Previously on "The Mysteries of Our Lives"

ø Samantha became increasingly suspicious of Dr. Daniel Mayfield after his car stalled on their way to the Azalea Garden, thwarting her efforts to get the antidote for the Blackadder36 virus. (~)

ø After a messy break-up from her boyfriend, Garrett Michaels jumped feet first into the opportunity to model for Nichols' Beauticon. Shaquanna hoped the new campaign would generate positive buzz for her agency. (~)

ø With encouragement from Garrett, Brian confessed to Jennifer that he was in love with her. Unfortunately, she did not return his feelings, and hoped they could remain friends. Brian was not sure he could just slip back into that role, and asked that she give him time to process where they stood. (~)

ø After a heartfelt conversation with his daughter, Alexander re-examined the nature of his estranged relationship with Kyle. Seeing his son's engagement celebration as a perfect opportunity to make inroads, he crashed the festivities and made a plea to him for a second chance.

***"Yes, this is Daniel Mayfield." He addresses the mechanic over the phone, oblivious to the bathroom door swinging open as a freshly cleaned Samantha returns to the small sleeping quarters they were forced to share last night. She was thankful the room came with a rollout sofabed, saving her from having to share a bed with a man that was not her husband, nor one she particularly trusted.

Although there was a silver lining to the arrangement that she didn't realize at the time: she was now privy to his every move. Even more so, his every word.

"I was told my car was towed to your shop early this morning," explains Daniel. "It is a silver Nisaan Sentra."

She moves in closer, but she was not sure she would get all she needed by watching him lead the narrative.

"Any idea when it will be ready?" He asks. "Oh, that's--" His words are clipped when the phone is unexpectedly snatched from his hand.

"Hi, this is Mr. Mayfield's sister." She acknowledges to the mechanic, cutting a scathing glance at Daniel. "I just want to confirm that the issue .with the car is not serious. My brother and I have an important trip," she stresses.

Daniel, still feeling the sting of her prying the phone from his hand, is mildly amused by her performance. The mechanic confirms that his car battery was drained, and due for service. She thanks him before handing the phone back to Daniel.

"Satisfied?" He shoots back at her, placing his hand over the phone receiver.

"Far from it," she retorts.

(<- Cypress Gardens Plaza ->)

With the cameras flashing on a new summer day in Hallandale, Garrett Michaels sits along a bench, modeling a new navy blue suit jacket with matching skirt. Complimenting her suit is a silky white blouse with the two top-most buttons left undone. While it was far from her usual choice of attire, she did feel at ease under the gaze of the photographer's lens.

Malina Ramirez, who is observing the shoot with her colleague and Garrett's agent, Shaquanna Nichols, notices that they have attracted some joggers out on their morning run in the area. A trio of frat boys are particularly loud and obnoxious as Garrett works through her routine.

"It looks like our star model is bringing
Malina: (looking on at the hanging mouths of the teen boys that have crowded the park) It seems our star model has attracted quite the audience.
Shaquanna: Yeah, I’ll say. This liberation thing might just sell after all.
Malina: Not might, it will. Garrettlyn is a natural.
Photographer: Perfect. (he eats up her naughty smile with his lenses, capturing every moment as she caresses her lips with the tip of her fingers. The sun appears to heighten her movements as she finds herself propping her legs on the bench and then leaning backward to grab her water bottle from the ground, which in turn causes her skirt to slide slightly down her legs. She doesn’t pay it any mind, proceeding to sprinkle tiny drops of water over her face. She towers her head back, arching every curve of her neck as the drops that don’t instantly dry begin to roll back into her hair. She then showers it with a 1/3 of the contents from her water bottle, coming up slowly as more snaps are captured. Escaping the eye of her camera lenses, she meets the glance of oncoming Romeo Sullivan, who stops his morning jog to take note of the scene. As she and Romeo realize they have spied the other, neither seems to break away)

(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Dylan: (as the sound of his ancient doorbell sounds, Dylan quickly proceeds down the rest of the stairs to answer the door. To his surprise, it is the blonde waitress he met a while back at Crypress Gardens) Hello!  How can I do you? (Nia’s right eyebrow raises as Dylan quickly realizes what he allowed to slip) I mean, how I can help you?
Nia: (letting the moment pass) I’m here to see Jennifer.
Dylan: Ah.  She’s upstairs, but you’re free to come in and wait if you like.
Nia: (she helps herself into the mansion ¼ of the way, then turns back to Dylan as he closes the door) Do you know how long she is going to be?
Dylan: She shouldn’t be too long.  She just had to make a private call.  Go ahead and take a seat. (he points to the couch, which she glances at wearily for a second, but nonetheless, goes and makes herself comfortable. Dylan makes his way around the couch to the other end and takes a seat) So, how do you know Jennifer?
Nia: We’re old friends.  Our parents knew each other back in the day.
Dylan: Well, it’s nice that you both have remained so close.
Nia: Yeah, it is. (their attention is averted to the sound of footsteps proceeding down the staircase, belonging to none other than Jennifer)
Jennifer: (standing on the last step) Nia.
Nia: Hey girl. (she goes over to hug to Jennifer)
Dylan: I guess that’s my cue to leave. (he says, taking the back route through the kitchen so that he doesn’t intrude on their moment)
Nia: (breaking the embrace) So what’s going on?
Jennifer:  What isn’t?  My life has become one big complication.

(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: Hotel Lobby ->)
Samantha: (stepping off the elevator, she finds herself in the hall leading to the lobby. As she paces closer to the lobby and hotel entrances, she continues forward as her senses become aroused by the smell of blueberry muffins and orange juice. Lo and behold, that is exactly what is being served in the continental area.) Well, I might as well have some breakfast while I’m here. (As she heads over and grabs a plate, an elderly woman who is sitting down, eyes Samantha rather strangely before getting up and walking over. The elderly woman is probably in her favorable late 60s and about a few inches shorter than Samantha. When the woman manages to extend her hand to grasp Samantha’s shoulder, it freaks her out for an instant, but her eyes eventually come upon what she perceives as a nice old lady) Hi, do you need something?
Madame Isabel: You’re Samantha Lombard.
Samantha: (smiles absent-mindedly) Yes, but how do you know that?
Madame Isabel: I know a lot of things deary, but there is no time for that.  I’m here to warn you.
Samantha: Warn me?
Madame Isabel: You are headed for grave danger, my dear. “Grave danger.” (the chilly words bring color to the wrinkles in her face)

Widlin: (waltzing into his office) You know, we really have to stop meeting like this. (her tone dissipates as she gets a good look around his office)
Alexander: (staring out the window that overlooks his office) Well, I knew you’d be interested in knowing what happened last night.
Widlin: Last night?  What is going on father?  And why is there a photo of me and Kyle on your wall?  Even more so, how did you get your hands on them?
Alexander: (turning from the window, he makes casual steps around his desk) Widlin, you know me better than that.  When I want something, I find a way. (Alexander gives her a cocky grin which she responds by backing away a little with an aggrieved sigh)

(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Photographer: (Garrett and Romeo’s eyes lock for one more second before Romeo cuts the glare and continues with his jog, Garrett then turns back to her adorning audience and pleased photographer) Perfect, just perfect. I think that does it for today. (Garrett’s instant fan base lets out cries of disappointment)
Malina: (circles the crowd and shouts among them about their spring debut due in a week) Hey, this is just a warm-up people. (she hands each of the individuals a flyer as she continues) The real show is only seven days from now and our magnificent model, Garrettlyn Michaels, will be there. The question is will you be.
Teen #1: (glancing at the flyer Malina just handed him) Oh man. Our parents are never going to let us go to a fashion show.
Teen #2: I know. This bites. (the two boys walk off as they notice some of the crowd leaving. Malina, meanwhile, continues distributing the rest of the flyers, ending with a dark-haired man in his mid- 30’s.)
Morgan: (taking the flyer from Malina’s hand, he quickly drives a conversation) This is a great concept your agency is working with. I thought H&B might be giving you guys a run for your money, but after what I saw today, I think I might have been mistaken.
Malina: You’re damn right you were, but I’m glad we were able to leave a more positive impression. Nichols’ Beauticon certainly isn’t one to back away from a fight and we believe in what our campaign “Liberation” is trying to achieve. (Shaquanna, who took a moment away from consulting with her photographer, is delighted to hear how proudly Malina speaks of their name)
Morgan:  With the passion you speak, I can understand why.
Malina:  Thank you.  So what has sparked your interest in our competition?  Are you in the fashion business?
Morgan:  You could say.  I’m just naturally gravitated to the sight of good business skills. (extends his hand) Morgan Hysterias.
Malina: Oh.  (places the flyer under her right arm, and then extends her hand to ignite the handshake) Malina Ramirez.
Morgan:  Pleasure, Ms. Ramirez.

(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Nia: (taking a seat next to Jennifer on the couch. A few seconds into their conversation, Jennifer lifts her head from her lap, but doesn’t look toward Nia just yet) So what’s going on? Last we spoke, you had some soul searching to do.
Jennifer:  Not sure I got very far. (mentally beating herself up about it) I ended up sleeping with Romeo again.
Nia:  Oh.
Jennifer:  I know.  It was bigger than me, I couldn’t stop it and don’t you dare say it. (she glares at her, knowing her friend’s guilty mind)
Nia:  Hey, I didn’t say anything.
Jennifer: (she grins) But you’re thinking it.
Nia:   If you know I’m thinking it, then it must be true.
Jennifer:  Why do you always say that?
Nia:  Because I’m your friend and I want to help you.  I can’t do that if I keep you from seeing what’s right in front of your eyes, honey.  As much as it pains both of us to admit, you’re not over Romeo Sullivan.

***Samantha:  Who are you?
Madame Isabel:  I’m Madame Isabel.  I’m what you call a fortuneteller and I’m afraid you’re in grave danger, my dear.
Samantha:  I’m sorry, but I’m not buying. (she takes her muffin and orange juice and successfully bypasses the woman, but the next words from the teller’s mouth stop her dead in tracks)
Madame Isabel:  This is no ploy.  You mustn’t go near that garden.
Samantha: (turning to the woman) How do you know –
Madame Isabel: (completing Samantha’s question) about the Azalea Garden?  I know and see a lot, my child. (she approaches Samantha closer, giving her words more weight) I know that you feel a huge weight to solve this problem back home, but it is a mistake.  It is a grave mistake.

(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts: Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Jennifer:  So what do I do now, Nia?
Nia:  Kiss, make love some more.
Jennifer:  Come on, be serious.
Nia:  Who’s to say I wasn’t?  You have hot, sexy bachelors practically swooning around you. Romeo, Brian, that nice hunky boarder that was here earlier.
Jennifer:  Hunky boarder?  Oh, you must be talking about Dylan.  I guess he is kind of a babe.
Nia: (the color in her face begins to diminish) You’re not telling me the guy here earlier was the same Dylan that –
Jennifer: The one and only.

(<- Past Revelations Chronicle ->)
Widlin:  Yes, father.  Everyone in this town knows not to underestimate you when it comes to getting what you want.  Of course, I mistakenly assumed I was exempt from your ruthless nature – that was until you single-handedly destroyed my relationship with Darron.
Alexander:  Darron Wolek did not deserve you in the first place.  The way things ended between you should make that utterly obvious.
Widlin: (turns away from his gloating) I didn’t come here to argue about this with you.  What do you want?
Alexander:  How about my daughter back?


Widlin:  I couldn’t have possibly heard you right? You want me back?
Alexander:  I realize that I hurt you when I told Darron the truth about our little agreement, but I was acting out of your best interest.  I was doing what fathers do.  Please don’t hold that against me.
Widlin: (she lightly squint her eyes, her mind rotating around this huge question mark) What is this?  Where is this all coming from?
Alexander: This is me taking your advice to heart and grabbing hold of the bigger picture, and that’s family.  That’s why I went to Kyle last night to try to make peace -- (her words cut in)
Widlin:  “Oh, I bet that went over well.”
Alexander:  Admittedly, Kyle was in shock, but in time, he will hopefully come to realize that I’m serious about starting over.  After all, I have another baby girl or boy out there, and I want her to know her blood without there being any bad blood between us.
Widlin: (her tone hard and firm) Well father, it’s going to be a little hard for you to mop up all the blood you’ve poisoned.

(<- Preston Powers Mansion ->)
Nia:  Oh, I think I’m going to be sick.
Jennifer:  Be sick later.  How am I supposed to deal with Romeo?
Nia: (responding half seriously, Jennifer notes her sarcasm) “Slowly would be ideal.” (Jennifer feigns amusement with a stifled grin) You need to take control of the relationship, don’t wait for Romeo to come to you or he gets the upper hand.
Jennifer: (after giving the idea sometime to invade her processes) You’re right.  Romeo has definitely been taking the bull by the horn since he arrived in Hallandale.  Now if only I could figure out what to do about Brian.
Nia:  What about Brian?
Jennifer:  Uhh… nothing. (she attempts to cover, but Nia sees through her dodgy speak)
Nia:  Come on, girl.  Spill.
Jennifer:  All right, but you can’t tell anyone.
Nia: (inquiring excitably) Who am I going to tell?  You’re the only person I actually know in this town.
Jennifer:  Right.  Well, Brian came to me last night and finally explained to me why he has been so upset about me and Romeo.  You’re not going to believe this, but he thinks he is in love with me.
Nia:  Duh. (her quick remark leaves Jennifer even more baffled)

(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Malina:  So, can I expect to see you at our spring show next week?
Morgan:  I’m a busy man, Ms. Ramirez.  But I will see what I can maneuver.
Malina:  You seem like a man who is very good at maneuvering.
Shaquanna: (jumping into their conversation) Hey, what’s going on over here?
Malina:  Oh Shaquanna, glad you could join us.  Mr. Hysterias, meet the real brains behind Nichols’ Beauticon -- Shaquanna Nichols.  Shaquanna, meet Morgan.
Morgan: (shakes her hand) How do you do?
Shaquanna:  Very well.  Thank you.
Malina: (explains to Shaquanna, while eyeing Morgan on the occasion) Mr. Hysterias here, has been paying very close attention to our modeling war with H&B.
Shaquanna:  Ah.  What did you think of our star model’s session?
Morgan:  I thought it was great.  She definitely was the ideal picture of free.  It should be interesting to see your concept of liberation run up against H&B’s concept of romance.
Malina:  That sounds like you’re leaning toward a yes.
Shaquanna:  Yes, for what?
Malina:  Oh, his invitation to our show. (Morgan’s cell goes off, prompting him to remove it from his pocket and take a look at the LCD display that pops up the caller information)
Morgan: (clasp his cell phone in his hand, holding it slightly below his ear) This is a business call I’ve been waiting for.
Malina:  No problem. It was nice chatting with you.
Morgan: (focusing his gaze on Malina before taking note of Shaquanna’s presence) Same here.  You both enjoy the rest of your day. (he paces off, answering his call shortly after departing)
Shaquanna: (watching as he leaves through the gates of the park) Handsome devil, isn’t he?
Malina:  What?
Shaquanna: (averting her attention to Malina) Well, don’t pretend you didn’t notice.

(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: Hotel Lobby ->)
Samantha:  Your friend Daniel has already tried this on me. It isn’t working.
Madame Isabel:  This is not a scam, my dear.  You are headed for danger.  Stay away from that doctor and even further from the Azalea Garden.
Samantha:  Nice try, but you can tell Daniel that he should quit trying while he’s ahead. (Samantha goes to sit down at a vacant seat, but her remarks do little to deter her psychic friend, who grabs the vacant seat on the other end)
Madame Isabel:  You are right not trust this Daniel character, my dear.  He will cause you irrevocable harm.  But trust and heed my words, do not go to the Azalea Garden with Daniel.

***Jennifer:  Are you saying you knew how Brian felt?
Nia:  The real mystery is how come you didn’t.  Strong protective friend, always there when you need him, I think it was pretty obvious what was going on.
Jennifer:  Well, perhaps you should have clued me in.
Nia:  But what fun would that have been?  Besides, you had enough on your plate with Romeo.
Jennifer:  Oh god.  How did my life become so complicated? (Jennifer tucks her head in her lap as Nia gives her a comforting rub on the back)

(<- Garden Ridges Park ->)
Malina:  All right, I notice.  But I’m also happily involved with Anton.
Shaquanna:  Doesn’t mean you’re the ice princess.  Besides, there’s no ring on your finger or his [meaning Morgan] for that matter.
Malina: (finds herself glancing at her finger) Are you suggesting I play the field?
Shaquanna:  Could be fun.
Malina:  It’s not really my style.  Besides, I’m happy with the current state of my romantic deployments.
Shaquanna:  Well, far be it from me to suggest anything that conflicts with that. (She concludes, leaving Malina alone to her thoughts)

(<- Springfield, Massachusetts: Hotel Lobby ->)
Daniel: (walking into the lobby, he looks around, but can not find any sign of Samantha. Walking up to the reservations desk, he ask the guy on duty last night if he has seen Samantha) Hey, do you remember the lady I came here with last night? (the man shakes his head in agreement) Do you know where I can find her?
Man:  She left a few minutes ago.
Daniel:  What do you mean, she left?
Man:  She left, pretty soon after her companion did.
Daniel:  Companion? Did they leave together?
Man: I really don’t know, sir. (he concludes, walking over toward a woman who has arrive at the desk)
Daniel: (backing away from the desk, he goes toward the sliding entrance/exit doors and peers outside, but he doesn’t see what he is looking for and turns back toward the lobby, thinking aloud to himself) Where the hell did you go?
Samantha: (hopping in the man’s truck) Thanks for the ride. (she puts on her seatbelt and looks out the window as the truck begins to move) Look out azaleas, here I come.

(<- Hallandale, Massachusetts: Past Revelations Chronicle ->)
Alexander:   I know that it is going to take a lot more than words to make up for the pain that I have caused, especially where Kyle is concerned.  But I was hoping that my daughter, who has stuck by with me for all these years, would be the first to accept the olive branch.
Widlin: (she makes a light sigh, turning her face away as her hand delicately touches her cheek) I can’t believe that you’re doing this to me.
Alexander: (approaching her closley, although she still keeps her face concealed from his view) You realize that I’m right. That we are nothing apart.
Widlin: (she turns to him, with a deadly stare in the eye) All right, Dad.  I will give you one more chance.  I suggest you don’t blow it. (with that said, she grabs her belongings and leaves)
Alexander: (walking back over to his chair, he reclines backward in it, taking a piece paper from his desk, crumpling it and then tossing it in the trash can) One down, one more to go.

Akeira, Romain, and Malina

- Akeira wants to where where her husband and Sandy Reynolds stand;
- Shaquanna is no longer able to keep her plans concealed from Malina;
- Romain makes a move on Sandy.


Closing Credits

Click here for Episode 290