Title Card

  • Created by: Ty Junior
  • Genre: Drama; Mystery
  • Starring: See Cast List
  • Style: Narrative Prose
  • Status: Active; Re-Runs
  • Run-Time: Monthly

Past Characters

Who's Who in Hallandale, MA!

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Main Characters

Lucien Cane-Mieraves

Billy Clyde

Rochelle Desmores

Dr. Robin Elkasinogen

Derek Guittierrez

Royce Keller

Danielle Marquez

Alexander Pierre

Matthew Pryce

Kyle Sharrington

Romeo Sullivan

Dr. Romain Chandler

Akeira Desmores

Lacreasha Dupree

Jennifer Everestt

Shalia Guittierrez

Brock Lombard

Anton McCloud

Widlin Pierre

Malina Ramirez

Juliet Staggerfield

Evelin Vasquez

Dr. Jessica Chappell

Mitchell Desmores

Dr. Jay Elkasnogen

Brian Fieldings

Shanna Hemmings

Dana Lombard

Crystal Perez

Earl Pryce

Sandy Reynolds

Andrew Stokes

Darron Wolek