down to her knees.

Widlin: There are some cases where people have no choice but to take another life.
Alfonso: Yeah, but I see where Shaquanna is coming from. I mean, people used the term self-defense all the time to justify taking another life, but does it take away the guilt or make that life more worthless?
Widlin: I wouldn't know.  I have never been in that kind of situation.
Shaquanna: You seem familiar enough with it to bring it up. Do you know someone who killed to protect themselves in the name of self-defense?

Danielle: Brett! (calls his name from the couch, then turns back to her sister) Please calm down.  I was listening and I was just wondering how exactly did he die.
Michelle: What does that matter?  It doesn't make the pain any less.
Brett: Here's that glass and I got some tranquilizers.
Danielle: Good, I think she really needs some rest right now. Anything that will take her mind off what is happening. Michelle, heres your glass of water and these will help you rest.
Brett: It will only be much worse in the morning, eventually your sister is going to have to face her life without her husband.

Taneia: My god, are you everywhere?
Laura: Just the places no one expects me of coming to. I mean, I just couldn't as well get to you as I did to Crystal without being seen.
Taneia: It was you, you called me to lure me back here claiming my restaurant was on fire.
Laura: Yeah, you see my life was going just fine until you and your slut of a partner decided to make your way into it.
Taneia: You did that all on your own.
Laura: Now you see, that is the kind of self-righteousness that I hate. Crystal had it and so do you.
Taneia: What do you mean had it?
Laura: Past tense.  Crystal's dead!

***Ben: You seem to be the one with all the questions, you tell me Shanna?
Shanna: I cannot believe you can look me in the face and ask me that. I am your wife, the one you swore to love and cherish.
Ben: I have kept my vows.  You have not had the same track record.  I mean, I don't find out that you were previously married until you and Jessica get into this heated argument.
Shanna: I wasn't trying to hide that from you.  The subject never came up and therefore I never discussed it.
Ben: We are married, I think that I should have known that you were married before regardless of whether I asked or not.  When marriages began to hold secrets, it makes me start wondering if you are trying to cover up something that you dont want me to know.

Widlin: Sorry to disappoint you, but no. I just heard a lot about self-defense killing and I could understand where the person is coming from.
Shaquanna: What I think we need to do for Michelle's sake is think of who at the party the killer may have been gunning for.
Alfonso: Huh.  Maybe it was that women who nearly knocked you over trying to get off the boat.
Widlin: Yeah, I did get a weird feeling from that women. I know I have seen her somewhere before, I just cannot place where!

Taneia: You're lying, there is no way that Crystal is dead. I am sure that Romain and Darron got to the mines in time to save her.
Laura: I wouldn't bet my life on it.  Even if by some stroke of genius Darron and Romain found Crystal, she would be long dead by now.
Taneia: What is your problem?
Laura: You want to know what my problem is? Your best friend slept with my sister's husband and killed her and her unborn child in the process.  She then goes on with her life as if nothing happened. Years later, I find she is here acting like little miss innocent when her past speaks for itself.
Taneia: So all this pain and misery is just for some silly notion of avenging you sister's death.

***Laura: You're pretty smart for someone who owns a restaurant.
Taneia: (grabbing more further for the crowbar) You think you can go around killing people and you will not pay for your crimes.
Laura: I realize that it doesn't matter, as long as I get my revenge on you and Crystal, it will all be worth it.
Taneia: What have I really done that has hurt you?
Laura: You are the reason this has all been unleased you stupid... (Taneia hit her over the head with the crowbar and runs out of the restaurant)

Danielle: It looks like my sister will not be of that much help after all.
Brett: Its okay.  I appreciate you trying to help me though.
Danielle: So do you know what you are going to do?
Brett: I know what I have to do.  I need to go back to Coral Springs and end all ties with this woman before its too late.

Shanna: This conversation is pointless, Terrell's death was too painful to bring up. If I told you about Terrell, then I would have to open up old wounds I tried to forget.
Ben: I could have help you get through it, we could have work through his death instead of covering it up.
Shanna: I am not trying to cover up anything!
Ben: Yet, you still managed to keep dodging my question.

Anton: Whoa, That tape could destroy Camille. I just dont understand why she denied being the one that trashed your home.
Malina: She was hoping to get me all freaked out that maybe someone else is after me.
Anton: What if she is right? What if someone else is stalking you?
Man: (talking on telephone) We have trouble.  It seems they could be turning their suspicions off the woman. We need to decide what our next move will be.

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